Mary Towers 1902 birth
statutory birth certificate
Mary Towers, illegitimate
Born 1902, August eighth, 8h a.m. 13 Great Hamilton street Paisley
William Michael Towers, iron turner (journeyman)
Janet Garvin, Starch Worker
Informant Janet Garvin, mother, W M Towers, father, 25 Seedhill Road
Registered 1902 August 25th at Paisley. Hugh Allison Registrar.
The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published by (Ref: 1902 TOWERS, MARY (Statutory registers Births 573/1 1732)) The author/originator was General Register Office, Scotland. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.
- Source Notes
- According to the Towers family, she was born after William died..
- Source/Citation References (2)