- A - (12 Families, 19 Individuals)
Abram (1), Adkinson (1), Aggar (1), Andrews (5), Andrieszen (1), Artois (1), Ashe (1), Astwood (1), Atkinson (2), Auckland (1), Axstyl (1), Axtell (3)
- B - (25 Families, 89 Individuals)
Baldwin (1), Barker (4), Barrett (3), Bartlett (2), Bassett (3), Bate (1), Bechyng (1), Beecher (1), Benham (11), Bennet (3), Bennett (1), Berenger (1), Berkeley (5), Berry (1), Birdsall (5), Blakeslee (15), Blundell (1), Bohun (1), Bond (4), Bondrib (Bendrib) (1), Bos (Ros?) (1), Brown (2), Browning (1), Bryan (3), Buck (17)
- C - (29 Families, 178 Individuals)
Canfield (8), Caradog (4), Castell (2), Castle (3), Cathcart (1), Cathron (1), Charles (1), Chaworth (1), Chervell (1), Child (1), Choke (2), Christian (1), Churchman (2), Clarke (1), Cole (2), Coleman (29), Collins (2), Conwy (1), Cook (34), Cooke (11), Corey (21), Cornwall (3), Cory (13), Cosford (2), Crane (1), Cranfield (1), Culver (3), Curtis (20), Curtiss (6)
- D - (17 Families, 89 Individuals)
Dafydd (1), Dake (2), Davis (2), Deane (17), de Burgh (2), De Doncaster (1), Deighton (1), DeLong (1), Dennis (2), Depuy (22), De Vos (De Vaux) (1), Dewitt (8), DeWitt (1), Dighton (1), Doolittle (5), Durand (20), Dwinn (2)
- E - (7 Families, 21 Individuals)
Edwards (3), Egbertson (1), Eliot (2), Ellis (1), Emery (10), Evans (1), Ewen (3)
- F - (5 Families, 8 Individuals)
Fitzalan (2), Fletcher (2), Ford (1), Freeman (2), Frost (1)
- G - (10 Families, 52 Individuals)
Gale (10), Gaylord (6), Gilbert (3), Giles (1), Gleason (4), Goodale (2), Goodspeed (1), Gould (2), Graves (22), Gray (1)
- H - (16 Families, 127 Individuals)
Hale (6), Hale (Hall?) (1), Hansson (2), Heaton (1), Herbert (2), Heron (1), Hews (1), Hildreth (4), Hill (3), Holmes (73), Hopkins (4), How (8), Howe (17), Hurst (1), Hussey (2), Hutchins (1)
- I - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
Inleden (1)
- J - (10 Families, 40 Individuals)
Jacobsen (1), Jannsen (1), Jans (1), Janse (5), Jansen (1), Janssen (1), John (1), Johnson (1), Jones (1), Judd (27)
- K - (5 Families, 9 Individuals)
Kemp (1), Kibbe (2), Kilham (1), King (3), Kirby (2)
- L - (16 Families, 26 Individuals)
Lambert (1), Lancocke (1), Langedyck (1), Leeson (1), Leigh (2), Leveque (1), Lewes (1), Lewis (5), Llewys (1), Lloyd (1), Lodewyck (1), Loedwick (Loedwyck) (1), Loveday (2), Lupton (3), Lygon (2), Lymings (2)
- M - (20 Families, 53 Individuals)
Mainwaring (2), Mallin (1), Mapes (6), Marsh (2), Marshall (1), Masterson (2), Mayes (8), Maynard (2), Mead (1), Meadows (2), Meindertse (1), (Mellett) Lewes (1), Merrill (3), Merriman (6), Millard (1), Mitchel (2), Morand (2), Morris (3), Moss (3), Mowbray (4)
- N - (9 Families, 24 Individuals)
Neves (3), Newell (9), Nicholas (3), Nicholls (2), Nichols (1), Nicolls (1), Nicolls (Nicholls) (1), North (1), Nottingham (3)
- O - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
Olds (1)
- P - (18 Families, 107 Individuals)
Page (5), Parker (3), Payne (9), Pease (13), Peck (2), Phillips (13), Phillips (Philips?) (1), Plantagenet (4), Platt (8), Platte (2), Pool (1), Popwell (1), Porter (1), Potter (3), Pratt (37), Preston (1), Purchase (1), Purrier (2)
- R - (14 Families, 69 Individuals)
Randall (1), Rapaje (1), Rapalje (Raalje) (1), Rapalji (Rapalla) (1), Raught (18), Redding (1), Rees (1), Richmond (31), Ringe (2), Robbins (3), Rogers (5), Rossiter (1), Rudd (1), Rutsen (2)
- S - (22 Families, 78 Individuals)
Sandford (1), Sanford (24), Schoonmaker (3), Schreckengost (1), Scott (3), Segrave (1), Shatswell (3), Skinner (4), Smith (4), Southwell (2), Spring (3), Springs (1), Stanley (5), Starr (4), Stearns (2), Stebbins (2), Stebbins (Stebbing) (1), Steele (8), Strong (3), Swetenham (1), Syckerling (1), Syckerlyn (1)
- T - (9 Families, 21 Individuals)
Talcott (3), Thomas (2), Tomlinson (8), Tough (3), Trice (1), Trico (Trice) (1), Trotter (1), Tuey (1), Turner (Towner) (1)
- W - (24 Families, 51 Individuals)
Wadsworth (3), Waldon (1), Walker (2), Walseley (1), Walterton (1), Ward (1), Warner (3), Washburn (2), Watson (1), Weare (2), Webb (2), Webster (6), Wells (3), West (1), Whitfield (2), Willbraham (2), Williams (3), Wills (1), Wilmot (4), Wogan (2), Wolmer (1), Wood (3), Woods (2), Wynkoop (2)
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