- 0 - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
? (1)
- 1 - (2 Families, 2 Individuals)
1/2 white (1), 1705 (1)
- 3 - (1 Family, 1 Individual)
3/4th Shawnee-Creek Metis (1)
- A - (214 Families, 1517 Individuals)
Abbey (6), Abbott (13), Abeel (26), Abell (3), Abercrombie (5), Abernathy (13), Abington (2), Abney (2), Abrams (2), Abrell (2), Abtofte (1), Acarsane (1), Ackelahama (1), Ackerman (1), Acock (3), Acree (6), Acton (13), Adair (55), Adams (85), Adcock (6), Addie (1), Addis (1), Addison (5), Adelia (1), Aden (1), Aderne (1), Adgate (1), Adkins (52), Adkinson (6), Adler (1), Adolphus (1), Aertszen (1), Aethelred (1), African American (1), Agard (1), Agee (2), Agner (1), Agnew (20), Aguillon (1), Ahrendts (3), Aiken (4), Ailstock (32), Aintree (1), Airth (2), Aislaby (2), Akard (1), Akers (15), Akin (3), Alban (1), Albertson (2), Alberty (4), Albin (5), Albiniaco (1), Alcock (1), Alcorn Alcoran (4), Ald (1), Alderson (1), Aldrich (3), Alexander (61), Alford (28), Alfriend (4), Algonquian (1), Algonquin Leni Lenape (1), Allambridge (1), Allardyce (1), Allen (110), Allerton (3), Alley (13), Allgood (1), Allison (9), Allred (1), Allwood (1), Alricks (1), Alsbury (1), Alsop (1), Alspaugh (1), Alston (4), Altman (1), Altoft (1), Alton (1), Alumbaugh (1), Ambler (1), Amcotts (3), Amiens (2), Ammerman (10), Amos (3), Amundsen (1), Ancel (9), Anderson (171), Andersson (1), Andes (1), Andrews (20), Andriessen (1), Andut (1), Anequendahonji (1), Angel (10), Angus (6), Ani'-Ga'tage'wi=Kituah or Wild Potato (Gu-u-li-si) (1), Ani'-Ga'tage'wi=Kituah or Wild Potato (Gu-u-li-si) BEAR Clan (1), Ani'-Kawi' = Deer Clan (Ga-ho-ga) (2), Anise (1), Ani'-Stasti = Blue Holly (U-lu-tsa) (1), Ani'-Tsi'skwa = Bird Clan (1), Ani'-Tsi'skwa = Bird Clan (Ghi-Goo-ie) (1), ANI'-WA'YA (1), Ani'-Wa'ya = Wolf Clan (1), Ani'-Wa'ya = Wolf Clan (Quatsy) (2), Ani'-Wo-Di = Paint Clan (6), Anjou (7), Ann (1), Annandale (2), Ansley (1), Anterbus (1), Anthony (21), Antrim (2), Antrobus (1), Antwerp (1), Appleby (2), Applegate (2), Appleton (3), Applewhaite (2), Apulia (1), Aquitaine (1), Arapaho (1), Arbitot (1), Arbuthnot (2), Arcand (1), Archer (21), Arcough (1), Arden (5), Arderne (2), Ardinger (1), Arentsen (1), Argenteon (1), Argus (1), Arlington (1), Armisted (40), Armitt (4), Armour (6), Armstrong (37), Armstrong-McIntosh (3), Arndt (1), Arnold (51), Arnot (2), Aront (1), Aroyah (1), ARRINGTON (EVRIEGTON) (2), Arrowood (6), Arter (1), Arters (1), Arthur (7), Arundel (14), Asgill (2), Ash (2), Ashbaugh (1), Ashbridge (4), Ashburn (5), Ashbury (1), Ashby (4), Ashcraft (5), Ashenhurst (5), Ashland (1), Ashley (3), Ashmead (1), Ashton (19), Ashurst (1), Ashworth (3), Askew (11), Aslaby (1), Aspall (1), Astley (1), Atchley (1), Athelstone (1), Atherold (1), Atherton (3), Atholl (2), Atkins (6), Atkinson (11), Attaway (1), Atwell (1), Atwood (1), Aubrey (2), Audigne (1), Audley (4), Augusta (2), Augustus (1), Aukersz (1), Ault (4), Aultman (4), Aumale (1), Aupaumut (1), Aurand (1), Aurevalle (2), Austin (136), Avenel (2), Avent (1), Avery (2), Awalt (1), Awbrey (1), Axford (3), Axson (1), Axtell (8), Axton (1), Axum (1), Ayer (2), Ayers (15), Aylen (1), Aylesbury (1), Aylette (7), Aylmer (1), Ayres (4), Ayrey (1), Ayscough (1), Azenhurst (3)
- B - (693 Families, 6660 Individuals)
