Family Chaim  Juszk Niedzwiecki & Sora  Judelevha Robikov  Click to view Chaim  Juszk Niedzwiecki & Sora  Judelevha Robikov  in the family tree Click to view Chaim  Juszk Niedzwiecki & Sora  Judelevha Robikov  in the family tree in SVG format

They had five sons and four daughters, named Jankiel , Eli, Arnold, Layzer, Munja, Zenja, Rachel, Melwina and Ida.

Male Chaim  Juszk Niedzwiecki
Chaim  was born in 1883 in Yedvebne, Lomza Gub., Poland.  He died at the age of 64 in 1947.

Female Sora  Judelevha Robikov 
Sora  was born in 1884.  Sora  is no longer alive.


Male Jankiel  Mordechaj Niedzwiecki
Jankiel  was born on January 19th, 1908 in Radzilow, Lomza Gub., Poland.  He died at the age of 31 on January 18th, 1940.

Male Eljasz (Eli) Niedzwiecki
Eljasz, known as Eli, was born on May 15th, 1910 in Radzilow, Lomza Gub., Poland.  He died at the age of 79 in 1989.

Male Avraham (Arnold) Niedzwiecki
Avraham, known as Arnold, was born in 1912.  He died at the age of 77 in 1989.

Female Sheyndel (Zenja) Niedzwiecka
Sheyndel, known as Zenja, was born in 1914.  She died at the age of 75 in 1989.

Female Rochel (Rachel) Gita Niedzwiecka
Rochel, known as Rachel, was born in 1915.

Female Malka (Melwina) Niedzwiecka
Malka, known as Melwina, was born in 1917.  She died at the age of 64 in 1981.

Male Layzer Niedzwiecki
Layzer was born in 1922.  He died at the age of 76 in 1998.

Male Shmuel (Munja) Lajble Niedzwiecki
Shmuel, known as Munja, was born in 1923.

Female Ida Niedzwiecka
Ida was born in 1927.

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