Family Abraham Czerwinski (Sherwin) & Katie Zarzecki (Goldberg) Click to view Abraham Czerwinski (Sherwin) & Katie Zarzecki (Goldberg) in the family tree Click to view Abraham Czerwinski (Sherwin) & Katie Zarzecki (Goldberg) in the family tree in SVG format

Abraham and Katie were married.  They had four sons and four daughters, named Lou, Joe, Ben, Solomon, Sara, Frieda, Jean and Katie.

Male Abraham Czerwinski (Sherwin)
Abraham was born in 1880 in Radzilow, Lomza Gub., Poland.  He died at the age of 74 on April 23rd, 1954 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

Female Katie Zarzecki (Goldberg)
She died in 1929 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.


Female Sara Sherwin (Blum)
Sara was born in 1908.  She died at the age of 89 in 1997.

Female Frieda Sherwin
Frieda was born in 1909 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.  She died at the age of 65 in 1974.

Male Louis (Lou) Sherwin
Louis, known as Lou, was born in 1911 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.  He died at the age of 78 in 1989 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

Female Jean Sherwin (Tetalmen)
Jean was born in 1913 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.  She died at the age of 92 on October 18th, 2005 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

Male Joseph (Joe) Sherwin
Joseph, known as Joe, was born in 1915.  He died at the age of 79 in 1994.

Male Benjamin (Ben) Sherwin
Benjamin, known as Ben, was born in 1918 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.  He died at the age of 63 on January 28th, 1981 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

Male Solomon Sherwin
Solomon was born in 1920 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

Female Katie Sherwin (Frieder)
Katie was born in 1929 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

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