- A - (37 Families, 336 Individuals)
Aalbæk (1), Abildgaard (4), Adam (4), Adams (6), Adamson (6), Addie (3), Adelmann (1), Agerholm (11), Aikman (2), Ainslie (1), Aird (23), Aitchison (1), Aitken (77), Aitkine (6), Alexander (1), Alexandridis (1), Allan (19), Allison (9), Alpine (3), Amick (3), Andersdatter (17), Andersen (21), Anderson (20), Andersone (1), Andrew (1), Andrews (7), Anthony (5), Arbuckle (33), Archer (2), Archibald (2), Arf (1), Armour (20), Armstrong (1), Arrol (1), Arthur (3), Ashwood (1), Auld (18)
- B - (98 Families, 601 Individuals)
Babe (1), Bach (3), Bache (1), Bacon (12), Bain (1), Baird (9), Baker (2), Balk (1), Ballantine (1), Ballantyne (3), Balling (2), Balmer (1), Bannister (1), Bapty (1), Barbour (2), Barclay (5), Barna (1), Barnes (1), Barnett (1), Barr (31), Barradale (1), Barron (4), Bartholomew (1), Barton (1), Bates (1), Baxter (69), Beanie (1), Beatson (11), Beatty (1), Beaver (1), Becker (1), Bell (29), Bennie (1), Benson (1), Berkebile (1), Berrie (7), Berthelsen (1), Beveridge (1), Biggar (1), Biggers (4), Biggerstaff (3), Bilsland (1), Binnie (1), Birch (1), Bird (1), Bishop (18), Black (2), Blaikie (1), Blaine (1), Boesen (4), Bond (3), Bone (57), Bonnar (1), Bookless (9), Booth (1), Borthwick (32), Bottomley (1), Bouvard (1), Bowman (19), Boyd (10), Boyle (3), Bradley (1), Bradshaw (1), Brand (1), Brash (57), Brene (2), Brindle (1), Broadwith (8), Broderick (1), Brodrick (2), Brook (1), Brookes (1), Brotherston (15), Brotherton (1), Broun (5), Brown (46), Brownlee (9), Brownlie (1), Bruce (11), Brunton (2), Bruun (2), Bryce (3), Bryson (1), Buchan (1), Buchanan (9), Bulman (1), Bunch (1), Bunline (1), Bunting (1), Burch (2), Burgess (1), Burn (1), Burns (3), Burslem (1), Burt (4), Burton (1), Butterfield (3), Byers (11)
- C - (72 Families, 549 Individuals)
Cabeen (1), Cadzow (1), Cain (1), Cairns (2), Calder (1), Caldwell (17), Cameron (18), Campbell (28), Canby (1), Carmichael (67), Carnegie (1), Carrol (1), Carson (2), Caruthers (4), Cassidy (1), Chalmers (9), Channing (4), Charters (1), Chicoine (1), Chiplen (2), Chittick (11), Christensdatter (20), Christensen (18), Christiansdatter (1), Christie (1), Clancy (1), Clark (9), Clarke (2), Cleator (1), Cleland (3), Clements (1), Cochran (1), Cochrane (2), Cockburn (7), Collamore (1), Collier (1), Collins (1), Colls (1), Colquhoun (1), Colville (7), Comb (1), Conley (6), Connell (7), Connelly (1), Cook (8), Cooper (2), Cormack (1), Corrigan (1), Corstorphine (1), Coulthard (1), Couper (1), Cousin (1), Cowan (3), Cox (1), Craig (18), Craigie (1), Cranston (1), Crauford (1), Crawford (30), Cree (10), Crichton (1), Crockett (1), Crosbie (9), Crouse (1), Cruickshank (1), Cumming (1), Cummings (13), Cuningham (1), Cunningham (156), Cunninghame (3), Cuthbert (7), Cuthbertson (6)
- D - (48 Families, 352 Individuals)
Dale (1), Dalzell (1), Dalziel (1), Daniel (1), Dargie (1), Davidson (20), Davis (2), Dawson (16), Dearn (1), Delaney (1), Devenny (4), Devinney (1), Devitt (1), Dewar (2), Dewey (1), Dick (63), Dickie (1), Dickson (7), Dobie (15), Docherty (13), Doig (6), Donald (9), Donaldson (12), Doolan (1), Doris (1), Dougall (1), Douglas (10), Downie (2), Drennan (16), Druce (1), Drummond (69), Drumond (1), Drury (1), Dryden (1), Dube (1), Duff (1), Dugan (1), Dun (1), Duncan (15), Dundas (1), Dunford (1), Dunlop (23), Dunn (1), Dunnett (1), Dunsire (6), Durroch (3), Dutton (12), Dykes (1)