Babb (3), Babcock (4), Baber (1), Babington (18), Babson (8), Baby (8), Bachelor (1), Back (1), Backus (9), Bacon (64), Bacon-Forster (3), Bacon-Gray (2), Badger (2), Badgley (2), Badlesmere (7), Baechte (1), Baechtel (1), Baer (2), Bagby (1), Bagley (5), Bagley??? (1), Bagnall (10), Bailes (11), Bailey (68), Bainbridge (1), Baines (3), Bainteer (1), Baird (12), Baker (60), Balch (8), Baldock (1), Baldridge (11), Baldwin (55), Balfour (10), Baliol (1), Ball (32), Ballaine (2), Ballard (46), Ballinger (8), Baloil (1), Balsor (1), Baltz (1), Baltzell (1), Baltzer (1), Bancroft (2), Banes (11), Banister (4), Bankhead (1), Banks (19), Bannerman (1), Banta (25), Banton (1), Baptiste (1), Barabar (1), Barbee (6), Barber (20), Barbier (1), Barbon (1), Barclay (6), Barcroft (1), Barcus (2), Barden (1), Bardolf (12), Barefoot (6), Baremore (2), Barentyn (3), Barfield (1), Barger (2), Barham (11), Baring (3), Barkelaw (2), Barker (17), Barkley (2), Barkloo (1), Barksdale (4), BARKSDALE (1), Barley (2), Barlow (9), Barnard (14), Barnes (47), Barnett (17), Barnham (3), Barnhill (1), Barnwell (1), Barr (4), Barrager (1), Barrett (19), Barrington (3), Barron (2), Barrow (6), Barston (1), Barstow (1), Barteaux (1), Barthelow (1), Bartholomew (6), Bartlett (28), Bartlett?? (1), Bartley (1), Barton (21), Bartram (4), Basal (2), Baschelvilla (1), Basing (1), Baskerville (5), Basket (2), Baskin (3), Bass (24), Bassett (49), Bassett-Ridel (1), Bassingham (1), Bastians (1), Batdorf (1), Batee (12), Bateman (5), Bates (15), Batho (1), Bathurst (3), Batson (1), Batten (5), Batterson (1), Battle (7), Bau (1), Baudemont (4), Baugh (5), Bavin (1), Bawdwen (1), Baxter (14), Bayeux (1), Baynard (1), Bayne (4), Bayneham (4), Bayrd (1), Baysey (2), Baytop (2), Beach (2), Beadle (4), Beall (67), Beamer (2), Beams (2), Bean (5), Beard (18), Bearden (1), Bearmeat (5), Bearse (1), Beasley (15), Beasman (1), Beaton (2), Beatty (15), Beauchamp (41), Beaufort (14), Beaugency (1), Beaumont (28), Beauvais (1), Beavan (1), Beavers (10), Bebout (2), Beck (43), Becker (2), Becket (2), Beckham (1), Becknell (1), Beckwith (46), Beddow (3), Bedell (1), Bedford (1), Bedinger (1), Bedingfield (12), Bedwell (1), Bee (2), Beebe (3), Beehunter (2), Beemer (2), Beers (4), Beery (1), Beeson (12), Beetles (1), Bekes (6), Belasyse (4), Belcher (1), Belew (1), Belknap (1), Bell (38), Bella Aqua (2), Bellame (1), Beller (1), Bellington (1), Bellocampo (1), Bellows (1), Belman (2), Belmeis (6), Belschner (1), Belsford (1), Belt (9), Benbowe (1), Benedict (2), Benezet (1), Benge (39), Benner (4), Bennett (52), Benning (1), Bennington (1), Benslye (1), Bensmann (4), Benson (14), Bentley (3), Benton (29), Benyon (2), Bereton (17), Berkeley (24), Bernard (4), Berners (2), Berry (45), Berryman (8), Bertie (2), Bertram (3), Bertrand (2), Besford (1), Bessie (2), Best (4), Bethune (3), Betterton (2), Betteshorne (1), Bettlestone (1), Betts (5), Beverley (7), Bevin (1), Bevys (1), Bezer (1), Bibb (17), Bibee (1), Bible (2), Biddle (2), Biddy (1), Bidwell (7), Bigbullet (1), Bigby (3), Bigelow (3), Bigger (5), Biggerstaff (1), Biggs (7), Bigham (1), Bigod (14), Big Turtle clan of Wyandotts (1), Bigustoff (1), Billings (4), Billingsley (2), Billington (1), Billiou (11), Billman (1), Billmyer (3), Bills (1), Billups (2), Bincette (1), Bincette dit Jolibois (2), Bingham (155), Binion (1), Birchard (5), Birchfield (1), Birckhead (3), Bird (6), Birdsley (3), Birdsong (3), Birdwell (8), Bisbee (1), Bish (1), Bishop (54), Bishopwick (1), Bissell (1), Bissett (1), Bixby (1), Bixler (1), Bjornsson (2), black (1), Black (20), Blackadder (2), Blackburn (42), Blackett (46), Blackfeather (1), Blackfish (5), Blackford (5), Blackfox (6), Blackistone (2), Blackman (9), Blackmore (2), Blacksnake (3), Blackwell (19), Blackwood (2), Bladen (2), Blagg (1), Blagrave (5), Blaine (5), Blair (15), Blake (8), Blakey (1), Blalock (8), Blancette (10), Blanchan (1), Blanchard (15), Blanchfield (1), Blanchminster (2), Bland (16), Blandford (3), Blankenship (4), Blanton (2), Blasingame (5), Blauw (12), Blaw (3), Blayney (2), Blazard (1), Blazer (3), Bleckley (1), Bledsoe (5), Bleecker (1), Bleijck (1), Blennerhasset (3), Blessing (1), Blevins (36), Blew (2), Bliler (1), Blind Savannah