There are only 6 Brewster households in Macosquin in the 1831 Census, James, John and Nancy in Glenhall, John in Drumcroon, John in Ballyness and Andrew in Mcleary:
John Browster #4 2 3 5 8
John Browster #9 1 1 2 3
James Browster #9 1 5 4 9
John Browster #10 1 3 3 1ms 7
Andrew Browster #27 1 2 2
There is also a Boyd household in Drumcroon:
Wm Boyd #5 1 1 4 5
Wm Kennedy #6 1 4 5 9
John Browster #9 1 1 2 3
Oddly, there are neither Boyds nor Brewsters in the earlier TAB in Drumcroon, and nor is there a William Kennedy. We know the TAB sometimes does not include everyone but which is less likely, that all three got left out or that all three arrived between 1828 and 1831?
There are no Boyds in Drumcroon in the circa 1855 Griffiths Valuation.
At one time, I had chosen John Brewster, the head of household number 9 in Drumcroon, comprising 1 male and 2 females, as the father of my Robert Brewster, mainly because my Robert called his only son John (and also because there were Boyds in Drumcroon). This would of course mean that my Robert had moved out aged only 20 as there is only one male in this household. Almost any of the others would be a better bet as Robert could have been at home as a younger son who would like to marry out. There is also a John in Ballyness and one in Glenhall, who must have been reasonably well off as he had a manservant.
I have now rejected this possibility in favour of the Robert Brewster who was buried at Camus. He would not have been in the 1831 Census as he died young.