b. NC m. NC/AL est. < 1826 to Branson JONES (b. NC) dtr Elizabeth b AL 1826 residing in Lauderdale Cty, AL in Jun 1830 residing in Lauderdale Cty, AL in Jun 1840 residing in Div 2 E of Mil Rd, Lauderdale, AL on 14 Nov 1850 residing in Dist 1, Lauderdale, AL on 13 Jul 1860 d. Lauderdale Cty, AL buried Michael (Pettus) Cemetery, Lauderdale Cty, AL
burial record: MICHAEL aka PETTUS CEMETERY, surveyed by Bob Torbert 2006:
NAME DOB DOD ROW NOTES GOODWIN, infant 01MH1890 01MH1890 1 infant of AD & MA GOODWIN, Nora 22MH1889 26JL1895 1 d of AD & MA GOODWIN, Andrew L. 14JE1899 28JL1899 1 s of AD & MA GOODWIN, Wiley A. * 14JA1889 31MY1899 1 s of AD & MA MICHAEL, M.E. 08SE1855 22MH1888 2 MICHAEL, H. D. * 16SE1879 03SE1886 2 FORSYTHE, B.F. (Benjamin) 15AU1822 23JE1896 2 FORSYTHE, M. H. (Mary Hill) 1821 16AP1911 2 Lau Co AL m 4AU1850 MICHAEL, C.D. 14DE1849 05DE1916 3 MICHAEL, Sarah * (King) 14NO1828 24AU1910 3 Lau Co AL m 20JA1848 MICHAEL, J. W. (John) 25JL1820 26DE1899 3 h of Sarah KING, Guilford Dudley 1789 1875 3 h of Peggy KING, Peggy Jones 1791 1879 3 h of Peggy WILLIAMS, M. I. 07MH1898 04JE1898 3 s of AA & ED SMITH, G. W. * 15JA1829 03JE1920 4 h of Elizabeth JONES, Delona 12OC1804 15AP1872 4
Location: From Killen go east on US 72 to the edge of town; turn left on CR 71 and go about 8 miles. Just past the Mt. Pleasant Church turn left and go straight ahead to the dirt road. The cemetery is on the left of the dirt road instead of on the right as shown on the county map. The cemetery is on Gaylon Holden's property. He lives off the paved road to the left, just before the dirt road begins. The cemetery is on top of a hill in a group of trees between two pastures. It is fenced in and in fair condition. An asterik [ * ] indicates a difference with a previous transcription.
1860 US Census (13 Jul), District 1, Lauderdale, AL, post office Rogersville: farmer Branson Jones 65 NC Delana Jones 55 NC marr w/in the year {sic] (next page) Elizabeth Jones 34 AL Jessee Jones male 23 AL mill weight Nancy Jones 19 AL Micheal Jones 16 AL Btwn A. F. BARNETT and S. SMITH.
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Lauderdale, Alabama; Roll: M653_13; Page: 240; Image: 243.
BLM hits for Branson's land patents in Lauderdale, AL: JONES, BRANSON AL Lauderdale 4/1/1852 Huntsville 15274 AL3680__.120 JONES, BRANSON AL Lauderdale 3/1/1858 Huntsville 18628 AL3770__.182
1850 US Census (14 Nov), dw/fam 647/647: farmer Bransom (sic) JONES 55 NC Delania 45 NC Elizabeth 24 AL Jessa laborer 19 AL Bransom laborer 16 AL Charles laborer 15 AL Nancy 12 AL Michal 9 AL
Btwn Hinton KING and blacksmith Levi JONES 1822 NC.
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 2 East of The Military Road, Lauderdale, Alabama; Roll: M432_7; Page: 347; Image: 690.
1840 US Census, Lauderdale Cty, AL, 9 lines from top of pg is B JONES 2101001-0020001, thus: 1 m 40-50 (1790-1800) (Branson 1795) 1f 40-50 (Delona 1804) 1m 15-20 2f 10-15 (Elizabeth 1826) 1 m 5-10 (Jesse 1831) 2 m 0-5 (Branson 1834, Charles 1835) (Where is Nancy 1838?) No slaves indicated; 8 persons total, 2 persons engaged in agriculture, 1 person engaged in navigation of lakes, canals and rivers.