Ancestors of Amyntas Shaw and his wife Lucy Tufts Williams
showing Mayflower lines never before published from Mules Standish, John Alden, William Mullines and Thomas Rogers Compiled for their daughter Isabella M. Knowlton
The cited information was published in 1920 The author/originator was Josephine C. Frost (Mrs. Samuel Knapp Frost) of Brooklyn, N.Y..
- Source Notes
- Author was Compiler of Frost, Haviland and Strang Genealogies; Editor of town records of Jamaica, N.Y., 1656-1751; Life member New York Genealogical and Biographical Society; Member Long Islad, Kings County, New Jersey and Quaker Hill Historical Societies; Genealogist of the Coloianl Daughters of the Seventeenth Century.
- Source/Citation References (3)