- A - (28 Families, 142 Individuals)
Abbot (1), Abbott (4), Abel (1), Abrahams (6), Abrams (3), Abrey (8), Adams (1), Agnew (1), Albertson (3), Alger (1), Allen (5), Alles (10), Allmond (2), Ambrose (10), Amos (67), Amphlett (1), Andrews (1), Anscombe (1), Ansell (4), Applebee (1), Archer (1), Argent (1), Arrow (1), Ashcroft (1), Ashton (3), Askew (2), Atkins (1), Atkinson (1)
- B - (82 Families, 520 Individuals)
Bacon (2), Bailie (2), Bainton (1), Baker (1), Balcombe (1), Baldwin (3), Barclay (2), Bard (1), Barden (3), Barleycorn (3), Barnard (5), Barnes (11), Batchelor (9), Baxter (13), Beacock (8), Beadle (3), Beckerton (2), Bedford (1), Beetwell (1), Begent (3), Belchar (31), Bell (52), b Ellesmere Shrop (1), Benkada (1), Bennett (51), Benson (2), Benton (3), Berry (1), Best (7), Biggs (1), Bird (5), Birlinson (1), Bisgood (1), Bishop (1), B Kelso Scotland (1), Black (2), Blackwell (1), Bladworth (2), Blakeney (17), Bland (2), Blaxland (6), Blennerhasset (2), b Long Compton Warwick (1), b Newton Suffolk (1), Bond (9), Bones (2), Born America New Brunswick (1), Bosworth (2), Bowers (1), Bowler (2), Bowman (4), b Portsmouth (1), Brackin (2), Bradon (2), Brady (2), Brahm (1), Braithwaite (9), Bray (1), Braybrooke (1), Brewer (28), Brewington (4), Brewster (1), Bridge (1), Bristow (1), Brock (1), Brodok (1), Brogan (1), Brokenshire (4), Bromley (1), Brooks (1), Broome (1), Brown (4), Browning (4), Broyd (2), b Saltwood Kent Bur St Mary Mag EHam (1), Bull (123), Bull (1), Bunyer (1), bur P 204 Rippleside (1), Butler (3), Butterfield (26), b Wroughton Wilts (1)
- C - (69 Families, 370 Individuals)
Cabburn (33), Cage (1), Call (2), Calthorpe (1), Camp (1), Campion (1), Canham (3), Cannon (1), Cardy (1), Care (1), Carer (1), Carnell (1), Carss (1), Carter (10), Cartwright (1), Casey (17), Chalk (2), Challenger (1), Chambers (1), Chappell (1), Charrington (1), Charters (1), Chase (1), Chignell (1), Childs (20), Chilton (1), Chipperdale (1), Chisnell (1), Churcher (1), Clarabut (1), Clark (13), Clift (3), Clingan (2), Clough (1), Coande (8), Cockerill (1), Colbrooke (1), Coleman (5), Collett (3), Collins (4), Collyer (2), Colvin (1), Comeby (1), Connett (1), Cook (6), Cooke (4), Cooper (29), Copp (2), Copsey (1), Coth (2), Cousins (3), Cox (6), Crafts (5), Crawford (2), Crawley (8), Crew (1), Crisell (6), Cromer (2), Cromwell (1), Croney (8), Cross (3), Crowdey (3), Cruickshank (2), Cuff (67), Cumings (13), Curtis (1), Cutler (1), Cutting (1), Cuttinge (37)
- D - (41 Families, 178 Individuals)
Dalton (1), Daniels (1), Danson (5), Danvers (1), Darnell (1), Davie (3), Davies (5), Davison (1), Davy (2), Day (2), Deacon (7), dead by 1891 (1), Dean (1), Deane (1), Decely (2), Dell (4), Dewin (8), Dicks (2), Dixon (4), Doci (1), Dockerill (5), Dolby (1), dontknow (1), Doouss (2), Doran (4), Dorman (3), Douglas (1), Douss (19), Dowset (1), Drake (6), Driscoll (1), Duckett (5), Duff (1), Duffield (1), Dugard (2), Dunn (2), DUNN (1), Dunsdon (62), Dunston (1), Dust (3), Dwight (3)
- E - (19 Families, 68 Individuals)
Earle (2), East (13), Edgley (13), Edwards (2), Eggle (1), Elcoate (1), Elliott (3), Ellis (14), Ellys (1), Elmore (1), ELVERY (1), Elvery (1), Empy (3), England (1), Eta (1), Everest (7), Everrest (1), Everton (1), Eyre (1)
- F - (34 Families, 159 Individuals)