Clan Wild Potato (1), Bliss (5), Block (2), Blois (1), Blomer (1), Blood (5), Bloom (2), bloss (1), Blossom (1), Blott (1), Blount (118), Bloxom (2), Blue (61), Blue Holly Clan (1), BlueJacket (41), Bluemel (1), Blunston (1), Blythe (4), Boachman (1), Boade (1), Board (1), Boarman (17), Boatright (1), Boaz (3), Bobbitt (5), Bobbs (2), Bobby (3), Bodders (1), Boddie (1), Bodine (2), Boelle (2), Boerum (1), Bog (1), Bogart (9), Boggess (1), Boggs (65), Bohanon (9), Bohun (15), Boissey (1), Boissinot (1), Bolbec (8), Boley (1), Boleyn (7), Bolling (147), Bolt (20), Bolton (10), Bond (44), Bondurant (1), Bone (9), Bonham (1), Bonkyl (2), Bonnel (5), Bonner (3), Bonnewell (1), Bonney (1), Bonrepose (1), Bonsall (2), Bonum (1), Bonville (2), Booker (50), Boone (32), Booth (61), Booton (1), Borden (7), Boreham (2), Borgate (1), Borgelt (5), Boroughdon (2), Borrell (3), Borthwick (3), Borton (4), Bosley (1), Boss (1), Bosserman (1), Bosshard (3), Bostik (7), Boston (3), Bosville (1), Boswell (147), Boteler (33), Botetourt (1), Botkin (1), Botreaux (5), Botsford (8), Bottomley (1), Boudinot (2), Boughner (2), Boughton (2), Bouldin (1), Boulogne (1), Boulware (22), Bounds (3), Bourchier (45), Bourdeau (1), Bourdon (1), Bourgeois (1), Bourgogne (1), Bourinot (7), Bourne (46), Boursiquot (2), Bouse (1), Bouton (1), Boutwell (5), Bovee (2), Bowater (2), Bowden (2), Bowdiege (1), Bowen (33), Bower (3), Bowers (44), Bowes (1), Bowie (1), Bowlby (2), Bowler (2), Bowles (68), Bowman (29), Box (2), Boxhull (1), Boyce (14), Boyd (51), Boyer (13), Boykin (15), Boyles (1), Boyly (1), Bozman (1), Brack (4), Bracken (2), Brackenberg (1), Brackenbury (14), Brackett (1), Brackhonge (1), Bracy (1), Bradburne (1), Bradbury (3), Braddock (1), Braden (3), Bradford (88), Bradley (22), Bradshaw (15), Bragg (2), Brainerd (2), Braithewaite (1), Braizer (1), Braly (2), Bramwell (1), Branch (18), Brand (1), Brandenburg (5), Brandon (5), Branham (43), Brank (2), Brannan (3), Branscom (14), Branson (1), Brant (39), Brantner (1), Braose (1), Brashears (14), Brasil (1), Brasseur (9), Brassey (1), Braswell (13), Bratcher (2), Braxton (2), Bray (7), Brayne (2), Brazeal (3), Breazeale (3), Brecht (4), Breckinridge (37), Breed (4), Breeding (8), Breedlove (2), Breese (2), Brennan (1), Brennerman (1), Brent (10), Brenton (2), Bressler (1), Bretagne (4), Breteuil (1), Brett (1), Bretton (1), Bretz (1), Brevard (1), Brewer (16), Brewster (8), Brewton (4), Brewys (2), Brezolles (1), Brick (1), Brickey (1), Bridge (1), Bridgeford (1), Bridgeman (1), Bridgepoore (2), Bridger (4), Bridgers (3), Bridges (43), Brienne (3), Briese (1), Briggs (11), Bright (2), Brightbridge (1), Bright Lightning (1), Brighton (1), Briles (1), Brill (2), Brim (2), Brinckerhoff (1), Briner (1), Brink (4), Brinker (1), Brinson (1), Brinton (1), Brionne (1), Brisbane (1), Briscoe (40), Brissell (1), Britt (1), Brittain (18), Brittany (3), Brittingham (2), Brizendine (1), Broaddus (5), Broadhead (5), Broadwater (1), Brocas (2), Brock (86), Brock-Carpenter (1), Brockden (1), Brockhurst (1), Brockman (6), Brockway (3), Broddyll (2), Brodie (1), Brokaw (1), Bromfield (2), Bromley (4), Bromwell (1), Bromwich (1), Bronson (4), Brook (17), Brooks (55), Brookshire (1), Broome (14), Broomhall (6), Bropts (1), Broret (1), Brouder (1), Brough (6), Broughton (2), Browder (1), Brower (5), Brown (231), Brownell (1), Browning (66), Brownlee (2), Broye (1), Bruce (438), Bruchett (1), Brudenell (7), Bruere (1), Brugge (1), Brunel (1), Bruner (3), Brunk (1), Brunskill (1), Brunson (2), Brush (1), Bruyne (1), Bryan (49), Bryant (24), Bryce (1), Buchanan (5), Buci (2), Buck (9), Buckan (1), Buckhout (1), Buckland (1), Buckles (16), Buckley (1), Buckminster (1), Buckner (19), Budd (2), Buffington (73), Buford (14), Bugg (1), Buky (1), Bulkley (7), Bull (44), Bullard (1), Buller (3), Bullitt (40), Bullock (7), Bulmer (13), Bulstrode (1), Bumpus (29), Bunbury (2), Bunch (28), Bunch1776 (1), Bundy (3), Bunker (15), Bunner (1), Buntin (1), Burbridge (3), Burch (8), Burcham (1), Burden (1), Burdette (6), Burdock (2), Burdyne (2), Burford (9), Burgess (69), Burgett (3), Burgoon (1), Burgoyne (4), Burgulion (1), Burgundy (1), Burke (27), Burkett (1), Burkhead (1), Burkholder (1), Burleigh (3), Burlingham (1), Burlock (1), Burnell (8), Burnet (4), Burney (7), Burnham (3), Burnly (3), Burns (37), Burnside (1), Burpee (2), Burr (73), Burrell (10), Burris (8), Burroughs (9), Burrus (5), Burson (3), Burt (45), Burton (26), Burwell (11), Bury (2), Busby (3), Busey (3), Bush (17), Bushnell (5), Bushong (2), Bushrod (38), Bushyhead (14), Busli (1), Bussey (7), Bustill (1), Butcher (1), Butler (89), Buttall (2), Butter (1), Button (1), Butts (2), Buxsey (1), Buys (2), Buzzard (16), Byars (2), Byas (4), Bye (1), Byerly (1), Byles (1), Bynum (3), Byrd (47), Byrne (4), Byron (2), Byvanck (2), Bywaters (3)
- C - (563 Families, 5332 Individuals)
Cabell (35), Cade (4), Cadenhead (1), Cadogan (1), Cadwalader (20), CADWALLON (1), Caffrey (1), Caile (1), Cain (15), Cairns (1), Calder (1), Calderwood (1), Caldwell (17), Calff (1), Calhoun (4), Call (2), Callaway (6), Callihan (3), Callum (1), Calmes (1), Caloura (1), Calthorpe (33), Calverley (2), Calvert (59), Calvert alias Harris (1), Calvin (3), Camera (1), Cameron (12), Cammack (1), Camoys (3), Camp (30), Campbell (144), Campbell-Douglas (1), Campbell-Orde (2), Camville (1), Canada (3), Canagaradunckwa (1), Canby (1), Candler (4), Candor (1), Candos (1), Candy (4), Caniff (1), Cannady (1), Cannon (5), Canoe (2), Canonic (1), Cantilupe (4), Cantine (2), Cantle (1), Cantrell (1), Canville (1), Capeheart (1), Caperton (1), Capet (4), Capps (2), Caputzgi (1), Cardinal (2), Carew (6), Carey (7), Cargill (2), Carie (6), Carleton (1), Carlile (20), Carlock (4), Carlton (2), Carmack (1), Carmen (3), Carmichael (1), Carmody (1), Carnahan (1), Carnegie (6), Carney (11), Carol (1), CARONDOWANA (1), Carpenter (51), Carper (1), Carr (134), CARR (30), Carraway (1), Carre (1), Carrick (9), Carrico (1), Carrier (3), Carrigan (3), Carrington (7), Carroll (29), Carson (10), Carter (195), Carteret (1), Cartwright (9), Caruthers (1), Carver (6), Cary (1), Case (2), Casey (1), Cash (2), Cashat (1), Cashwell (1), Caskey (1), Cassell (10), Cassilly (1), Castille (5), Castleman (60), Castoe (1), Catcher (2), Cate (1), Catfish (1), Cathcart (3), Cather (1), Catherall (1), Cathey (2), Catledge (1), Catlett (55), Catoe (1), Catron (2), Cattell (10), Catterton (2), Caulkins (1), Causin (5), Cauz (2), Cavalier (2), Cave (8), Cavenaugh (2), Caverswall (1), Cawood (4), Cawthon (1), Cayuga of the Turtle Clan from Sgoiyase (1), Cayuga or Oneida (2), Cayuga Snipe Clan (1), Cazad (1), Cearley (1), Cecil (1), Centers (1), Chaffin (2), Chaillon (1), Chalmers (6), Chamberlain (6), Chambers (98), Chamness (8), Champagne (1), Champe (2), Champion (6), Champtoceaux (1), Chance (1), Chancy (1), Chandler (31), Chaney (4), Channon (1), Chaplin (11), Chapman (17), Chappell (4), Charbonneau (2), Charde (2), Chare (1), Charles (1), Charletton (5), Charley (2), Charmaine (1), Charteris (2), Chartier (9), Charty (1), Chastain (10), Chatburne (1), Chatfield (4), Chattin (4), Chatworth (7), Chaucer (1), Chaucombe (1), Chauncey (2), Chavis (1), Chaworth (2), Cheadle (8), Cheasquah (1), Cheatham (8), Cheek (2), Cheeseman (1), Cheever (2), Cheney (37), Chenoweth (33), Cherokee (14), Cherokee 1/2 (1), Cherokee Wolf Clan (1), Chesne (3), Chester (2), Chevalier (3), Cheverall (1), Chew (90), Chewning (1), Cheyenne (1), Chiche (1), Chichester (10), Chickamauga (1), CHICKAMAUGA (1), Chickasaw (2), Chicken (2), Chidiock (1), Chilcot (2), Child (3), Childers (4), Childress (4), Chiles (124), Chiley (3), Chillashoomastubbe (1), Chillingsworth (1), Chilton (1), Chinnabee (1), Chisolm (14), Chissoe (1), Chitta (1), Chittenden (2), Choatard (1), Choate (15), Choctaw (5), Choctaw Iksa Hattakiholihta Clan (1), Choctaw Okla Falaya (Tall People) (2), Choctaw Okla Okla Apetat (1), Choke (2), Cholmondeley (1), Choufy (1), Chouteau (2), Chovin (1), Chrisman (45), Christian (13), Christie (2), Christina (1), Christophers (1), Chupret (1), Church (15), Churchill (6), Churchman (1), Churchwell (1), Chute (1), Circle (1), Clack (11), Claggett (25), Claiborne (20), CLAIREBOUT (1), Clairmont (2), Clanton (1), Clapham (1), Clapp (8), Clapton (4), Clare (1), Clark (169), Clark1 (1), Clark-Moorman (2), Clarkson (50), Clas (4), Clavering (6), Claverley (1), Clawson (1), Clay (50), Clay or Gray (1), Clayton (11), Claytor (1), Clear (1), Clearman (1), Cleavenger (14), Cleaver (3), Cleek (4), Clegg (1), Clemens (50), Clemson (1), Clendenin (8), Clere (1), Cleveland (35), Clewly (3), Click (1), Clifford (24), CLIFFORD (1), Clifton (14), Cline (4), Clinkenbeard (2), Clinton (1), Clitheroe (3), Clopton (1), Cloud (43), Clough (3), Cloville (3), Cloyd (56), Cloyes (1), Clubb (2), Clutterbuck (2), Cluverious (2), Coale (1), Coates (5), Coats (1), Cobbler (3), Cobbs (34), Cobham (4), Coble (2), Cobmartin (1), Cocheral (1), Cochran (12), Cockburn (3), Cocke (42), Cockerham (1), Cockey (6), Cockit (1), Cockrell (1), Cockshutt (1), Codd (1), Coe (16), Coell (1), Coeymans (1), Coffee (20), Coffer (37), Coffey (2), Coffin (58), Cogan (4), Coggeshall (4), Coggin (3), Cogswell (4), Coiffes (1), Coit (1), Cokayne (5), Coker (1), Colbert (77), Colburn (2), Colby (3), Colclough (8), Colcott (1), Cole (39), Colekirk (1), Coleman (100), Coles (6), Coley (3), Colgan (1), Coling (1), Collett (5), Collier (32), Collingwood (2), Collins (42), Colliver (2), COLQUOHOUN (3), Colson (4), Colt (1), Colton (4), Columbers (2), Colver (1), Colverd (1), Colville (44), Colvin (3), Colwell (1), Coman (1), Combmartin (1), Combs (13), Comegys (7), Comer (10), Compton (4), Comstock (3), COMYN (CUMYN; CUMMIN) Cummings (15), Conant (4), Conatser (1), Conde (1), Conditt (4), Condon (2), Conduitt (2), Cone (3), Conger (61), Coningsby (1), Conklin (2), Conley (3), Conn (1), Connell (10), Conner (59), Connerly (3), Connie (1), Connolly (7), Conover (21), Conrad (12), Constable (40), Constein (1), Constien (4), Contee (7), Conteville (1), Conway (17), Cony (2), Conyers (7), Coody (15), Cook (33), Cooke (22), Cookney (1), Cookston (1), Cook-Westray (1), Cool (16), COOLEY (4), Coombes (3), Coon (8), Cooper (61), Coote (1), Cope (6), Copeland (14), Copenhefer (1), Copley (4), Copp (1), Coppin (2), Coppinger (1), Coppock (5), Corbeil (2), Corbet (10), Corbin (55), Cord (1), Cordell (2), Corderoy (1), Cordery (19), Cordner (1), Cordray (20), Cordrey (5), Corell (4), Cormack (2), Cornelis (1), Cornelissen (1), Cornelius (2), Cornells (4), Corning (3), Cornish (2), Cornplanter (4), Cornstalk (24), Cornstock (1), CornTassel (4), Cornwall (6), Cortelyou (1), Corwine (1), Corzine (1), Cosby (1), Cotesworth (1), Cotter (2), Cottle (1), Cotton (13), Cottrell (1), Couch (6), Couden (1), Coulter (1), Coulton (1), Council (8), Counts (4), Courkin (1), Coursy (19), Court (1), Courtenay (22), Cousins (2), Covalt (1), Covan (1), Covell (1), Covenhoven (43), Covington (3), Cowan (33), Cowdin (2), Cowdrey (1), Cowgill (1), Cowper (12), Cox? (1), Cox (162), Coy (6), Coyle (2), Crabbe (3), Crabtree (6), Crackplace (1), Cracroft (41), Craddock (4), Craig (13), Crandall (18), Crane (32), Cranston (1), Crapo (3), Crater (1), Cravatt (4), Craven (86), Crawford (198), Crawford-Leslie (1), Crawford NN (1), Creasy (2), Creech (1), Creed (4), Creek (8), Creel (7), Creighton (5), Crenshaw (16), Crepon (11), Cresap (22), Cresson (5), Creswell (1), Crete (1), Creting (1), Crews (25), Crichton (13), Criner (2), Crispin (40), Cristler (1), Critchlow (2), Crites (6), Crittenden (28), Crocker (2), Crockett (1), Crofford (1), Crofts (7), Croghan (2), Crompton (2), Cromwell (12), Crook (1), Crooker (1), Croon (2), Cropley (1), Crosby (2), Croshaw (17), Cross (10), Crossland (2), Crossthwaite (2), Crouch (1), Croucher (1), Crow (46), Crowder (2), Crowhite (2), Crowl (3), Crowley (2), Crowson (1), Croxon (1), Croy (1), Cruchly (6), Crukshank (17), Crump (3), Crumpton (1), Crutcher (4), Crutchfield (4), Cruthers (1), Cryingbear (1), CryingSnake (1), Crysel (1), Cuffe (2), Cuily (2), Culbertson (7), Culcheth (1), Cullen (6), Culler (1), Cullison (1), Cullom (1), Culpepper (2), Culton (1), Culver (3), Cumberworth (1), Cumbo (11), Cummings (35), Cunningham (39), Curd (1), Curless (1), Currier (1), Curry (3), Curt (1), Curtis (17), Curwen (1), Curzon (1), Cushman (1), Cusick (1), Custer (7), Custis (11), Cuthbert (3), Cuthbertson (1), Cutler (2), Cutlip (7), Cutright (3), Cyfert (1)
- D - (360 Families, 2632 Individuals)
Dabney (31), DABNEY (1), Dade (8), Dagon (2), Dagworth (1), Dail (1), Daily (2), Dale (5), Dallas (1), Dalrymple (2), Dalsallock (1), Dalton (37), Dalyson (2), Dalzell (3), Dameron (5), Damon (1), d'amorie (1), Damourvell (2), Damoys (2), Dance (1), Dancer (4), Dancey (3), Dandridge (33), Dane (2), Danebrot (1), Daneys (2), Danford (3), d'Angers (1), Dangu (2), Daniel (88), Danielston (1), Dannelley (1), Dannia (1), Dansie (1), Danvers (3), Danvillers (3), Danyell (1), Danyers (1), d'Aquitaine (1), Darby (2), D'Arcy (26), Darden (3), Dare (2), Dargan (1), d'argouges (1), Dark Star (1), Darling (2), Darnell (5), d'Arques (1), Darr (1), Darrell (9), Dashiell (1), Dashwood (3), Daubeney (1), D'Aubigny (12), Dauge (2), Daugherty (9), Daughtie (1), Daughtry (7), Dauncey (1), Davenport (5), David (3), Davidson (24), Davies (21), Davis (178), D'Avranches (1), Davy (2), Dawkins (2), Daws (4), Dawson (18), Day (26), Dayton (6), Deacon (1), Dean (17), Deanes (1), DeAngelis (1), De Armand (1), Dearstone (1), De Artois (1), Death (1), Deathurd (1), Deaver (25), DeBarrette (1), De Bec (8), DeBelle (2), De Beumont (1), Debnam (5), De Bohun (4), Debow (1), De Brul (1), Debton (1), DeBurgh (11), De Bush (2), DeCamp (1), De Carteret (1), DeCauz (2), Decker (10), De Clare (49), De Cleves (1), de Colleville (2), Deel (12), Deeley (2), Deer Clan (1), Dees (33), Deeson (1), DeForest (1), DeFrance (1), Degge (17), Dehaven (5), De Hede (1), Deiter (1), Deitrick (2), DEKAYENENSERE (1), De La Arche (1), De La Bere (4), De La Glen (1), De La Grove (1), De La Haie (1), DeLaHaye (1), De la Lynde (1), DeLaMater (1), De La Mere (1), Delancey (2), Delaney (2), Delano (2), De La Plain (8), De La Pole (12), DeLapp (1), De Lasceles (1), De La Val (1), Delaware (6), De La Ware (1), Delaware Leni Lanape (2), De La WARREMBERE (1), DeLega (1), Delk (1), DeLoach (1), Deloach (1), DeLong (3), Delozier (1), Delpee (1), De Lusignan (1), Delves (2), Demarest (2), Demert (1), DeMill (1), Demming (3), de MONCHENSY (2), De Mormaer (2), Demott (2), Denbo (1), Dengan?? (1), Denham (2), Denise (2), Dennard (1), Denne (1), Dennis (12), Dennison (4), Denny (1), Denslow (1), Denston (2), Dent (52), Denton (20), Denwood (2), Denyer (1), deNyssen (1), De Plancken (1), de Pont de l'Arche (1), Dering (2), Derr (5), Dersinton (2), Derwentwater (1), DeShane (2), Deshays (14), Deshon (2), Desjarrie (1), Deskins (1), DesMyniers (1), De Somery (1), Despain (4), de Staveley (1), Detheridge (1), Dethick (1), Deurcant (1), Devane (2), DEVENPORT (1), DeVere (21), D'evereaux (14), Devins (2), Devoe (1), Devol (1), Devotion (2), De Vrij (1), Dewes (8), Dewitt (3), D'Eyncourt (1), Deyo (1), d'Hauteville (1), Dhu (1), Dibble (6), Dicer (1), Dick (2), Dickens (10), Dickerson (23), Dickey (2), Dickinson (14), Dickson (10), Dierdorff (1), Diggs (42), Dildine (3), Dillard (13), Dille (2), Dillon (1), Diltz (1), Dilworth (3), Dimon (2), Dinham (2), Dinsmore (1), Dinwiddie (1), Dircksdottir (1), Dirkse (1), Dirksen (1), Disbro (1), D'Isles (1), Dismukes (3), Diuguid (2), d'Ivry (2), Dix (5), Dixey (2), Dixon (48), Dixwell (1), Dizer (1), Doak (3), Doan (1), Doane (3), Dobbins (47), Dobbs (2), Dobson (1), Docker (1), Doctor (3), Dodds (10), Dodge (2), Dodson (8), Doggett (31), d'oilly (6), Dolle (3), Donahoe (1), Donahue (3), Donaldson (3), Donbobbin (1), Donegal (1), Donelson (19), Donjon (1), Donley (1), Donn (2), Donnel (1), Donner (1), Donnisley (1), Donovant (6), Doodes (2), Dooley (1), Doolhagen (2), Doolittle (1), Doran (1), Doremus (1), Dormer (1), Dorrance (1), Dorris (1), Dorset (1), Dorsey (36), Dorton (1), Dosey (1), Doterinde (1), Dotterer (1), Dotts (2), Doty (10), Doubleday (1), Doublehead (20), Doud (2), Dougan (8), Doughty (33), Douglas (137), Douglas-Hamilton (3), Dow (3), Dowell (2), Dowgill (1), Dowling (1), Downey (3), Downing (107), Downman (1), Downs (11), Doxstader (31), Doyle (2), Doyley (1), Doyne (9), Dozier (3), Dracott (1), Dragoo (3), Drake (30), Draper (3), Draycott (1), Drennan (1), Drinkard (16), Driver (2), Drumgoole (9), Drummond (25), Drummond? (1), Drury (23), Drysdale (1), Dubarb (1), Dubois (19), DuChene (3), Duchene (1), DU CHESNE (1), Duck (2), Duckett (14), Duckwood (1), Duckworth (4), Dudbridge (1), Dudley (33), Duff (2), Duffield (39), Dugger (7), Duke (7), Dulaney (1), Dulin (2), DUMAS (DEMOSS) (7), Dunaway (2), Dunbar (14), Duncan (161), Dunch (1), Dundas (2), Dungan (1), Dunham (11), Dunkenfield (1), Dunlap (4), Dunn (28), Dunning (1), Dunstanville (4), Dupont (1), Dupuy (4), Durante (15), Durfe (1), Durfey (1), Durham (13), Durkee (1), Durr (1), Durrett (48), Dusenberry (1), DUSQUENE (1), Dutois (1), Dutton (5), Duvall (65), Duycking (5), Duyts (1), Dwight (1), Dyer (4), Dymoke (1), Dynley (1), Dyson (1)
- E - (140 Families, 1331 Individuals)
E (1), Eady (1), Eager (2), Eaker (1), Eakes (1), Eakin (1), Eames (5), Earhart (6), Earl (1), Earle (70), Earl of Salisbury (1), Easterbrooks (1), Easterd (1), Eastham (4), Easton (2), Eaton (17), Eberwine (1), Ebrois (1), Echols (6), Echyngham (1), Eckleberry (2), Edding (3), Eddy (3), Edelen (21), Edgar (3), Edge (4), Edgecombe (1), Edgerton (1), Edgington (81), Edmontson (17), Edmunds (1), Edquiban (1), Edwards (208), Ege (2), Egerton (4), Egglestone (18), Eichelberger (1), Eichelborner (3), Eilbeck (1), Elam (3), Eland (2), Elcott (1), Eldelen (1), Elder (38), Eldridge (11), Elgin (1), Eliakim (1), Elizabeth (2), Elkington (1), Elkins (44), Elkins-Mullins (1), Ellen (2), Ellery (1), Ellet (1), Ellington (2), Elliott (53), Ellis (55), Ellison (6), Ellsworth (1), Ellwyn (2), Ellzey (1), Elmore (8), Elms (1), Elmsall (1), Elphinston (10), Elricks (1), Elsberry (1), Elsby (1), Eltinge (4), Eltonhead (2), Elwell (1), Elwerden (1), Elwood (1), Ely (14), Emerson (5), Emery (38), Emlen (1), Emmert (1), Emmit (1), Emmons (3), Emory (28), Empringham (2), Emsley (1), Emswiler (1), Endicott (2), Endsley (2), Enfield (1), Enfinger (9), Engald (1), Engham (1), England (4), Engle (3), Englefield (2), English (8), Eno (1), Enochs (1), Enos (1), Entrekin (23), Enyard (1), Enzman (1), Epkesz (4), Eppes (26), Erehardt (2), Ergardia (2), Ergmont (1), Errington (4), Erskine (38), Erskine-Weems (3), Eskridge (5), Essex (1), Esskuchin (1), Estabrook (1), Estep (73), Estes (111), Ethridge (5), Eu (1), Eubank (4), Euby (1), Eure (1), Eustace (2), Evans (59), Evarts (1), Evatt (1), Eve (1), Eveley (1), Evered (1), Everett (7), Everhard (1), Everingham (6), Everist (12), Everly (1), Everndon (1), Eversmann (1), Evitt (1), Ewen (2), Ewing (24), ewrus (1), Exum (4), Eyre (2), Eyton (1)
