- A - (20 Families, 281 Individuals)
Abbott (1), Abell (1), Achard (2), Adams (3), Addy (18), Aird (2), Aitken (1), Allen (2), Ames (1), Amos (1), Anderson (2), Angel (1), Armstrong (3), Athelstansdottar (1), Atkins (2), Attenborough (1), Attwood (4), Austen (229), Avery (3), Ayres (3)
- B - (84 Families, 291 Individuals)
Babbage (4), Bagnall (1), Baikie (1), Bailey (1), Bainbridge (6), Baker (3), Ball (2), Band (1), Bannister (4), Banton (1), Barber (1), Barburne (1), Barlow (46), Barman (1), Barnes (1), Basset (3), Batchelor (1), Baxter (2), Bayne (1), Beadle (3), Beanland (1), Beard (2), Beatty (3), Beebe (1), Beeken (1), Bell (6), Bellaby (2), Bellingham (8), Benson (1), Bernie (1), Berry (9), Billenness (1), Binet (1), Bishop (1), Blackman (18), Blackov (2), Boje (1), Bolton (1), Bond (1), Booth (12), Botes (1), Botha (3), Bottger (1), Boucher (1), Bourne (2), Bower (3), Boynes (3), Bradley (2), Bradshaw (2), Bradshawe (2), Brann (1), Brede (1), Bridge (2), Bridges (2), Brink (3), Brister (1), Brookes (6), Brotherwood (1), Broughton (2), Brown (5), Browne (2), Bruce (2), Bryant (24), Bryce (1), Bubb (1), Buchanan (1), Buckland (1), Buckwell (1), Budler (1), Bumsted (1), Burden (8), Burford (1), Burgess (1), Burley (1), Burnand (3), Burns (18), Burnshead (1), Burr (1), Burrows (2), Burt (10), Butler (2), Butters (2), Butterworth (1), Button (4)
- C - (60 Families, 250 Individuals)
Caithness (2), Caleote (1), Caller (1), Cameron (2), Campbell (6), Cannon (1), Care (1), Carr (1), Carruthers (1), Carter (4), Caughey (19), Cavey (2), Chacksfield (4), Chaloner (12), Chapman (2), Chardon (1), Charles (1), Cheeseman (2), Cherry (2), Child (10), Cinnamon (56), Clarkson (3), Clause (4), Cleary (4), Cleeve (1), Clegg (1), Cloete (1), Clout (1), Clowes (2), Clutterbuck (1), Cock (3), Cocking (1), Coetzee (1), Coetzer (1), College (1), Colling (1), Collings (1), Collins (1), Colville (1), Connors (1), Cooke (4), Coon (5), Copnall (9), Cornwell (2), Corrigan (1), Corry (2), Couchmam (8), Coulter (1), Cox (18), Crackett (1), Cranswick (1), Cree (1), Croft (5), Crooks (13), Crozier (11), Crump (1), Crump QC (1), Cumberland (1), Curran (1), Cusworth (3)
- D - (68 Families, 169 Individuals)
Dakin (3), Dale (1), Dancy (2), Daniel (1), Darlow (1), Davenport (1), Davey (1), Davis (2), Daw (1), Dawbarn (1), Dawes (46), Dawson (2), Dean (1), De Anjou (3), De Bolbec (2), De Coventry (1), Dee (3), De England (2), de Fonblanque (1), De Gastinois (1), De Kendal (2), De Kruyt (1), De Lancaster (6), De La Pole (1), De Macon (1), De Mercia (9), De Metz (1), De Molyneux (1), Dempsey (1), Dennehy (6), Dennett (1), Dennis (1), de Peveril (1), De Redvers (2), De Romara (3), De Romaro (2), Des Moulins (1), De Spencer (1), De Stuteville (2), De Tailebois (2), De Taillebois (1), Dew (1), De Warren (1), Dewberry (1), Dicke (1), Dickow (2), Dickson (1), Dielsel (1), Dinham (2), Ditchfield (2), Dixon (3), Dodd (1), Doddgs (1), Dodgeson (1), Dollery (1), Donovan (1), Dougall (3), Douglas (1), Doumbell (1), Down (1), Downey (2), Downs (1), Drysdale (5), Dubery (2), Duce (1), Dunlop (6), Dunn (3), Du Plessis (1)
- E - (17 Families, 58 Individuals)
Earhart (1), Eastes (1), Easton (1), Eccles (2), Ecclestone (3), Edmonds (1), Edwards (11), Egan (1), Eggins (2), Elliot (5), Ellis (10), England (1), Estment (1), Evangelou (1), Everitt (7), Ewing (1), Excell (9)
- F - (35 Families, 100 Individuals)
