Francis "Frank" Herbert Bellingham & Georgina Kelly
Francis and
Georgina were married in a religious ceremony on February 23rd, 1918. They have a daughter named
Family Notes
Source: Al's database of BV Marriages. They married in Belfast Registry Office where according to DA's Book, he was a farmer of Canning Street!
Personal Details
Francis "Frank" Herbert Bellingham
Francis was born on January 16th, 1899.
Birth Notes
Date of Birth from Al Luce using Civil Records at General Registry Office, Belfast. Registered by his sister, "Tillie".
Georgina Kelly
She died on February 19th, 1988.
Death Notes
I found her in the Calendar of Wills in Derry Probate Office, where her address was given as 16 Chain Memorial Road and her estate as £10,000-£25,000.
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