- E - (21 Families, 76 Individuals)
Eadie (1), Eaglesham (5), Eaglesham-Smith (1), Eaglesome (10), Easthouse (1), Easton (1), Eastwood (1), Eccles (5), Edmonds (1), Edward (9), Edwards (1), Elliott (7), English (9), Erentz (1), Eriksen (1), Erskine (13), Eschildsdatter (1), Eskildsen (1), Evans (2), Ewart (4), Ewing (1)
- F - (44 Families, 291 Individuals)
Faichney (1), Fairbairn (7), Fairley (36), Fairlie (1), Falconer (1), Falkenberry (3), Fancher (1), Faulds (1), Fay (1), Ferguson (14), Fergusson (1), Ferrie (1), Ferries (1), Fiddes (2), Findlay (22), Finlay (7), Finlayson (5), Finnie (7), Fisher (17), Fitzpatrick (5), Fitzsimmons (1), Flanagan (1), Fleming (7), Flinn (29), Flint (6), Forbes (1), Foreman (1), Forrest (9), Forrester (2), Forsyth (1), Fortune (1), Foster (1), Fotheringham (1), Foulds (1), Fowler (3), Fox (1), Fraser (55), French (1), Frew (12), Frost (3), Frulan (2), Fulton (8), Furse (1), Fyfe (9)
- G - (62 Families, 394 Individuals)
Gaasti (2), Galbraith (2), Gall (1), Galloway (24), Galt (33), Ganson (1), Gardiner (5), Gardner (2), Garlick (5), Garvin (1), Gatherer (1), Gault (5), Geddes (7), Gee (1), Gemmell (1), Gerhardt (2), Gerrard (1), Gibb (29), Gibson (39), Gilchrist (14), Giles (1), Gilfillan (6), Gillespie (3), Gillis (5), Gillon (5), Gilroy (1), Girdwood (1), Girvan (3), Givan (1), Glass (2), Glen (9), Glendinning (15), Glover (3), Godfrey (2), Godrell (1), Gold (15), Goldie (3), Golding (1), Goode (4), Goodwin (5), Gordon (1), Gorrie (1), Goth (1), Goul (2), Gourlay (1), Gourley (1), Gowans (3), Gowing (1), Graham (45), Graham-Yooll (1), Grant (19), Grassick (1), Gray (20), Greenock (1), Greig (10), Grierson (7), Grindrod (1), Groner (7), Groves (1), Gudiksen (1), Guthrie (6), Guust (1)
- H - (90 Families, 692 Individuals)
Haddow (1), Hadsley (2), Hadston (8), Hadstone (5), Hagensen (1), Haggarty (1), Hague (1), Hailstones (1), Halborg (4), Hall (2), Halliday (1), Hamill (1), Hamilton (167), Hammond (1), Hanna (1), Hannah (1), Hanning (17), Hansen (2), Happell (8), Hardie (13), Hargen (8), Harley (1), Harper (3), Harrison (2), Hart (6), Hartman (1), Harvey (1), Harvie (2), Hastie (3), Hastings (2), Haston (2), Hattrick (5), Hauge (1), Hay (20), Hayhurst (1), Heap (3), Heaps (1), Heide (1), Helvig (3), Hempstead (1), Henderson (138), Hendrie (3), Hendry (2), Henry (12), Henshaw (1), Herd (1), Herring (1), Hewitt (13), Hibbs (1), Higgens (2), Higgins (11), High (1), Hill (22), Hinding (1), Hindman (1), Hinnerup (1), Hirell (1), Hirrell (1), Hoag (1), Hobart (1), Hodge (1), Hodges (1), Hodgson (1), Høgh (2), Holdsworth (1), Holland (1), Holmberg (1), Holmes (15), Holst (2), Honeychurch (2), Hope (1), Hossack (1), Høstgaard (58), Hotchkis (9), Hotchkiss (2), Houston (3), Howard (3), Howatson (1), Howie (8), Howler (1), Hoyt (1), Hughes (3), Hunter (35), Hurr (1), Hutcheon (1), Hutcheson (1), Hutchinson (5), Hutchison (1), Hutton (3), Hynes (7)
- I - (5 Families, 12 Individuals)
Inglis (3), Innes (1), Irvine (3), Isaac (4), Iversdatter (1)
