Andrewina Drummond 1851
1851 census
Census County District Civil Parish Ecclesiastical Parish Piece Enumeration District Folio Page Schedule House Number House or Street Name
1851 Renfrewshire (RFW) Neilston Neilston - 572 11 453 36 122 Barrhead
Surname Forenames Relationship Marital Status Sex Age Occupation Birth County Birth Place Disability Notes
DRUMMOND James Head M M 30 Shoemaker Renfrewshire Paisley
DRUMMOND Isabella Wife M F 33 Lanarkshire Glasgow
DRUMMOND James Son U M 6 Renfrewshire Neilston
DRUMMOND Andrewina Dau U F 3 Renfrewshire Neilston
The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published by General Register Office, Scotland The author/originator was Home Office. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.
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