Samuel [Altibrian] Clemens
Samuel is no longer alive.
Death Notes
Source: Barbara Braswell in email, 251006 - "I also have a Samuel McClement, age 66, dead in 1868 - no source for it, however." This was probably a Civil Record - needs checking in Derry Family History Centre. ALSO, it may not be this Samuel.
It isn't:
Name: Samuel McClements
Registration District: Strabane
Event Type: DEATHS
Registration Quarter and Year: 1868
Estimated Birth Year: 1802
Age (at Death): 66
Mother's Maiden Name:
Film Number: 101584
Volume Number: 17
Page Number: 210
Digital Folder Number: 4200216
Image Number: 00157
General Notes
Source: son, Samuel's marriage in 1st Dunboe.
The 1828 Tithe Applotment Book has a Samuel McLamon holding 11/1/37 arps (next door to a James McLaom Jnr and a James McLamon Snr = 12, 13 and 14).
The 1831 Census shows a Samuel McClemont lived in House 18 in Altybryan; there are 4 males and 3 females in the house, all Presbyterian. This may be him but if he was born in 1802, he would be a bit young in 1831 to be the head of such a large household.
There is only 1 Samuel McClement in Altibrian in the Griffiths Valuation. It is very probably this man. He held House a on Plot 8 in Altibrian (along with a James McClement and a Hugh Riddle) and rented two more houses out to an Anne McClement and a Robert McClement.
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