1830 US Census: Philadelphia NORTH WARD Chas Bruster, head age 40-49. Oldest female is 50-59, 2 females 20-29; 2 females 10-14, 1 female under 5. 3 other males 5-29.
1840 US Census: Philadelphia NORTH WARD Charls Bruster, head age 50-59. Oldest female is 30-39, 3 other females 10-29. 6 other males 10-39
BB: There is a Charles Brewster in the Philly Census of 1830 (4 males, 6 females), 1840 (7 males, 5 females) and 1850 (Charles and two children) living in the North Ward. I had seen the 1850 Census before where he is recorded as a superintendent but had discounted it and never looked further back. I have attached these records, now, as well as the death record of what appears to be his wife, Ann Norris Brewster in 1823. Since he is the only Charles Bruster in the 1830 Census I am assuming this is the Charles on this little piece of paper (death note of Ann Norris). This is extremely interesting as there are Norrises in Crossmakeever, Boyd - close to your Brewsters., etc.
Source: 1850 Census,Ward 4, age 55 living with Eunice, age 20, Philadelphia
Name: Eunice Brewster
Age: 20
Birth Year: abt 1830
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Home in 1850: Philadelphia North Ward, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Gender: Female
Family Number: 702
Household Members: Name Age
Lewis Stokes
Henry Stokes
James Stokes
Charles Brewster
Eunice Brewster
Charles Warner
Rachael Braddock
Susan Carr
BBSource: News clippings say Charles Brewster of Philly died Dec 1850in Saratoga Co, NY at his son in laws Rev Robert Beattie. Since Robert Beattie was a Ref Presby Minister, I believe this is the Charles Brewster whose1st wife Ann Norris was buried by the 1st Ref Presby Church and whose two children by Eunice were recorded baptized there as well.
BB: Charles BRUSTER was a member of the Hibernian Society in 1832 in Philadelphia. I actually looked in this book for him the other day under BREWSTER and didn't find him. My gr grandfather is in it. Then, I found it as a google book online and lo and behold he IS in it.
It does state that he was a grocer on Market/High Street from 1820 until 1845 and a member of the 1st Ref Presbyterian Church (later named after the minister Dr. Wylie). It does not say whether he was married. Too bad!! I still believe this is the one whose wife died in childbirth in 1823 and was buried by the 1st RPC and whose two other children were baptized there.
The following is from the City Directories
1816 no Charles B
1817 no Charles B
1819 Charles Brewster, accountant, Townsends Ct
1820 Charles Bruster, grocer, SW cor High & 13th
1821 Charles Bruster, grocer, SW cor High & 13th
1822 Charles Bruster, grocer, SW cor High & 13th
1823 Charles Brewster, grocer, 473 High
1824 Charles Brewster, grocer, 473 High
1825 Charles Bruster, grocer, 473 High
1828 Charles Bruster, grocer, 473 High
1829 Charles Bruster, grocer, 473 High
1830 Charles Bruster, grocer, 473 High
1831 Charles Bruster, grocer, 473 High
1832 no directory online
1833 Charles Bruster, grocer, 453 High
1833 Joseph Bruster, 470 Race
1834 no directory online
1835 Charles Bruster, cordw, 183 N High
1835 Charles Bruster, grocer, 453 High
1836 no directory on line
1837 Charles BREWSTER, grocer, 453 High
1839 Charles Bruster, grocer, 453 High
1840 Charles Bruster, grocer, 453 High
1841 Charles Bruster, boarding house, 453 High
1842 Charles Bruster, boarding house, 453 High St
1843 CB, boarding house, 11 N 10th
1844 CB boarding house, 17 S 10th
1845 Charles Bruster, boarding house, 17 S 10th
1846 Charles Bruster, boarding house, 17 S 10th
1847 Charles Bruster, boarding house, 17 S 10th
1848 Charles Bruster, boarding house, 17 S 10th
1849 not there
1850 not there
1851 not there
1852 not there
1853 not there
1854 not there
1855 Charles O Brewster, book keeper, 124 Market
1856 Charles O Brewster, book keeper, 124 Market, h 119 Wood
1857 Charles O Brewster, ..., S.E 4th & Market, h 119 Wood
1858 Charles O Brewster, fancy goods, 341 Market St.,h 725 Wood
1859 Charles O Brewster, fancy goods, 23 N 4th, h 416 N 7th
1860 Charles O Brewster, notions, 23 N 4th St., h 416 N 7th
1861 Charles O Brewster, notions, 23 N 4th St., h 416 N 7th
1864 Charles O Brewster, asst. secretary, Union Mutual Ins. Co., N E 3rd & Walnut, h Harvey, Germantown
1864 Charles Bruster, machinist, 1133 Division
1865 Charles O Brewster, asst. secretary, Union Mutual Ins. Co., N E 3rd & Walnut, h Harvey, Germantown
1866 Charles O Brewster, asst. secretary, Union Mutual Ins. Co., N E 3rd & Walnut, h Harvery, Germantown
1867 Charles O Bruster, sec. Harvey n Green,Gtn
1872 Charles W Brewster, sawmaker, h Lpes ct nr Pearl
1873 Charles W Brewster, sawmaker, h Lopes ct nr Pearl
BB: Using the Philadelphia City Directories as a guideline (and they start back in 1791) the ONLY Brewster/Bruster who is even likely to be the uncle of Charles of Iowa is Charles Brewster who appears in 1820 PCD. Before that there are NO Brewsters except for 3 who are shipmasters (James, Henry and Samuel), various widows, and in 1816/1817 a J. E. Brewster, merchant for only 2 years. A Jonathan Brewster appears in 1817 -1819 and then there is Charles who is there for a very long time from 1820-1850.
So, I would say that this Charles Brewster is the uncle of young Charles and the son of John Brewster who escorted young Charles to America. He probably came shortly before 1820. The fact that they are all recorded in some way or another at the 1st Reformed Presbyterian Church indicates they all came from that Macosquin area of Seceders.
We just need to hope the Iowa newspaper story is correct about Charles coming with his grandfather to live with an uncle. I see no reason why it wouldn't be especially since there is actually a Charles B living in Philadelphia when young Charles arrives.
The only way I can see that Charles Brewster of the gravestone is the same as the Iowa Charles is if 3 of those siblings(Anne, James and Jane) are not in fact his siblings living in Iowa but his cousins. The ages are quite a bit later that Charles and the names are more likely to be first children names than later children names. However, Jane, Charles and Anne named first or second daughters Martha!! That should indicate their mother was a Martha.
From the Pension Record:
War of 1812
Soldier: Charles Brewster
Widow: Eunice B Brewster
Service: Pvt, Capn Peter A Brown's Co, Pa Mil
Enlisted: Aug 24 1814
Discharged: Jan 4 1815
Residence of Soldier: Blank
Residence of Widow: 1850, 1855, Clinto Co, Indiana
1878, Frankfort, Clinto Ci, Indiana
Maiden Name of Widow: Soldier's First Wife Annora
Eunice B Bonsall
Marriage of Soldier and Widow: Aug 3, 1824, Philadelph, Pa
Death of Soldier: Dec 11, 1850, Orange Co, NY
Death of Widow: Sept 2, 1889