Mrs Nancy Richmond
Nancy was born on September 27th, 1801 in
Guilford Center.
5 She died due to natural causes or old age at the age of 86 on October 11th, 1887 in
Coryville. The funeral took place on October 13th, 1887 in
Coryville. Her burial was on October 13th, 1887 at the
Smethport Cemetery.
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- Death Notes
- Her death announcement was found in the October 1887 Issue of the "McKean County Miner" in the following article:
Death of Mrs. Nancy Holmes
October 1887
Died at the residence of her son-in-law, Capt A.H. Cory, in Keating Township, on Tuesday, October 11, 1887. Mrs. Nancy Holmes aged 86 years.
Mrs. Holmes was the relict of the late John holmes; in his day was a prominent citizen of this section of the country. She removed with her husband to Smethport from Chenango County, NY, in 1833, and has resided here continuously since. She was the sister of Judge Nelson Richmond who died in Smethport in 1846, and was the mother of Mrs. Asa H. Cory of Keating Township, Mrs. Byron D. Hamlin and Mrs. E.P., Carter of this place.
She was also mother of two sons who died in early manhood. Mrs. Holmes has been in feeble health for several years and not until within the past few months has she been confined in bed. She was a sweet old lady and was beloved by all who had the pleasure of her acquiantance. Her daughters have watched over and tendely cared for her in her declining years as none but two daughters can.
She was a member of the Episcopal church of this place, and the funeral services, which were held at Coryville today (Thursday), at 10 o'clock were conducted by Reverend McCandless of that church. A large concourse of loving relatives and friends followed her to her last resting place.