- A - (32 Families, 145 Individuals)
Abbott (6), Abram (1), Acland (1), Adams (7), Adamson (9), Addison (1), Adornes (1), Adshead (3), Agard (1), Aldridge (1), Allan (1), Allen (1), Amer (7), Amos (1), Andrews (4), Anglish (7), Angus (1), Ansells (1), Arding (5), Arger (1), Armitage (1), Armstrong (1), Arrowsmith (1), Ascroft (1), Ash (3), Asher (1), Ashwell (1), Atkins (1), Austence (6), Aves (1), Avis (26), Aylen (42)
- B - (93 Families, 597 Individuals)
Bacon (1), Badcock (1), Bagelart (2), Bailey (5), Bailleul (1), Baker (29), Bale (1), Balue (1), Bampfield (1), Bampton (11), Banger (126), Barfield (1), Barfoot (1), Barfut (1), Barham (1), Barker (1), Barnard (1), Barnes (83), Barnett (2), Bartlett (11), Barton (2), Batsford (1), Baxter (2), Bayley (2), Beacham (1), Beard (18), Beaver (1), Beavis (1), Belcher (1), Bell (3), Bellotti (1), Bengough (15), Benstead (18), Bentall (1), Bentley (1), Benton (4), Berdel (1), Bergemann (1), Berryman (1), Berthout (3), Betteridge (2), Bevan (1), Biggs (4), Bigland (1), Billing (8), Billinger (1), Bird (2), Birkbeck (2), Bishop (6), Bitham (1), Blackmore (3), Blake (2), Block (1), Blow (1), Blunt (2), Booker (4), Booth (1), Borrowdale (1), Bott (1), Boudins (2), Boulton (1), Bourne (2), Bowls (4), Bowman (1), Brackett (13), Branch (4), Brenchley (2), Brewins (1), Bridger (1), Bridle (8), Briggs (1), Brisk (1), Bristow (6), Bromfield (10), Bromley (1), Broomfield (15), Broster (1), Brown (40), Browne (1), Browning (19), Bryan (1), Buck (1), Buckler (38), Bucknell (1), Bugler (8), Bulteel (1), Bungay (3), Burfield (1), Burgandy (2), Burratt (1), Burt (1), Butcher (1), Butt (1)
- C - (71 Families, 284 Individuals)
Callaway (1), Callen (1), Callun (1), Cannings (19), Cardwell (1), Carle (1), Caroll (11), Carr (1), Carslake (57), Carter (2), Casey (1), Catherall (1), Caute (4), Cavil (11), Cecil (29), Chalk (1), Challis (1), Chambers (2), Chaming (1), Chancellor (3), Chandler (3), Channing (1), Chapman (2), Charlton (1), Chevalier (1), Chilvers (4), Chiswick (1), Chiverton (6), Christian (1), Christmas (1), Clare (17), Clark (2), Clarke (1), Clements (1), Clerbau (3), Clipson (1), Coe (1), Coldwell (3), Coles (1), Collis (1), Colterdale (1), Cook (3), Cooke (2), Cooper (1), Cornish (1), Cornut (1), Cornwall (1), Corrigan (20), Cortewille (1), Cottingham (1), Cottle (1), Cox (5), Cozens (1), Crago (2), Cranwell (3), Craven (1), Creasey (1), Creelman (3), Cressy (2), Cridland (1), Cripps (5), Crivelli (2), Croker (1), Croombes (12), Cross (1), Crouch (2), Cull (2), Cummins (1), Curl (2), Curtis (2), Curtiss (1)
- D - (121 Families, 490 Individuals)
d'Abbeville (1), Dabbs (39), Daden (26), Dafter (4), d'Aire (1), Dallyson (1), Darnell (3), d'Arras (1), Dart (6), d'Aubigny (1), d'Auxy (1), d'Avere (2), Davern (4), d'Averoust (2), Davey (1), Davies (1), Davis (5), Dawson (3), Day (4), Daysh (1), Dear (39), de Bailleul (121), de Barlerode (1), de Bavinchove (2), de Berges Saint Winox (1), de Beveren-Dixmude (1), de Boetzelaar (2), de Bonnieres (2), de Bourbourg (4), de Briarde (1), de Bruges (1), de Brune (2), Decker (1), de Clercques (1), de Cleves (2), de Commines (2), de Conde (2), de Condette (1), de Corte (1), de Crane (1), de Crequy (5), de Croix (1), de Fauquemberges (1), de Flandre (3), de Gand (2), Degetas (1), de Grameninis (1), de Gramines (2), de Grimberghe (1), de Gueldre (1), de Guines (7), de Hainaut (4), de Halewyn (5), de Heilly (2), de Heynes (1), de Hondecoustre (1), Deighton (5), de la Bricque (6), de la Chasse (1), de Lannoy (1), Delasalle (1), de la Tremoille (1), de la Vieville (1), Delecour (1), de Lichtervelde (3), de Ligne (6), de Lillers (1), Delleper (1), de Lo (1), de Marnix (5), de Mervalle (2), de Monstreul (1), de Montmorency (1), de Morgang (1), de Morialmes (2), de Mortagne (3), de Nedonchel (1), de Nevele (1), Denham (1), Denman (2), Dennett (11), Denton (1), de Picquigny (2), d'Eps (2), de Rethel (3), d' Erquinghem (1), de Saint Omer (17), Desbonnet (1), Descamps (1), Desmond (12), d'Estourmel (2), de Strazeele (1), de Valenca (2), de Valenciennes (1), d'Eversteyn (1), Devine (1), de Voormezele (1), Dew (1), de Wallincourt (1), de Wavrin (4), Diaper (1), Dicker (1), Didier (2), d'Inchey (1), Dixon (1), Docker (1), Dodd (1), Doling (1), Dove (1), Downing (1), Drew (2), du Bois (1), du Bosc (1), Duffield (1), Duhanell (1), Duncan (1), Dupre (2), Durham (1), Durrant (10), Dutton (1), Dydier (10)
- E - (14 Families, 74 Individuals)
EACOTT (5), Eacott (6), Eames (1), Earles (1), Ede (1), Eden (1), Edwards (2), Ekers (2), Eldridge (1), Ellerton (1), Ellyot (1), Elvin (1), Emery (50), Eveling (1)
- F - (43 Families, 272 Individuals)
Faber (14), Fardle (1), Farley (1), Farring (1), Farvacques (31), Farvaques (7), Fauvargue (1), Fauvargues (2), Fichaut (1), Fielder (3), Figes (1), Finch (3), Fish (13), Fisher (2), Fletcher (31), Flewitt (8), Flinn (1), Flour (6), Foley (1), Follenfant (7), Fooks (2), Foote (3), Forbister (1), Ford (1), Fordham (1), Foster (1), Fourmy (1), Fovargue (73), Foverque (1), Fox (15), Frampton (10), Francere (8), Francis (2), Freeman (6), Fremault (1), Frenell (1), Frost (1), Fry (2), Fryers (1), Fuger (3), Fuller (1), Funnel (1), Furnell (1)
- G - (47 Families, 273 Individuals)
Gadd (7), Gamblin (3), Gammedge (1), Gandy (1), Gannaway (40), Gardner (2), Garfield (1), Garratt (6), Gazzard (2), Geddes (1), Gendall (1), Gerard (1), Gibbon (1), Gibbs (1), Gibson (1), Giebeler (1), Giffin (1), Gilburt (1), Giles (1), Gill (3), Gillings (10), Girle (23), Glide (6), Goddard (5), Godden (8), Godfrey (1), Godrey (1), Goff (1), Goodall (1), Goodridge (1), Goodrum (15), Goody (1), Gosley (1), Gott (12), Gould (2), Grace (2), Gray (2), Green (2), Gregory (1), Griffin (1), Griffiths (1), Grimshaw (2), Grisley (1), Groves (90), Grundy (5), Guiver (1), Gunner (1)
- H - (76 Families, 584 Individuals)
Hacquebec (2), Halebec (1), Hall (40), Hallett (3), Hamer (1), Hammond (11), Hampson (1), Hanham (1), Hann (1), Hanneron (2), Harding (2), Hardy (1), Harris (9), Harrison (5), Hart (1), Harvey (2), Hasey (1), Hatchard (16), Hatcher (1), Hawkins (6), Hawks (1), Hayden (1), Hayes (42), Hayler (1), Haymer (38), Hearn (1), Heasel (3), Heasell (10), Heath (1), Heeney (2), Hems (2), Hepworth (1), Herbert (9), Heron (4), Hersey (3), Hewett (1), Hewitt (1), Hibberd (2), Hickman (1), Higgins (1), Hill (21), Hillier (1), Hinvest (3), Hirst (1), Hockley (37), Hodges (1), Hogg (9), Holmes (7), Holt (3), Honeycutt (1), Hooker (37), Hopkins (7), Horley (1), Horncastle (181), Horton (1), Houghton (1), House (1), Household (1), Howard (3), Howcroft (1), Howe (1), Howells (1), Hudspeth (1), Hughelot (1), Hughes (11), Hulbert (2), Humby (1), Humphreys (1), Hunt (2), Hunton (1), Hurley (1), Hurson (1), Hurst (3), Husbands (2), Hutseon (1), Hutton (4)