- J - (26 Families, 191 Individuals)
Jack (2), Jacobsdatter (1), Jacobsen (1), Jaffery (1), Jakobsen (2), Jameson (8), Jamieson (8), Jarvie (6), Jeffrey (1), Jenkins (1), Jennings (2), Jensdatter (9), Jensen (24), Jeppesen (3), Jepson (2), Jervey (1), Jesperdatter (1), Jobin (1), Johanson (1), Johnson (3), Johnston (107), Johnstone (2), Jordan (1), Josephs (1), Juncker (1), Juul (1)
- K - (31 Families, 245 Individuals)
Kay (7), Keagins (9), Kean (5), Keaveny (1), Keebler (1), Keegans (1), Keegens (1), Keery (10), Kegan (12), Keggans (11), Keggins (1), Keith (1), Kelly (1), Kennedy (6), Kennel (1), Kerr (92), Ketchin (10), Kilgore (20), Kilmarnock (1), Kilpatrick (1), King (2), Kirchdoerfer (1), Kirkland (1), Kirkpatrick (1), Kirkwood (9), Knight (10), Knox (18), Knudsdatter (2), Korsgaard (1), Kristensen (6), Kunsman (2)
- L - (67 Families, 239 Individuals)
Ladefoged (1), Lafferty (24), Laidlaw (2), Laing (2), Laird (9), Lamond (2), Lamont (9), Lander (1), Lane (1), Lang (2), Langelund (1), Larsen (3), Latta (5), Lattimer (1), Lauchlan (1), Lauersen (2), Laurance (1), Laurence (1), Laurenson (7), Laurie (1), Laursen (1), LaVigne (1), Law (1), Lawrie (1), Lawson (9), Leach (1), Leal (2), Leckie (5), Lees (8), Leigh (1), Leishman (2), Leitch (1), Leithhead (11), Leonard (1), Lewis (2), Liddell (11), Linbourn (1), Lindsay (17), Little (2), Littlewood (1), Livingston (1), Livingstone (1), Lochhead (4), Lockerbie (1), Lockerby (1), Lockie (1), Lockton (1), Lodge (1), Logan (7), Loney (1), Long (7), Longmore (5), Longstaff (1), Lorn (9), Louden (5), Loudon (1), Love (6), Low (6), Lowe (1), Luce (1), Lumsden (1), Lund (17), Lundgaard (1), Lunn (1), Lusk (1), Lustig (1), Lyall (1)
- M - (217 Families, 1138 Individuals)
Maben (1), MacDonald (1), MacEwen (1), MacGowan (4), MacGregor (3), MacIntosh (1), Mackay (1), Mackenzie (7), Mackie (1), MacLaren (1), MacLean (7), Macleod (1), Macmillan (1), MacMillan (1), MacQueen (3), Madsdatter (1), Mæhlsen (1), Magill (1), Mailer (3), Main (22), Mair (4), Maitland (3), Majorrow (1), Malcolm (1), Mallin (1), Mallinson (2), Malthesen (1), Manley (1), Mann (27), Mannion (1), Mansell (1), Manson (4), Manuel (1), Marais (1), Marr (1), Marshall (69), Martin (27), Mason (1), Masterton (2), Mathie (17), Mathieson (2), Maxwell (9), McAdam (1), McAllan (1), McAllister (3), McAlpine (5), McArthur (1), Mcauslin (1), McAvoy (1), McBain (1), McBarron (12), McBride (1), McBryde (4), McCaffrey (1), McCall (4), McCallum (1), Mccallum (1), McCann (1), McCarthy (3), McCaskill (2), McClatchie (1), McClean (1), Mcclelland (1), McClounan (2), McClure (4), McCluskie (9), McClymont (6), McColl (1), McConnachie (1), McConnell (2), Mccorquadale (2), McCrea (1), McCready (7), McCreath (1), McCrone (1), McCrorie (2), McCubbin (1), McCulloch (8), McDonald (36), McDougal (1), McDougall (1), McDowall (2), McEachrane (1), McEwan (10), McEwing (2), McFadden (1), McFadzean (1), McFarland (1), McGallan (6), McGeoch (15), McGhie (1), McGill (1), McGilvray (1), McGirr (2), McGloughlane (1), McGovern (1), McGregor (1), Mcgrigor (1), McIntosh (7), Mcintosh (1), Mcintyre (4), McIntyre (9), McKay (17), McKean (1), McKechnie (1), McKellar (2), McKendrick (1), McKenzie (2), Mckenzie (1), McKernan (1), McKerron (1), McKichan (1), McKinlay (2), McKinnon (2), McLachlan (3), Mclachlan (1), McLaren (1), Mclaren (1), McLatchie (30), Mclatchie (1), McLauchlan (7), Mclaughland (1), McLaughlin (1), McLean (27), Mclean (4), McLeish (5), McLellan (21), McLelland (12), McLeod (9), McLetchie (10), McLuckie (42), McMeikan (1), McMenemie (1), McMillan (7), McMorran (2), McMurn (2), McMurran (65), McMurren (5), McMurtrie (1), McNab (1), McNair (1), McNaughton (6), McNeil (1), Mcnider (1), McNutt (3), Mcowan (1), Mcparland (1), McPhail (2), McPhee (3), McPherson (11), McPike (24), McQueen (50), McRedie (2), McSephany (1), McSkimming (1), McTavish (1), McVey (1), McVicker (1), Mcwilliam (1), McWilliam (1), Medina (1), Meek (8), Mehlsen (2), Meikle (16), Melecci (1), Menzies (1), Methven (1), Michelsdatter (1), Middleton (1), Mikkelsen (1), Millar (1), Miller (23), Milligan (6), Mills (1), Milner (11), Milroy (1), Milton (17), Mitchell (20), Moeller (1), Mogensdatter (6), Mogensen (8), Molander (1), Møller (13), Molseed (2), Moncur (1), Montagn (1), Montgomerie (8), Montgomery (4), Moore (1), Moreland (1), Moress (4), Morgan (1), Morison (5), Morris (6), Morrison (14), Mortensen (1), Morton (3), Morwood (1), Mosman (1), Mossman (1), Mouritsen (1), Moyer (1), Moyes (1), Mudie (1), Muesner (1), Muir (27), Muirhead (3), Mullett (1), Munachen (30), Munn (2), Munro (2), Munroe (1), Murdoch (6), Murkel (1), Murray (14), Mushet (1), Mutrie (1)
- N - (22 Families, 109 Individuals)
Nairn (5), Naismith (1), Naithsmith (5), Neil (1), Nejman (1), Nelson (3), Newell (1), Newlands (1), Newlove (1), Nichol (2), Nicholson (4), Nicol (20), Nicoll (1), Nicols (1), Nielsdatter (15), Nielsen (32), Nimmo (1), Nisbet (9), Nisbeth (1), Nixon (1), Norah (1), Norris (2)
- O - (15 Families, 39 Individuals)
O'Brien (1), O'Connor (1), Ogston (1), Ogstone (1), O'Hara (1), Olesen (1), Oliver (1), Omnet (2), Orr (4), Ortlip (1), Osborn (12), Outerbridge (3), Overgaard (4), Owens (5), Oxley (1)
- P - (48 Families, 272 Individuals)
Palmer (1), Paris (1), Park (2), Parker (1), Parkinson (4), Parnell (1), Paskins (1), Paterson (57), Paton (7), Patrick (8), Patterson (7), Paul (2), Peacock (5), Pearson (4), Peat (11), Pedersdatter (15), Pedersen (15), Pendreigh (3), Perkins (1), Petersen (1), Peterson (1), Pettigrew (4), Philips (1), Philp (8), Pickett (1), Pirrie (14), Pitt (14), Plimmer (1), Poiner (1), Pollock (17), Pope (1), Potter (6), Poulsdatter (1), Poulsen (6), Prentice (5), Preston (1), Price (5), Prickett (1), Priest (1), Primdahl (6), Primrose (2), Prince (1), Pringle (6), Pritchard (16), Prosser (1), Publow (1), Purdie (1), Purdon (2)
- Q - (4 Families, 22 Individuals)
Qualter (2), Queen (11), Quin (8), Quinn (1)
- R - (59 Families, 514 Individuals)
Rae (6), Raine (1), Ramage (2), Ramsay (7), Ramsey (1), Randolph (2), Rankin (2), Rapson (1), Rasmusdatter (1), Raun (2), Rawcliffe (1), Ray (6), Reddie (8), Reed (1), Reeder (38), Refsgaard (8), Regan (1), Reid (47), Reily (1), Reinitz (1), Rennie (74), Renton (1), Rice (2), Richards (1), Richardson (2), Richie (2), Richmond (10), Riddell (1), Riehl (1), Rigney (1), Riis (3), Rinquet (1), Risedorf (1), Risk (3), Ritchie (2), Roach (1), Robb (1), Robbie (2), Roberts (3), Robertson (197), Robin (1), Robinson (1), Robison (1), Rodgers (1), Rogers (1), Rollo (8), Ronald (10), Roney (7), Roper (1), Rose (1), Ross (20), Roughead (1), Rowan (1), Rowe (1), Roy (2), Runcie (1), Russel (1), Russell (7), Rutherford (2)