Fairbrother (2), Fallick (1), Fallon (1), Farrar (9), Fearick (1), Ferguson (3), Ferreira (2), Fewkes (2), Filmer (1), Finney (9), Finnistry (1), Firth (1), Fish (1), Fisher (4), Fitzgerald (19), Fitzreinfried (2), Fletcher (1), Flinn (1), Fordred (1), Foulis (1), Fourie (1), Foxcroft (1), Foxe (1), Franke (1), Fraser (1), Frazier (12), Free (1), French (2), Freymond (4), Friday (1), Friend (1), Fry (7), Fuggle (1), Fuller (2), Funnell (1)
- G - (37 Families, 97 Individuals)
Galda (3), Gardiner (1), Gay (1), Gayford (4), Gerber (1), Gerthenbach (1), Gibbon (2), Gibbs (2), Gilbert (16), Gilpin (1), Glendinning (8), Gloak (1), Glover (1), Godden (1), Godfrey (2), Gooch (1), Goodenough (2), Goodsell (2), Goodwin (2), Gordon (1), Gosper (1), Grain (1), Gray (10), Green (1), Greenyer (1), Gregory (1), Grice (5), Griffin (5), Grimes (1), Grobler (1), Groch (3), Grove (1), Guerin (5), Gulbransen (2), Gunnorson (2), Gurden (1), Gyant (3)
- H - (48 Families, 197 Individuals)
Hailes (2), Hakins (1), Hales (2), Hall (1), Hamilton (7), Hammond (1), Hancock (3), Hann (2), Hardwick (22), Harlow (1), Harman (1), Harper (1), Harris (13), Hart (8), Harvey (2), Hastings (9), Hatch (2), Hawkett (1), Hawkey (1), Hayden (1), Hayward (1), Heap (1), Henderson (5), Henrie (1), Henzell (1), Hermon (1), Heskett (2), Hew (1), Hill (53), Hines (1), Hingston (1), Hoad (7), Hoffman (1), Holbane (1), Holdstock (2), Holland (2), Holyer (6), Homewood (5), Horne (1), Horsford (1), Hothen (1), Howard (1), Humphreys (6), Hunt (5), Hunter (4), Hurley (1), Hutchin (3), Hutton (1)
- I - (6 Families, 43 Individuals)
Iden (1), Idenden (1), Ingham (4), Ingram (2), Ireland (2), Isles (33)
- J - (17 Families, 70 Individuals)
Jackson (24), Jahnig (5), James (2), Janse van Rensburg (1), Jaquet (2), Jefferson (2), Jehan (3), Jenner (1), Jensen (3), Jewhurst (1), Johnson (3), Johnston (4), Jones (8), Jordaan (1), Judge (6), Julian (1), Jury (3)
- K - (16 Families, 35 Individuals)
Kavel (1), Kay (4), Kelly (1), Kenworthy (1), Kerr (1), Kilburn (3), King (10), Kinnear (2), Kirkpatrick (1), Kirsten (1), Knight (1), Knipe (1), Knowles (5), Knowlson (1), Knox (1), Krone (1)
- L - (47 Families, 308 Individuals)
Lacey (1), Laird (1), Lambert (1), Lancaster (196), Landless (1), Landry (1), Lane (2), Lang (1), Latham (1), Laton (1), Lavender (1), Lawrence (3), Lawton (1), Lea (2), Leather (10), Leatherband (2), Lee (1), Legh (1), Lemmer (1), Lennard (2), Le Quesne (4), Leslie (1), Leviston (3), Levy (4), Lewis (4), Lidbieter (1), Lilley (2), Linnegar (4), Little (1), Livered (1), Livingstone (1), Lloyd (8), Lockwood (1), Logan (2), Londt (13), Lord Malet (1), Lotan (5), Louw (3), Love (1), Lowry (6), Lucas (2), Luckhurst (1), Lumsden (3), Lurie (1), Lutton (1), Lynch (3), Lyon (1)
- M - (59 Families, 311 Individuals)
MacDonald (1), MacKay (1), MacKenzie (1), MacNeillie (1), Maddocks (1), Magennis (2), Malet (4), Mansfield (2), Marais (4), Maree (2), Marquick (1), Martin (3), Mason (1), Matthews (5), Maubert (3), Mauger (14), Maxwell (2), May (4), McClean (1), McClelland (1), McDonald (6), McEuen (1), McGrath (3), McGuiness (1), McKay (2), McKenzie (1), McLeod (2), McNaughton (1), McPhail (1), Medhurst (1), Mein (1), Mellier (2), Mercia (1), Merralls (1), Mestern (4), Methven (2), Mieville (41), Milborrow (11), Milliet (5), Mills (3), Minguay (1), Mitchell (1), Mitten (3), Molyneux (2), Monk (1), Moor (1), Moore (17), Moore? (1), Moreton (15), Morley (2), Morris (1), Moss (1), Mostert (1), Mott (5), Mouton (2), Mules (2), Muller (4), Murray-Brown (1), Murrell (106)
- N - (15 Families, 24 Individuals)
Naisby (3), Neail (1), Neff (4), Nel (1), Nelson (3), Nevins (1), Newcombe (1), Newlyn (1), Newsham (1), Nichol (1), Nicols (1), Norris (1), Northumberland (1), Norton (3), Norvall (1)
