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Capt. Cabeen obituary

"The history and achievements of the Fort Sheridan officers' training camps"

Battery F, 329th Field Artillery, Eighty-fifth Division. Died of pneumonia in France on December 16, 1918.


Captain Cabeen was born in Chicago, III., on November 18, 1891. He was educated in the public schools of Denver, Colorado, graduating from high school in 1907, and then taking a fifteen months' course in Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo., after which he entered the automobile business, being employed by the Studebaker Corporation in Detroit, Mich. He was a member of the Wisconsin National Guard and applied for entrance to the First Officers' Training Camp at Fort Sheridan. He was admitted and secured a commission as captain at the finish of the course. After several months' service at Camp Custer he was ordered overseas with the 329th, sailing in August, 1918. Arriving in France, his regiment underwent intensive training, and moved up into the St. Mihiel Sector along the Metz front, where they pushed ahead in the big drive. His death was due to the exposure undergone in that action. He was married to Miss Gladys Newell, of Saginaw, Mich., on May 12, 1917. Besides his widow, who resides in Detroit, Mich. Captain Cabeen is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cabeen, of Alsea, Oregon.
The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published by in Illinois in 1920 <> (Ref: p. 56) The author/originator was The Fort Sheridan Association. This citation is considered to be secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.

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