b. St. Mary's Cty, MD 1660? m. Katherine LNU d. St. Mary's Cty, MD
probate record: WILL OF JOHN LAKE (LEAKE)
In the name of God Amen. I John Lake (Leake) of Leonard Town in St. Mary’s County and in the Province of Maryland Innholder being Sick and Weak in Body, but of Sound and perfect mind and memory (Praise be God for the same) and Calling to mind the uncertainty of this Mortal Life, do make this my Last Will and Testam’t hereby revoking and rendering null and void, all and every Will and Wills Testament and Testaments heretofore by me made.
And first of all I bequeath my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God who formed it Assuredly Trusting (Thru the merits of my most Dear redeemer Jesus Christ) In his mercifull reception thereof and my Body to the Earth from whence it was taken thereinto be buried In Such Christian & Decent Manner as to my Executrix hereafter named shall seem meet. And as to such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased Almighty God of his Infinite Goodness and Mercy to Bless me, I dispose of in manner and forme following, viz.
Imprimis. My will is that all my Just Debts due to any Persons whatsoever, and funeral Charges be duly and Justly Satisfied and Discharged with all possible Expedition after my death.
Item. I give and bequeath to my Son Richard when he Shall arrive to the age of Twenty One Years and the Heirs of his Body Lawfully begotten for Ever, all my Reall Estate viz., my three Lotts of Land and houses in Leonard Town above mentioned and the Land I bought of John Baptist Carbery, and if my son Richard should die before he a[…….] to the Age of Twenty One Years, then the Said Land to his Mother During her Natural Life and after her Death to my Son and Daughter Catharine and John to be Divided between them and Catharine to have the Plantation in her part to them and their Heirs lawfully begotten for Ever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my Son Richard Two of my best F[eather] Beds and furniture, viz. Two new silk Ruggs, two pair {[…e] Blanketts, Two pieces of new Shirting Linnen Conta[….] in both pieces One Hundred Yards.
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my said Son Richard Six Good Sizable Pewter Dishes one Dozen Good Pewter Plates Two Good Sizable Iron Po[…]Three cows and Calves, Three breeding Sows, One Black M[…………] ch I lately […purchased?..] of [……ala] Thompson with all her future I[………………..], one new Desk, my own Small Chest wh[……], cloaths, Ten Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, out of the Debt [owed?] to me by Book or otherwise Together with one Twenty Pound Sterling […..]Exchange drawn by Mr. Parnham and now in my House to be paid out in the Purchasing of one Negro Woman I Leave for him, the Said Richard, and her Increase.
Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Son Richard One Silver Spoon Two Iron Potracks one Iron Spitt and one Small Table now in my House.
Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Son Richard my Seal’d Gold Ring and my Gunn all which particulars in this Paragraph before mentioned to be delivered unto him the Said Richard when he shall arrive to the age of Twenty One Years.
Item. It is my Will that my Said Son Richard be brought up a Protestant according to the Liturgy of the Present Established Church of England and that Catharine my Wife Give very good Security for the time being So as he may be Safely Educated in ye Communion of the Church of England.
Item. It is my Will that my Son Richard Shall remain with his Mother, She keeping him to School till he arrive to ye age of Nineteen Years, Endeavouring to bring him up a Protestant, and if there should be any Want of Tobacco to pay for his Schooling, I Give Katharine my Wife and Executrix the Liberty of the Disposing of the Town Lotts, and the Ten Thousand pounds of Tobacco.
Item. My Will is that in Case my Son Richard Should Die and Depart this Life before he Shall arrive to ye Age above mentioned then that his part of my Real & Personal Estate be to my wife Katharine during her Natural Life, and after her Departure to be Equally divided between my Son and Daughter John and Katharine them and their Heirs for Ever.
Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Son William the [fi……] acres of Land I bought of Thomas Williams and his Heirs forever together with all my Wearing Apparel old and new Cou[….] …….[ine] excepting one gray Broad Cloath Coat, and one p[air?] Breeches which I Give and Bequeath to John Tole a poor …..[bour].
Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Brewer One Shilling Sterling in full of her part of my Estate.
Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my daughter Katherine the good Tolerable Feather bed and fur…… […………………] Size Two Cows & Calves and One Thousand [………] Tobacco out of ? as mentioned of ye Tobacco Given to ……[son] Richard to be Delivered and paid to her after She [….] ….arried as mentioned in ye Paragraph relating to my Daughter Mary Brewer.
Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Dear Wife Katharine all the Residue of my Reall and Personal Estate whom I hereby Nominate and appoint Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament.
Lastly, my Will is that there be as little Cavil or Dispute about the Meaning of this my Last Will and Testament as possible These Words (the Said Land) Interlin’d in the first Leafe and Two Obliterations in ………… Do. and One Do. …… in the Second Side -
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and affixed my Seale this 2nd Day of October Anno Domini, 1731.
Signed and Sealed and John Lake (Leake)
Published and Declared (his mark)
To be his Last Will and Testam’t. (sealed)
In the Presence of
William Russell
Jacob Delan at the back of the ye
Mary Williamson (her mark) foregoing Will was the following Probate thus Written ? January 14, 1731
Then came William Russell Jacob Delan and Mary Williamson The Three Subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing Will and made Oath on the Holy Evangelists of Allmighty God that they Saw the Testator, John Leake sign and seale, and heard him Publish and Declare the same as his Last Will and Testament, and that at the time of his So doing he was to the best of their Knowledge and apprehension of Sound and Disposing Minde and Memory and that they the aforesaid William Russell Jacob Delan and Mary Williamson as Witnesses did Subscribe the aforesaid Will in the Presence of ye Said Testator, Sworn to before me
Tho. Aisquith Depty Comy of St. Marys County
The Deceased Widow Stands to the Will
Leake, John, innholder, Leonard Town,St. Mary's Co.,2nd Oct., 1731; 14th Jan., 1731. To son Richard and hrs., 3 lots and houses in Leonard Town and land bou. of John Baptist Carberry; sd. son dying during minority, sd. land to his mother during her life, at her decease to dau. Catherine and son John and their hrs. Catherine to have the plan. in her portion; and personalty, some of which des. as bou. of Oswald Thompson and bill of exchange drawn by Mr. Parnham. Sd. son to remain with his mother, she to keep him at school until 19 yrs. of age and endeavor to bring him up in faith of the Church of England. Shd. sd. son die during minority, his portion of real and personal estate to wife Katherine during her life, at her decease to be divided bet. son John and dau. Katherine and their hrs. To son William and hrs., 50 A. bou. of Thomas Williams; and personalty. To dau. Mary Brewer, 1s. To dau. Katherine and John Tole, personalty. To wife Katherine, extx., residue of real and personal estate. Test: William Russell, Jacob Delan (Detan), Mary Williamson. 20, 318.