- A - (9 Families, 49 Individuals)
Abramson (1), Ahern (4), Akin (21), Alexander (4), Amundson (3), Andersdotter (1), Anderson (10), Arndt (1), Atkins (4)
- B - (13 Families, 46 Individuals)
Banks (1), Barr (1), Bennett (1), Bergman (8), Berndt (5), Blackwood (1), Blazejak (4), Blum (3), Bobo (1), Bratland (15), Bratvold (3), Bronson (2), Burgess (1)
- C - (7 Families, 17 Individuals)
Chambard (5), Chapman (2), Christensen (2), Christensen Hendersen (1), Ciotti (1), Corniea (3), Coveau (3)
- D - (4 Families, 6 Individuals)
Dallas (1), Dobosenski-Larson (1), Dronen (1), Dubey (3)
- E - (2 Families, 2 Individuals)
Economos (1), Eellsof (1)
- F - (5 Families, 7 Individuals)
Faulkner (1), Feist (1), Flanders (1), Foley (1), Forestblaud (3)
- G - (7 Families, 65 Individuals)
Garret (1), Gerholt (1), Glidden (1), Glienke (1), Grandstrom-Arndt (3), Gustafson (53), Gydersen (5)
- H - (12 Families, 44 Individuals)
Hagadorn (6), Halvorsen (1), Hansen (17), Hansen-Ankersen (3), Harrington (3), Hartland (1), Havisland (1), Henderson (1), Herman (2), Herzog (1), Hoggy (7), Hoseth (1)
- J - (6 Families, 48 Individuals)
Jensen (3), Jessen (8), Johnson (19), Jones (1), Jorgensen (1), Juenemann (16)
- K - (4 Families, 6 Individuals)
Kessel (1), Keuten (3), Kostrunek (1), Krownberg (1)
- L - (3 Families, 36 Individuals)
Lambert (1), Larson (4), Lindeen (31)
- M - (8 Families, 21 Individuals)
Mace (1), Magnuson (1), Maloy (3), Miller (1), Molloy (5), Moran (1), Motto (4), Mowers (5)
- N - (4 Families, 4 Individuals)
Nancy (1), Nelson (1), Novak (1), Nyline (1)
- O - (3 Families, 8 Individuals)
Olds (1), Olson (5), Oquist (2)
- P - (7 Families, 16 Individuals)
Parker (5), Pertilla (1), Peterson (1), Phillips (6), Ploeger (1), Plunkett (1), Proffitt (1)
- Q - (1 Family, 2 Individuals)
Quitscriber (2)
- R - (8 Families, 14 Individuals)
Rabe (1), Reischl (1), Riley (1), Romanowski (3), Romine (1), Rosendahl (1), Roy (3), Rudrud (3)
- S - (10 Families, 29 Individuals)
Saloka (1), Schmidt (5), Sears (7), Senter (4), Siemers (1), Storebo (1), Stradal (1), Suihkonen (3), Swanson (1), Sylvester (5)
- T - (3 Families, 5 Individuals)
Thompson (3), Thomsen (1), Tippy (1)
- U - (1 Family, 2 Individuals)
unknown (2)
- V - (4 Families, 21 Individuals)
VanDerSchaegen (1), VanHalbeck (1), Volk (2), Vork (17)
- W - (10 Families, 40 Individuals)
Waage (3), Walrath (10), Wellnitz (9), Wells (1), Wichner (1), Wierup (4), Winters (2), Witte (8), Wong (1), Workman (1)
- Y - (2 Families, 2 Individuals)
Yokum (1), Youngkrantz (1)
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