- O - (7 Families, 20 Individuals)
O'Brien (1), Offen (1), Oliver (1), O'Rourke (3), Osbourne (1), Owen (1), Oxley (12)
- P - (40 Families, 101 Individuals)
Packham (3), Paine (1), Paizis (1), Palmer (1), Parkin (16), Parkinson (1), Parsons (4), Pasterfield (1), Patience (3), Patrick (1), Patterson (4), Peacy (1), Pearce (2), Pearson (1), Peclard (1), Pendlebury (2), Penzhorn (1), Perry (1), Pethers (1), Philip (3), Phillips (7), Pickard (1), Pickering (1), Picton (1), Pinder (1), Pinnock (3), Piper (1), Pitt (1), Pittet (1), Platt (5), Polhill (2), Pomeroy-Ward (1), Poole (6), Pope (1), Potter (1), Price (10), Prior (6), Proctor (1), Pudney (1), Puggia (1)
- Q - (2 Families, 3 Individuals)
Quesnell (2), Quigley (1)
- R - (24 Families, 66 Individuals)
Rademeyer (1), Raines (17), Rainhill (3), Rankin (2), Rattel (1), Reader (10), Real (1), Reardon (1), Reid (1), Relf (3), Rice (1), Richardson (1), Riding (1), Rigby (1), Riggs (1), Riley (1), Roberts (6), Robertson (1), Robinson (1), Rochat (1), Rootes (7), Roots (2), Roussel (1), Ryley (1)
- S - (63 Families, 159 Individuals)
Salet (1), Salkeld (2), Salt (2), Sanderson (4), Santoro (1), Saunders (4), Sawyer (1), Scanes (1), Schaufelbuhl (1), Schiff (1), Schoeman (2), Scott (4), Scraggs (1), Scruton (1), Seaman (4), Seeds (2), Sefouk (2), Selmes (1), Selwood (2), Semple (2), Setchell (1), Shapiro (7), Sharp (1), Sharwood (1), Shaw (7), Shepherd (1), Shields (1), Shoesmith (1), Shrewsbury (2), Simmons (1), Simon (1), Simond (24), Simpson (3), Sindin (1), Slingsby (9), Small (1), Smith (16), Smyth (1), Southwood (2), Spain (3), Spencer (1), Spiller (1), Sprake-Jones (1), Spurgin (3), Staines (9), Standen (1), Stanton (1), Stead (1), Steadman (1), Steinobel (1), Stephenson (2), Stevens (2), Stewart (1), Stickler (1), St Naill (1), Stock (1), Stonham (1), Stott (1), Sutton (2), Swain (1), Swift (1), Swires (1), Syrett (1)
- T - (31 Families, 90 Individuals)
Tailebois (1), Tanner (1), Tapis (1), Tauber (1), Taylor (6), Tee (19), Templar (1), Terry (1), Thatcher (1), Theron (2), Thomas (2), Thompson (2), Thorold of Buckingham (1), Thorpe (1), Thwaites (2), Tilly (4), Timbs (1), Titterton (2), Todd (4), Townsend (2), Trachsel (7), Trosset (1), Truter (1), Tucker (3), Tully (5), Tunstall (2), Turle (1), Turner (5), Tutt (7), Tye (1), Tywell (2)
- U - (3 Families, 42 Individuals)
Unknown (40), Unknown (Whitehead) (1), Upcott (1)
- V - (13 Families, 23 Individuals)
Van Den Berg (1), Van Der Riet (1), Van Der Walt (3), Van Deventer (1), Vane (1), Van Eeden (1), Van Loggerenberg (1), Van Rensburg (2), Van Ryneveld (2), Van Vliet (7), Verdi (1), Vidamour (1), Von Beneke (1)
- W - (46 Families, 229 Individuals)
Waddell (2), Wagner (1), Wahl (1), Wakelin (1), Walker (5), Wallace (1), Wallett (1), Wallis (3), Walls (2), Walter (1), Wanstall (2), Ward (1), Waring (3), Warren (4), Waters (1), Watkinson (2), Watson (1), Watts (2), Webb (2), Webber (1), Weller (2), Wells (2), Westbrook (4), Wetherall (3), Whaley (4), Wharin (60), Wheeler (3), White (16), Whitehead (35), Whittaker (6), Whittle (1), Whyborn (2), Wiggett (3), Wightwick (4), Williams (2), Willis (9), Wilmur (1), Wilson (4), Winter (2), Winton (2), Witheford (4), Wood (2), Woodcock (5), Wratten (4), Wright (1), Wrigley (11)
- Y - (6 Families, 29 Individuals)
Yarker (1), Yates (13), Yelds (1), Yeomans (2), Yorke (1), Young (11)
- Z - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
Zulkarnian (1)
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