- S - (107 Families, 631 Individuals)
Salmonsen (2), Salter (1), Salton (5), Samson (3), Samuell (1), Sander (1), Sanderson (1), Saunders (16), Savage (51), Sawers (1), Schofielde (1), Schooler (1), Scoffield (4), Scoffield-Shaw (1), Scolfield (3), Scot (1), Scott (12), Scoular (2), Seath (1), Secada (1), Semple (8), Senderson (1), Seon (2), Seymour (3), Shade (1), Shankland (6), Shanks (1), Sharkey (1), Sharp (4), Sharpe (1), Shaw (98), Shepherd (13), Shephird (2), Sherwood (2), Shiperd (1), Shipherd (1), Sillars (1), Simonsdatter (5), Simonsen (5), Simpson (18), Simson (1), Sinclair (1), Sinding (7), Sives (1), Skelton (1), Skillen (1), Skilling (2), Skimming (2), Skiøt (1), Skiøtte (1), Skjoldborg (1), Small (2), Smeal (15), Smilie (1), Smillie (1), Smirl (1), Smith (29), Sneddon (1), Søborg (2), Sommerville (1), Sørensdatter (5), Sørensen (7), Southward (1), Spayd (1), Spears (1), Spence (3), Spencer (1), Spiers (1), Sproat (1), Stalker (13), Stark (1), Steel (1), Steele (1), Steen (43), Stein (1), Stenhouse (1), Stephens (3), Steven (24), Stevens (1), Stevenson (35), Stewart (31), Stillie (17), Stinson (1), Stirling (2), Stobo (1), Stoll (1), Stone (1), Storie (8), Story (1), Strachan (3), Strain (1), Strang (15), Strathan (1), Stratis (12), Street (1), Strøm (2), Stronach (1), Surgeoner (6), Sutherland (2), Svejgaard (6), Svendsdatter (1), Svenningsdatter (2), Svenningsen (3), Swanson (9), Syme (1), Symon (1), Symonds (1)
- T - (37 Families, 544 Individuals)
Tait (1), Tannock (5), Taylor (70), Team (1), Telfer (1), Templeton (1), Tennant (3), Tennent (1), Terrace (3), Them (2), Thieleman (1), Thom (5), Thomas (2), Thomassen (2), Thompson (1), Thomsen (4), Thomson (198), Thornton (1), Tinning (1), Tolcher (1), Toomey (1), Torrance (5), Tough (1), Tours (18), Towers (99), Towrs (1), Tremain (1), Triggs (5), Trimble (1), Troup (1), Tudhope (1), Tulloch (16), Tumilty (1), Turnbull (3), Turner (82), Tuttle (1), Twaddle (3)
- U - (3 Families, 12 Individuals)
Upton (1), Ure (1), Urie (10)
- V - (8 Families, 16 Individuals)
Vance (2), van_Weymersch (1), Vass (1), Vesterby (5), Vestergaard (2), Villadsdatter (2), Vollertsen (2), Von_Tobel (1)
- W - (45 Families, 531 Individuals)
Wagstaff (2), Walker (117), Walkinshaw (11), Wallace (16), Walmsley (3), Ward (1), Warden (1), Wardrop (5), Warnock (1), Warwick (1), Wason (30), Watson (11), Watts (6), Waugh (9), Webster (28), Weinberger (1), Weir (6), Wells (1), Welsh (1), Weston (14), Wharrie (1), Whitby (7), White (16), Whiteford (20), Whitelaw (3), Whittaker (1), Whyte (2), Wiggins (1), Williams (1), Williamson (1), Willock (8), Wills (1), Wilson (78), Wimbush (1), Winther (3), Wise (1), Witherington (1), Woderik (1), Wolfe (1), Wood (15), Wotherspoon (2), Wray (35), Wright (33), Wyatt (1), Wyllie (32)
- Y - (2 Families, 15 Individuals)
Yaw (1), Young (14)
- Z - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
Zimolo (1)
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