- I - (6 Families, 18 Individuals)
Iles (3), Ilott (8), Inglett (1), Ingram (1), Isaac (1), Ives (4)
- J - (17 Families, 110 Individuals)
Jackman (4), Jackson (3), Jacobs (3), James (1), Jarrold (7), Jarvis (2), Jeffery (1), Jeffrey (1), Jenkins (1), Jennings (14), Jewett (32), Jocot (1), Johnson (6), Jones (31), Jordan (1), Judd (1), Jurd (1)
- K - (13 Families, 82 Individuals)
Keat (1), Keingaert (1), Kelly (4), Kemp (26), Kenington (1), Kennet (1), Kennington (1), Kimber (1), King (8), Kirby (1), Kisby (20), Knight (16), Knowles (1)
- L - (43 Families, 273 Individuals)
Lagden (5), Lailey (1), Lamb (24), Lambert (6), Lane (5), Larchevesque (2), Lardant (77), Laskey (1), Latham (30), Lathlieff (1), Laud (1), Laver (7), Laverack (4), Lawrence (14), Lebbell (1), le Breton (5), Lee (3), le Gay (1), Legrand (1), le Hair (1), Leigh (2), le Marchant (3), le Noir (1), le Quien (1), ler de Guines (1), ler de Wavrin (2), le Teutre (1), Letts (4), Lewis (1), Leys (1), Lickfold (23), Linderman (1), Littlecott (14), Livermore (1), Lloyd (1), Loader (1), Logan (5), Loison (5), Long (1), Lonnon (6), Lowe (2), Lucking (1), Ludlow (5)
- M - (60 Families, 195 Individuals)
MacDonald (2), Macey (1), Macleod (7), MacLorinan (1), Maier (2), Mainer (4), Mallindine (14), Malson (1), Marchant (3), Markes (4), Marks (2), Marquillier (1), Marsh (1), Marshall (2), Martin (4), Maskell (1), Mason (1), Masters (2), Masureel (1), Mathers (1), Mathews (1), Matthews (11), Mayne (10), McDermott (4), McGuiness (1), McKinley (2), Meade (1), Meares (7), Mears (8), Medley (1), Meek (1), Merrifield (1), Middleton (1), Mihill (1), Miles (6), Milford (1), Millard (2), Miller (9), Mills (3), Mitchell (2), Moore (2), Mordecai (1), Morgan (6), Morris (10), Morritt (11), Mortimer (1), Moses (5), Moss (2), Moulton (2), Mouton (1), Moverley (15), Moxey (2), Moxham (1), Mullier (1), Munday (1), Mundy (1), Murch (1), Murphy (2), Mutch (1), Mylod (1)
- N - (24 Families, 178 Individuals)
N (2), Nailer (1), Naish (10), Neal (1), Neaves (2), Needs (1), Neel (1), New (12), Newbury (1), Newell (1), Newman (6), Newnham (5), Newton (30), Noble (1), Noel (1), Norfolk (7), Norman (5), Norrington (23), North (1), Norton (1), Nott (2), Nunn (2), Nutburn (30), Nuthall (32)
- O - (11 Families, 92 Individuals)
Oak (1), Oakley (5), Oblein (16), Olden (1), Oliver (39), Olley (11), Osborn (1), Osborne (14), Osgood (1), Osman (1), Over (2)
- P - (61 Families, 311 Individuals)
Page (2), Paine (1), Palmer (3), Parker (98), Parkin (6), Parkinson (10), Parrick (1), Parry (1), Parsons (1), Paul (1), Paull (1), Payne (8), Payne-Cavil (3), Peacock (5), Pearce (2), Peck (6), Peel (1), Pendergast (1), Pendergrass (10), Penn (6), Penny (1), Percy (9), Perkins (2), Perks (2), Perry (1), Peskett (1), Peterkin (1), Petty (1), Pheby (1), Phillips (22), Philpot (7), Picavet (1), Pickett (8), Piggott (8), Pilkington (1), Pinford (1), Pinhorne (5), Piper (7), Pitchard (1), Pittis (1), Pittis Groves (1), Pittus Groves (1), Plomley (1), Plowman (1), Plummer (1), Ponisi (3), Pooley (1), Popkin (1), Porter (1), Potter (6), Potts (6), Pound (1), Powel (1), Powell (1), Press (1), Presswell (13), Preston (10), Prince (1), Pronier (1), Prosser (10), Prudhoe (1)
