Norman Bellingham says his mother, Jeannie Knox is not related to Tillie Knox so sisters did not marry brothers.
Al Luce: Here is a bit more on Thomas and Tillie. Tillie Knox arrived in New York as single aboard the Columbia, sailing from Moville on 28 Oct 1911. She stated she was 30 yrs, a nurse, from Ballymoney (father: Chas Knox, Drumagnern(sic), Ballymoney), final destination: New York; arriving to join friend Mrs Crockett, 625 3rd Ave. [It appears that she moved on to Canada to marry Thomas Bellingham soon after arriving in New York based on the birth date for their first son.] The next name on the passenger list is: Cassie Boyd, 24, dressmaker from Ballymoney (father: Robt Boyd, Shenaghy, Ballymoney), final destination: Troy, New York; arriving to join brother, Alex Boyd, 2134 3rd Ave, Troy, NY.