Farhing (1), Farley (8), Farnsworth (1), Farrant (2), Farren (17), Farrier (1), Farrow (2), Farthing (6), Felton (2), Fendall (1), Ferrier (1), Fidoe (7), Finch (1), Fincham (4), Fisher (35), Flatt (1), Flavel (1), Flavell (1), Flegg (1), Fletcher (3), Flint (2), Flounders (1), Foley (2), Forge (13), Forsdick (1), Forster (2), Foster (2), Fowler (1), Frances (1), French (14), Frogley (15), Frost (6), Frowick (2), Fulcher (1)
- G - (38 Families, 147 Individuals)
Gardiner (1), Garling (1), Garner (2), Garrad (1), Garrett (1), Gay (3), Genny (1), Gent (1), Gerrad (1), Gilbert (2), Giles (2), Gille (1), Girdlestone (1), Girling (3), Glenny (31), Goddard (1), Godfrey (13), Gollicker (5), Gooch (1), Goodaker (5), Gooders (2), Goodman (2), Goose (2), Gosling (3), Grange (1), Grant (5), Gray (6), Green (10), Greenhill (6), Grew (5), Grey (1), Griggs (1), Grosse (1), Grout (14), Groves (8), Grozier (1), Gunton (1), Gutteridge (1)
- H - (59 Families, 295 Individuals)
Haggaty (2), Haggis (3), Hall (14), Hambeldon nr Portsmouth (1), Hambellton (1), Hambelton (17), Hambleton (20), Hammond (1), Hammont (1), Hancox (12), Handley (1), Hannaford (1), Hanniwell (1), Hantler (4), Harden (1), Harding ? (1), Harding (1), Hardinham (1), Harison (1), Harris (15), Hart (34), Hart (1), Harvey (1), Hawkes (1), Hawkins (6), Hazel (1), Head (13), Heathcote (2), Hender (1), Henderson (10), Henn (21), Henton (3), Herbert (1), Hermitage (7), Heydon (2), Hill (10), Hillyard (8), Hoadley (1), Hollick (4), Holloway (1), Horderne (5), Horseley (1), Horsley (2), Howard (1), Howe (8), Howell (1), Howes (2), Howlett (1), Humble (1), Hume (9), Humpheys (1), Hunnable (5), Hunsdon (2), Hunt (1), Hurdia (1), Hurdis (4), Hurford (18), Hussey (2), Hyde (3)
- I - (4 Families, 13 Individuals)
Isbell (2), Issard (1), Ives (1), Ivy (9)
- J - (11 Families, 41 Individuals)
Jackson (4), Jamieson (13), Jarvis (6), Jays (4), Jerningham (1), Jimby (1), Johnson (2), Jones (6), Jordon (1), Jouett (1), Jupe (2)
- K - (18 Families, 34 Individuals)
Keeley (1), Keens (1), Kemp (1), Kempton (1), Keningal (1), Kenny (2), Kepworth (1), Kiallmark (1), Kiff (2), Kime (7), King (1), Kirk (2), Kitchener (5), Knevet (1), Knights (2), Knott (1), Knowles (3), Krolic (1)
- L - (31 Families, 110 Individuals)
Laby (2), Lake (4), Lane (1), Laundress (1), Lawrence (3), Leach (1), Lee (5), l'Estrange (1), Lewis (1), Lewsey (21), Light (2), Lineham (1), Lines (9), Linkhorn (1), Linsdell (14), Litchfield (1), Little (9), Livermore (3), Lloyd (1), Lock (4), Lodge (2), Loft (1), London (2), Lone (1), Longsdale (1), Lovesey (1), Lowman (8), Lubbock (3), Lucas (4), Luckin (1), Lutz (1)
- M - (52 Families, 163 Individuals)
MacDonald (2), Machin (2), Mackrill (4), Madden (1), Maloney (1), Malony (1), Malpas (1), Manning (2), Mansfield (2), Mapps (1), Marchant (3), Margason (1), Marshall (3), Martin (2), Mason (2), Masters (1), May (3), McConnell (1), McKay (1), McMahon (3), McMasters (1), Meadow (1), Mears (2), Mihel (1), Milbourn (1), Mildren (19), Miller (2), Mills (5), Mills (1), Milton (9), Mimpress (3), Mingay (1), Minnis (1), Mitton (1), Moffatt (3), Moore (7), More (1), Morrell (2), Morris (3), Morrisey (3), Morrison? (1), Morriss (1), Mothersdill (5), Moultrie (1), Moungall (35), Muckle (1), Mullett (9), Munns (1), Murley (1), Murray (2), Muspratt (1), Musson (1)
- N - (10 Families, 38 Individuals)
Narburgh (1), Nash (5), Need to check (1), Newman (11), Nichols (1), Noel (6), Norris (8), Not Known (1), Nugent (3), Nurse (1)
- O - (14 Families, 23 Individuals)
Oakley (2), Odell (1), of Barking (1), of Earls Colne (1), of East Ham (1), of GT WALTHAM (1), of John Turner (1), of Longbridge (1), of Lt Ilford (1), of Romford (1), of Scotland (1), Oladmain (1), Osborne (7), Oxley (3)
