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Family John B. RIVERS & Clara Jane EVANS Click to view John B. RIVERS & Clara Jane EVANS in the family tree Click to view John B. RIVERS & Clara Jane EVANS in the family tree in SVG format

John B. and Clara Jane were married in 1878 in Alabama. They had five sons and a daughter, and also a child of unknown gender, named James Marcus, David Harmon, Richard Milton, John Hudson, Leverett Bascom, Ida B. and FNU.

Male John B. RIVERS
John B. was born in March 1860 in Blackburns, Jefferson County, Alabama.

Female Clara Jane EVANS
Clara Jane was born on June 17th, 1861 in Heard Cty, GA.1   She died due to heart disease, "chronic valvular heart disease", at the age of 75 on February 12th, 1937 in Phil Campbell, Franklin County, Alabama.  Her burial was in Phil Campbell, Franklin County, Alabama.2 2 


Female Ida B. RIVERS
Ida B. was born in September 1879.

Male James Marcus RIVERS
James Marcus was born on February 9th, 1882.

Male David Harmon RIVERS
David Harmon was born on June 16th, 1884 in Winston County, Alabama.  He died at the age of 64 on December 1st, 1948 in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee.

Male Richard Milton RIVERS
Richard Milton was born on July 24th, 1889.

Male John Hudson RIVERS
John Hudson was born on September 8th, 1893.

Male Leverett Bascom RIVERS
Leverett Bascom was born on March 7th, 1896.  He died at the age of 72 on January 28th, 1969.

(Gender unknown) FNU RIVERS

1 Earl EVANS
2 death certificate

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