Julia A. was born in 1818. Julia A. is no longer alive.
General Notes
b. VA residing in Subdivision 2, Lincoln, TN on 4 Sep 1850 husband Charles stiffed in mother Elizatbeth's will, signed 19 Jan 1856
from researcher Muriel Barnett: Lincoln County, Tennessee Wills Will Book for 1853 - Page 295. "I Elizabeth Howell do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revolking and making void all other wills made at any time. #1 I direct that my funeral expenses and all debts be paid etc. #2 I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha, who married Gideon Barnet, said Martha now dead, 1 cent. To my daughter Joanna R. who married Lorenzo Harrison, now deceased, 1 cent. To my daughter Savannah C. who married Leon Benson, 1 cent. To Altabitha C. who married David Brown, 1 cent. To Charles Howell, 1 cent. #3 I give and bequeath to my son Hyson M. Howell, my entire stock of every discription, my household and kitchen furniture of every discription. Lastly, I do nominate and appoint Hyson M. Howell, my executor. In witness whereof I do to this will set my hand and seal this the 19th day of January 1856." Signed sealed & published in our presence 19 Jan. 1856 Signed: Elizabeth Howell John Moore, Joshua Smith Recorded in County Court November Term 1858 Daniel J. Wittingham
1850 US Census (4 Sep), residing in Subdivision 2, Lincoln, TN, dw/fam 132/132, head of h/hold is Elizabeth HOWELL, age 54 (1796), b. GA, unable to read/write, Rosana B. female 25 TN, Atabitha C. female 19 TN, Hyson M. 17 male TN. Immed nbrs incl (son) farmer Charles S. 32 TN at 133/133, val of real est 1000, living with Julia A. 32 VA, Francis 1 male TN, and Palmira HALL 13 female TN; and Lorenzo/Lucinda HARRISON 35/20 AL/GA at 128/128.