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Swanson Brindle wedding

newspaper article
2 Three Pretty Weddings Feature Pre - Lenten Week The spirit of spring breathed its freshness and fragrance over the pretty wedding on Wednesday afternoon at St. Thomas' church of Sara M. Brindle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Brindle of Chilliwack, and Mr. James Sinclair Swanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Swanson of Calgary, Alta. Nodding golden daffodils were used throughout for decorations and narcissus, tulips, primroses, lily - of - the - valley, vied with the more sophisticated rose in the bouquets. The delicate colorings of the frocks of the bride's attendants, shell pink and mauve,, added to the springlike effect and, all in all, made a fitting setting and background for one of the most attractive of brides. The service was performed by Canon M. W. Holdom in the presence of a large gathering of friends, the wedding music being played by Mr. H. St. J. Naftel. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was a charming picture in her gown of eggshell georgette with three - quarter sleeves banded with white fur and rhinestones outlining the pointed V collar and skirt. Her exquisite lace veil, belonging to her grandmother, and worn in succession by her other two sisters, was most becomingly arranged in cap fashion, held at the back with a fan - shaped ca - bochon, and fell in cape - like fashion to the floor. Her flowers were pink roses and lily - of - the - valley. Mrs. James H. Ward of New Westminster, who was matron of honor, was very lovely indeed in her frock of orchid georgette made with distinctive simplicity with cowl neckline and soft cape in the back, the skirt of even hemline reaching the floor. Her small caplike hat of orchid and silver, white brocaded shoes and bouquet 6f primroses and yellow tulips completed a much admired ensemble. Miss Ruby Cook, cousin of the bride, and Miss Grace Wilson, who acted as bridesmaids, wore pretty and becoming gowns of the palest pink georgette, made alike, with two - tier even long skirts, soft necklines and capes reaching the high waist at the back. Both wore fetching small caps of pink and silver, brocaded slippers and carried yellow and white carnations. Two dainty little flower girls, Margaret Jamieson and Alice Curr, niece of the bride, wore quaint long picture frocks of white taffeta, one trimmed in alice blue to match her fairness and the other in pink to go with her glowing brunette coloring. Both carried daffodils through the ceremony, later exchanging these for silver baskets from which they scattered petals along the aisle in the path of the groom and bride as they left the church. Mr. James H. Ward of New Westminster acted as best man, Mr. Albert Shannon and Mr. Sid Rowlands acting as ushers. During the signing of the register, Dr. Newby sang effectively "Because." Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Jamieson, First avenue, the bride and groom with bride's mother and father, and the groom's sister, Miss Helen Swanson of Calgary, receiving the many guests under an archway of greenery from which hung a wedding bell of white with pink roses. In the dining - room, the long table centred with the wedding cake and with yellow streamers suspended from above and running to the corners of the table, where they were held by vases of daffodils, was presided over by Mrs. S. F. Boucher and Mrs. M. Burgess. Assisting were Mrs. H. R. Curr of Cowlay, Alberta, sister of the bride, Miss Jessie Webb, Miss Eleanor Grafton, Miss Eileen Wilson, Miss Nora Harvey, Miss Peggy Bird and the Misses Nosworthy. Mr. and Mrs. Swanson left later on a short motor trip to Seattle and Portland, the bride choosing as her going - away costume a green silk suit made in tunic effect and heavily embroidered, with smart green off - the - face hat and accessories to match. Mr. and Mrs. Swanson are making their home in Hampton Court. Lovely gifts expressed the good wishes of many friends here and out of town.

Attends Wedding of Brother Miss Swanson of Calgary. Alta., spent last week here, coming west for the wedding of her brother, Mr. J. S. Swanson, on Wednesday.
The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published by on February 12th, 1931 <> (Ref: p 2) The author/originator was The Chilliwick Progress. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.

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