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Family Dixon JONES & Margaret LNU Click to view Dixon JONES & Margaret LNU in the family tree Click to view Dixon JONES & Margaret LNU in the family tree in SVG format

Dixon and Margaret were married.  They had five sons and five daughters, named Branson I, Wyatt, Cullender, Charlie Brick, Billy, Peggy, Bethany, Barbary, Pashion and PatiencePashion and Patience were twins.

Male Dixon JONES
Dixon is no longer alive.

Female Margaret LNU
Margaret is no longer alive.


Female Zelpha (Peggy) JONES
Zelpha, known as Peggy, was born in 1791 in North Carolina.1   She died at the age of 88 in 1879 in Lauderdale County, Alabama.  Her burial was in Michael (Pettus) Cemetery, Lauderdale County, Alabama.2 

Male Branson I JONES
Branson I was born in 1795 in North Carolina.1 

Female Bethany JONES
Bethany was born in 1796.

Female Barbary JONES
Barbary was born on March 12th, 1802 in North Carolina.1   She died at the age of 50 on September 2nd, 1852 in Lauderdale County, Alabama.

Male Wyatt JONES
Wyatt was born in 1806 in North Carolina.3   He died at the age of 70 in 1876 in Lawrence Cty, TN.4 

Male Cullender JONES
Cullender was born in 1809 in North Carolina.1 

Female Pashion JONES
Pashion was born in 1811 in North Carolina.

Female Patience JONES
Patience was born in 1811 in North Carolina.1 

Male Charlie Brick JONES
Charlie Brick was born on March 30th, 1812 in North Carolina.1   He died at the age of 73 on March 23rd, 1886 in Lauderdale County, Alabama.  His burial was in North Carolina Cemetery, Lauderdale County, Alabama.2 

Male Billy JONES

1 census 1850
2 tombstone
3 census 1870
4 Beavers Family Tree by Peggy Beavers

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