Mogens Sørensen & Dorthe Iversdatter
Personal Details
Mogens Sørensen
Mogens was born in 1640. He died at the age of 82 in 1722.
- Death Notes
- Died in Vraagaard, 82 yrs old, so born around 1640
Buried 29-9-1722
Dorthe Iversdatter
Dorthe was born in 1668. She died at the age of 73 in 1741.
- Death Notes
- Died in Vraagaard, 73 yrs old, so born around 1668 Buried 17-12-1741
Maren Mogensdatter
Maren was born in 1692. She died at the age of 84 in 1776.
- Death Notes
- Died in Bilgrav, Balling
Buried 27-10-1776
Birgitte Mogensdatter
Birgitte was born in 1702. She died at the age of 73 in 1775.
- Death Notes
- Died in Nr. Balling
Buried 19-2-1775

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