Picture Essie Jane and Unknown Bellingham EIR 1895
Picture Notes
This shows Essie Bellingham, aged 20, Jane Bellingham, Jane Bellingham, aged 17 and Unnamed Bellingham, aged 30, arriving in New York from Londonderry, on the Furnessia on 16th September 1895. I assume this is this Jane, arriving with her cousin Hessie Bellingham. Jane is given as a dressmaker, on her way to Ohio (yes, Ohio!), whereas Essie and the unnamed lady were on their way to NY and were servants.
Technical Data
Dimensions: 2564x2404 pixels (6.16 MegaPixels in total) Size: 1050KB <26dpi 8 bpp, source file: ..\GORDON-BELLINGHAMS\LAND RECORDS\Essie Jane and Unknown Bellingham EIR 1895.jpg