- P - (43 Families, 247 Individuals)
Pacy (3), Page (25), Palgrave (1), Palm (1), Palmer (4), Parish (1), Parker (13), Parr (3), Parrish (1), Parsons (3), Patch (15), Patient (1), Patmore (8), Payne (31), PCC Will (1), Pepys (2), Percival (1), Perry (15), Pew (1), Phillips (2), Phoebe ? (1), Pigrome (5), Pilgrem (1), Piper (21), Pittman (1), Plaile (2), Playle (2), Pluck (1), Pluckrose (1), Pocock (1), Pollard (19), Pollard (1), Powell (6), Powers (3), Price (1), Prior (3), Proctor (1), Purdye (15), Purser (2), Purves (16), Purvis (1), Puves (1), Pyner (10)
- Q - (3 Families, 47 Individuals)
Quash (38), Quickfall (8), Quy (1)
- R - (26 Families, 100 Individuals)
Radley (8), Rainbow (1), Ralph (1), Randall (1), Rayment (10), Reader (2), Ready (1), Reed (6), Reeve (1), Ribbens (1), Richardson (2), Rivers (1), Rivett (1), Roberts? (1), Robertson (2), Robins (16), Robinson (1), Robson (16), Rogers (8), Rolph (1), Ross (11), Rumsey (3), Russell (2), Rust (1), Ryder (1), Rye (1)
- S - (81 Families, 617 Individuals)
Saggers (4), Sallnow (7), Saltmarsh (7), Saltzbauer (1), Salway (1), Sapshead (16), Sargent (1), Sarum (2), Saunders (2), Savill (6), Savin (3), Sawkins (1), Sawyer (3), Scammell (1), Scarlett (1), Scott (1), Scrimes (5), Seabon (1), Seager (1), Seekings (1), Shape (1), Sharp (2), Shaw (1), Shea (6), Sheehan (1), Shelshear (1), Shepherd (1), Sheppard (2), Shilling (1), Ship (10), Shirley (1), Shouldham (2), Shurman (1), Sibley (9), SIBLEY (1), Simmans (107), Simmonds (6), Simmons (13), Simpson (1), Skeels (2), Skeggs (1), Skinner (32), Skipper (1), Smart (1), Smith (16), Smith (1), Snare (1), Snow (3), son (1), Southwell (5), Sparkes (2), Sparks (1), Spashett (3), Speller (1), Spellman (1), Spelman (54), Spelman (1), Spencer (1), Spillman (130), Spillman (5), Spilman (74), Splilman (1), Srong (1), Stanley (1), Stanton (1), Starling (6), Stephens (1), Stevens (1), Stiff (1), Stillwell (1), St Leonards Shoreditch (1), Stokes (1), Stops (1), Stourton (1), Stradling (21), Stretton Kent (1), Stubbins (1), Styward (2), Surridge (1), Sutton (2), Swann (2)
- T - (30 Families, 121 Individuals)
T 86 (1), Talbot (5), Targrass (3), Tatnell (4), Taylor (6), Teeton (2), Thames (1), Thiek (1), Thomas (1), Thompson (5), Thorne (1), Thredder (33), Thrower (1), Tippett (1), Tomlinson (1), Toole (1), Topsom (3), Touch (1), Tracy (1), Tremellen (3), Trimmer (5), Trott (2), Tubey (9), Tudsbery (1), Tulett (1), Tull (3), Turner (3), Turrell (10), Tyler (11), Tyser (1)
- U - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
Underwood (1)
- V - (7 Families, 45 Individuals)
Valentine (1), Vann (2), Vaughan? (1), Vere (10), Vesey (19), Vickerman (1), Vincent (11)
- W - (50 Families, 237 Individuals)
Waite (2), Wakeman (2), Walden (1), Waldron (3), Wales (1), Walker (44), Wallace (1), Wallbank (6), Wallis (1), Warburton (3), Ward (1), Wardell (1), Warman (2), Warner (1), Warren (1), Watchman (12), Waters (1), Watkins (5), Watkinson (1), Watson (24), Watts (1), Weaver (3), Wedelow (2), Weedon (2), Welch (7), Wells (2), Wenn (1), Westmore (1), Wheeler (1), White (5), Whitefield (1), Wickers (1), Wicks (6), widow Williams (1), Wilkins (5), Williams (6), Willoughby (1), Wills (1), Will Widow witness Tom Wakeham (1), Wilson (1), Winch (19), Wines (1), Withers (2), Womack (1), Wood (1), Woodland (1), Woolle (3), Worpole (45), Wren (1), Wright (1)
- Y - (2 Families, 9 Individuals)
York (7), Young (2)
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