Richard Hanning 1911
1911 census
Name Richard Hanning
Age in 1911 23
Estimated Birth Year abt 1888
Relation to Head Head
Gender Male
Birth Place Glasgow, Lanarkshire
Civil parish Devonport
County/Island Devon
Country England
Street Address 34 Cumberland Street, Devonport
Marital Status Married
Occupation Leading signalman In H M Navy
Registration District Number 278
Sub-registration district St Aubyn
ED, institution, or vessel 06
Piece 13020
Name Annie Hanning
Age in 1911 24
Estimated Birth Year abt 1887
Relation to Head Wife
Gender Female
Birth Place Glasgow, Lanarkshire
Civil parish Devonport
County/Island Devon
Country England
Street Address 34 Cumberland Street, Devonport
Marital Status Married
Years Married 3
Estimated Marriage Year 1908
Name Elizabeth Hanning
Age in 1911 2
Estimated Birth Year abt 1909
Relation to Head Daughter
Gender Female
Birth Place Glasgow, Lanarkshire
The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published by The author/originator was General Register Office, Scotland. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.
- Source/Citation References (4)