- 1 - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
1831_Census (1)
- A - (7 Families, 20 Individuals)
AA_Maps_of_Bann_Valley_Area (1), Aid (4), Anderson (3), Archibald (2), Armstrong (6), Arnold (1), Atkinson (3)
- B - (35 Families, 541 Individuals)
Badollet (1), Bamford (1), Barber (2), Barker (2), Barr (4), Bartlett (4), Bayne (1), Beattie (7), Beattie_Jr. (1), Bellingham (82), Beverland (5), Bilkey (1), Blair (13), Bolton (3), Bonsall (1), Bowl (1), Boyd (262), Boyd. (2), Boyde (7), Boyd_Jnr (3), Boyds (1), Boyd_Snr (2), Bradley (1), Breswter (1), Brewster (105), Broster (2), Brown (8), Browne (1), Browster (3), Bruster (3), Buchanan (1), Burk (3), Burke (1), Burns (4), Burnside (2)
- C - (31 Families, 134 Individuals)
Caldwell (2), Calvin (1), Cameron (1), Campbell (1), Carmichael (1), Carson (1), Carvill (1), Cheeseman (5), Claments (1), Clark (1), Clarke (1), Clemens (9), Clement (6), Clements (7), Cochrane (1), Comber (3), Connor (1), Cook (1), Cooke (16), Coulter (45), Council (1), Cowan (3), Craig (1), Crawford (4), Creelman (5), Crockett (5), Cromie (1), Crowe (4), Crozier (1), Cunningham (3), Currie (1)
- D - (15 Families, 37 Individuals)
Davison (1), Davitt (1), Deforest (1), Dempsey (1), Devine (3), Dickson (9), Dinsmore (5), Dixon (4), Dowey (1), Downs (1), Dowy (2), Drummond (2), Dunboe_and_Macosquin (1), Dunlop (4), Dunn (1)
- E - (3 Families, 5 Individuals)
Ellard (1), Elliott (1), Ewing (3)
- F - (11 Families, 84 Individuals)
Ferguson (2), Fermoyle,_Dunboe,_Macosquin (2), Ferrone (4), Finlay (60), Fisher (1), Flandrow (1), Forgrave (1), Frazier (1), Freel (1), Frizell (10), Frizzle (1)
- G - (22 Families, 406 Individuals)
Gage (3), Galbraith (3), Galloway (1), Gamble (4), Getty (2), Gibson (13), Gilmer (2), Gilmore (4), Glasgow (1), Godshall (2), Goff (1), Gordon (171), Gordon_Jnr (1), Gordon_Snr (2), Graham (4), Grahame (1), Gray (183), ????/Gray (1), Gray_Jnr (2), Gray_Snr (2), Grey (2), Gypson (1)
- H - (19 Families, 47 Individuals)
Habin (1), Hall (1), Hamill (1), Hamilton (1), Hanna (4), Hannah (1), Harding (5), Hartin (1), Hasty (1), Heaney (1), Henry (11), ??Henry?? (1), Herdman (1), Higginbotham (1), Hill (2), Hogg (1), Houlihan (4), Hunter (4), Hutchinson (5)
- J - (6 Families, 23 Individuals)
Jameson (1), Jamieson (1), Jenkins (1), Johnston (2), Johnstone (3), Jones (15)
- K - (15 Families, 47 Individuals)
Kane (1), Keers (6), Keirs (5), Kelley (1), Kelly (1), Kennedy (9), Kerr (3), Kidd (1), Kilpatrick (1), King (4), Kirkham (1), Kirkland (1), Kirkpatrick (1), Knox (10), Kyle (2)
- L - (15 Families, 35 Individuals)
Lafferty (2), Lamb (1), Lamonde (1), Laverty (4), Lawrence (7), Leighton (2), Leslie (1), Lindsay (1), Loeser (2), Logan (7), Lopez (2), Lopez_Jnr (1), Loughan (1), Luce (2), Luke (1)
- M - (95 Families, 247 Individuals)
Mabin (1), Mackay (1), MacKay (1), Mackey (44), Mackie (1), MacWillaim (1), MacWilliam (3), Magee (1), Maginniss (1), Marshall (1), Martin (1), Masterson (1), Mathews (1), Matthies (1), Maul (1), Mayberry (1), McAleese (1), McAlister (2), McAllister (3), McBride (1), McCallen (1), McCandless (1), McCart (1), McCaughrin (1), McCay (1), McClaman (1), McClammon (1), McClamon (1), McClamond (2), McClamont (20), McClean (3), McClelland (3), McClemens (1), McClement (1), McClements (13), McClemont (1), McClemonts (1), McCloskey (1), McConaghie (1), McCook (3), McCowan (1), McCue (1), McCurdy (5), McDermot (1), McDermott (1), McDougal (1), McDougall (1), McElhaney (1), McFall (2), McFarland (1), McGregor (1), McGrotty (1), McIlfatrick (2), McIlhouse (1), McIlreavy (1), McIlree (1), McIntyre (1), McKay (14), McKeown (19), McKillop (1), McKinney (1), McLamen (1), McLammon (1), McLamon (1), McLamont (1), McLelland (1), McLumints (1), McMaster (1), McMillan (1), mcMillan (1), McMullan (3), McMurtry (1), McNeil (1), McNeill (3), McQuay (2), McQuillan (2), McShane (1), McVickar (4), Meanwell (1), Merritt (6), Millar (2), Miller (3), Millman (1), Milln (1), Miner (1), Mitchell (9), Moody (3), ??Moore?? (1), Moore (1), Morrison (1), Morrow (1), Moulin (3), Mullins (1), Mundie (1), Murray (1)
- N - (4 Families, 5 Individuals)
Neilly (1), Nelson (1), Nichol (1), Norris (2)
- O - (1 Family, 3 Individuals)
Orr (3)
- P - (11 Families, 31 Individuals)
Pardee (1), Parker (1), Patton (8), Pearce (1), Peden (9), Pelletier (1), Perry (1), Pink (3), Popa (1), Porter (2), Purdy (3)
- Q - (2 Families, 2 Individuals)
Quigg (1), Quinn (1)
- R - (6 Families, 12 Individuals)
Ramsey (1), Rathburn (3), Reid (5), Rippey (1), Rosney (1), Ross (1)
- S - (21 Families, 66 Individuals)
Sanderson (1), Saunderson (1), Savage (1), Schiller (1), Seinfeld (1), Shaw (6), Shirley (1), Simpson (1), Sinclair (1), Skove (1), Sloan (2), Smith (2), Smyth (12), Sparks (2), Spence (2), Spier (1), Stearns (1), Steen (2), Stephenson (2), Stevenson (6), Stewart (19)
- T - (13 Families, 23 Individuals)
Taggart (1), Taylor (2), Thomson (1), Thorpe (1), Todd (2), Torrens (1), Torrington (1), Tosh (1), Trainer (1), Tull (1), Tulle (1), Turkington (1), Turner (9)
- U - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
Usher (1)
- V - (2 Families, 8 Individuals)
Ventres (1), Vincent (7)
- W - (13 Families, 34 Individuals)
Wallace (4), Warwick (1), Watson (13), Weddell (1), White (1), Wichart (2), Williamson (1), Willson (1), Wilson (4), Windsor (3), Wood (1), Woods (1), Workman (1)
- Y - (2 Families, 6 Individuals)
York (5), Young (1)
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