- Q - (2 Families, 35 Individuals)
Quick (5), Quirk (30)
- R - (41 Families, 147 Individuals)
Ragless (1), Rainey (46), Ralf (1), Ransome (1), Ratcliffe (1), Rawlins (1), Ray (1), Raynor (1), Read (9), Reading (1), Redwood (1), Reed (1), Rees (1), Reeves (2), Reilly (1), Relf (1), Richards (9), Richardson (3), Rider (1), Ridley (6), Riley (4), Ring (1), Ris (1), Ritchie (2), Rivers (3), Roberts (4), Robertson (3), Robinson (2), Roche (1), Roft (4), Rogers (2), Romano (2), Roome (2), Rose (1), Rowan (1), Rowlands (15), Rowley (5), Rundle (1), Russell (1), Ryan (2), Ryckewaert (1)
- S - (64 Families, 282 Individuals)
Samson (7), Sanger (3), Sapsford (1), Saunders (1), Saunderson (2), Savage (10), Saveall (4), Sayer (1), Sayers (1), Scammell (6), Scrapon (1), Seager (1), Sellwood (30), Selway (1), Seyfang (9), Sharpe (4), Shaw (1), Shead (1), Sheldrake (3), Shepherd (1), Shepperd (8), Shereman (1), Sherman (1), Shillabeer (2), Shonk (1), Shotter (1), Sibley (1), Simmonds (3), Simmons (2), Sims (1), Sizer (1), Slaney (1), Smee (3), Smith (23), Smithyes (1), Snelling (1), Solomon (1), Spargo (1), Sparshott (5), Spencer (56), Sperring (1), Spriggs (4), Spring (1), Sprules (16), Stacey (1), Stanley (1), Stannard (3), Staples (1), Starkweather (1), Stead (1), Steer (2), Stephens (3), Stephenson (3), Stevens (1), Stickland (6), Stock (8), Stocker (1), Stockham (1), Stones (16), Stride (3), Swallow (2), Sweeting (1), Symans (1), Symes (2)
- T - (36 Families, 239 Individuals)
Taberman (2), Tackle (1), Tallantyre (9), Tamberlin (1), Tapper (1), Taylor (2), Tetin (11), Thake (18), Thompson (4), Thorn (2), Tilbury (1), Tillotson (1), Tizard (1), Todd (1), Tombling (1), Tomsett (1), Tooley (21), Townley (1), Townsend (2), Towson (1), Treacher (6), Treby (1), Trevallion (52), Triplow (1), Trott (1), Tubb (1), Tuck (1), Tucker (1), Tudor (1), Tuffield (1), Tuffin (1), Turl (1), Turner (17), Turpin (1), Turvey (67), Tutt (4)
- U - (2 Families, 3 Individuals)
Unsworth (1), Urry (2)
- V - (19 Families, 31 Individuals)
van Belle (2), van Claerhout (2), van den Berghes (1), van den Burch (2), van der Helle (2), van de Walle (3), van Dudzeele (1), van Ghistelle (2), van Grysperre (1), van Herzeele (1), van Heule (3), van Loo (1), van Olden Barnevelt (1), van Reygaertsvleit (1), van Schyngen (1), Vaughan (3), Ventham (1), Verrells (2), Vidal (1)
- W - (52 Families, 222 Individuals)
Waddell (5), Waddington (1), Walbran (1), Walden (1), Walton (1), Wantier (1), Ward (3), Warriner (4), Warwick (1), Waters (1), Watson (7), Weavers (5), Webb (4), Wedge (3), Weldrake (1), Wells (3), West (7), Westly (7), Wheadon (3), Wheeler (5), Whitcher (3), White (12), Whitlock (4), Whitmarsh (7), Whittell (1), Whittley (4), Wigmore (2), Wild (1), Wilkins (1), WILKINSON, (1), Wilkinson (1), Williams (1), Willson (1), Wilson (6), Windser (1), Wingfield (1), Wisbeach (2), Wiseman (5), Withers (1), Witt (14), Wogan (1), Wood (1), Woodcock (1), Woodford (5), Woods (1), Wootley (20), Workman (3), Worley (1), Worte (2), Wright (52), Wyatt (1), Wyts (1)
- Y - (3 Families, 8 Individuals)
Yardley (1), Yeates (1), Young (6)
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