Hendrik Hoppesak
Hendrik was born on August 24th, 1731 in
Leiden and his baptism took place there on August 24th, 1731.
Birth Notes
Getuige Johannes Hoppesak
Getuige Katrina Hellemis
Archiefnr 1004
Inventarisnummer 228
Inventaris beginjaar 1725
Inventaris eindjaar 1740
Johannes Hoppesak
Johannes was born on July 3rd, 1735 in
Leiden and his baptism took place there on July 3rd, 1735.
Birth Notes
Getuige Johannes Hoppesak
Getuige Catrina Hellemis
Archiefnr 1004
Inventarisnummer 262
Inventaris beginjaar 1714
Inventaris eindjaar 1737