Samuel Lamonde
Samuel was born in 1692.
He died at the age of 77 on September 26th, 1769.
Death Notes
DoD from gravestone in Dunboyne Old Graveyard, Downhill.
General Notes
Source: Denver Boyd's transcription of Dunboe Old Graveyard at Downhill on the Bann Valley site:
Here lieth the body
of Samuel Lam?c?n?e?
of Dumbow who departed
life 26th day of Sept 1769
Aged 77 years
Also the body of
?? Ann L?aun?n wife
to the above Samuel
She died the 6 day of
June? 1770 Aged ?2 years
This old flat stone has started to wear and is a bit hard"
Denver, I think this could be what I want it to be.
Looking closely at the name on the gravestone I think that:
The first one says:
Lamone - and then possibly one other letter.
The second one looks like:
Lamon (and mayb a letter illegible before an) e.
So, it could be yet two more spellings = Lamoned and Lamonde.
Or maybe it is just Lamont or maybe Lamond.
I am fairly certain about the Lamon - so what other names could it be that have those five letters and then a max of two more? I can't think of any.
So, I have convinced myself, it IS a variation of Lamont, which I know is a form of McClements.
This could be my oldest McClements ancestor!!
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