Steen Ulster Covenant signatures
Surname Forename(s) Address Division District Place of Signing Agent
Steen James Dromore Donegal: East Raphoe Ballylinnon Lecky, A G : Reverend Signature Folder
Steen James A Dromore, Raphoe Donegal: East Raphoe 1st Presbyterian Church Not Recorded
Steen Jane Dromore Donegal: East Raphoe Ballylennon Lecky, A G : Reverend
Steen Joseph Dromore Donegal: East Raphoe Ballylinnon Lecky, A G : Reverend
Steen Margaret A Dromore Donegal: East Raphoe Ballylennon Lecky, A G : Reverend
Steen Mary J Dromore Donegal: East Raphoe Ballylennon Lecky, A G : Reverend
Steen Matthew Dromore Donegal: East Raphoe Ballylinnon Lecky, A G : Reverend
Barclay Rebecca L Glassley Donegal: East Convoy Convoy Caldwell, William M
Gilfillan [Miss] R Woodlands Donegal: East St. Johnston St. Johnston McKean, John
McGirr Rachael Sheskin Donegal: East Raphoe Ballylennon Lecky, A G : Reverend
The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published by Public Record Office of Northern Ireland <> This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.
- Source/Citation References (9)