- F - (275 Families, 2129 Individuals)
Fadery (1), Faeger (1), Fair (3), Fairbanks (8), Fairfax (1), Fairfield (1), Falaise (2), Falconer (3), Falley (1), Falling (7), Fallis (3), Fane (2), Fann (1), Fanning (2), Faris (11), Farish (8), Farley (6), Farlow (3), Farmer (60), Farnsworth (22), Farnum (2), Farquhar (1), Farr (15), Farrand (2), Farrar (19), Farrell (2), Farrington (1), Farrow (2), Fauconberg (3), Fauconer (1), Faudree (2), Faulk (1), Faulkner (21), Faunce (1), Faunt (1), Fauntleroy (18), Favell (1), Faxon (2), Fayle (2), Feagin (7), Fear (2), Fearn (1), Feasel (1), Feathergill (1), Featherston (19), Feg (7), Feke (1), Felch (1), Fell (1), Felton (5), Felty Valentine (1), Fencotte (1), Fendall (25), Fenford (6), Fenn (4), Fenneryear (1), Fenton (1), Fenwick (5), Ferebee (9), Ferguson (18), Fermour (1), Fernander (1), Fernley (1), Ferree (3), Ferrell (137), Ferrers (39), Ferrington (1), Ferris (7), Fettiplace (1), Few (1), Fewell (19), Feydt (2), Ffryar (1), Fiddeman (2), Fiddle (1), Fidler (2), Field (14), Fielder (6), Fielding (26), Fields (50), FIelds (1), Fiennes (2), Fierke (1), Fife (2), Filkin (2), Fillecutcha (1), Filley (2), Fillol (1), Filmer (1), Filson (2), Finch (6), Fincher (1), Findley (1), Finfrock (1), Finger (2), Finley (4), FInne (1), Finnell (1), Finney (12), Finnsdottir (1), Fish (61), Fishback (3), Fisher (29), Fitch (4), Fitz Alan (24), FitzAnsculf (1), FitzBalderick (1), Fitz Bernard (1), Fitz Clarence (1), FitzDolphin (1), FitzErneis (1), Fitz Flaald (3), Fitz Forne (1), FitzGeoffrey (5), Fitzgerald (11), FitzGozelin (1), Fitz Guienoc (1), Fitz Hammo (1), FitzHerbert (22), FitzHubert (1), Fitzhugh (11), FitzJohn (3), FitzLangley (1), FitzLosoard (1), FitzMaldred (2), Fitz Maurice (1), FitzOsbern (5), Fitz Pain (3), Fitzpatrick (9), FitzPiers (3), Fitz Ralph (1), FitzRandolph (1), Fitz Randolph (1), FitzRedmonds (1), FitzRichard (6), FitzRobert (1), FitzRoger (3), FitzRoy (5), FitzSimmons (1), Fitzsiward (1), FitzUchtrerd (1), Fitzuctred (1), FItzUrian (1), FitzWaldeve (1), Fitz Walter (5), FitzWalter (1), Fitz Warrine (1), Fitzwater (1), FitzWilliam (5), Fiveash (1), Fivekiller (1), Flaitel (2), Flake (1), Flambert (2), Flanders (1), Flannagan (2), Flannery (2), Flatel (2), Flavin (1), Fleet (2), Fleming (31), Fletcher (6), Flood (5), Flord (1), Flournoy (4), Flower (3), Flowers (33), Floyd (15), Fluharty (3), Fly (1), Flynn (3), Flynt (11), Focell (1), Foden (1), Foley (20), Folger (15), Foljambe (4), Folk (2), Folliott (1), Folsom (28), Fonda (1), Fones (1), Fonger (3), Foose (1), Foote (52), Forbes (9), Force (1), Ford (38), Fordham (3), Fordyce (1), Foree (5), Forester (5), Forget (3), Forgy (2), Forman (66), Forney (1), Forrest (4), Forristall (1), Forsee (1), Forster (48), Forsyth (18), Fort (12), Fortier (3), Fortrey (2), Fortson (3), Fossaker (2), Fossard (2), Foster (54), Fotherby (2), Fotheringham (1), Fouke (45), Fountain (83), Fourreau (1), Fouts (2), Fowle (1), Fowler (6), Fowleshurst (3), Fox (41), Foxcroft (3), Foxhall (2), Fox-Taylor (1), Frame (26), Francis (18), Frank (3), Frankland (1), Franklin (10), Frans (3), Fray (4), Frazier (39), Freeland (6), Freeman (49), Freitag (1), Fremont (1), French (31), Frere (1), Freshour (1), Freshwater (14), Freville (3), Freyberger (1), Friend (11), Frier (1), Frisbie (1), Frittem (1), Fritts (7), Frizell (3), Froman (4), Frost (10), Fry (15), Fryer (5), Fugate (7), Fujita (1), Fulgham (18), Fulk (7), Fulkerson (1), Fuller (6), Fullerton (39), Fullerton-Lindsey (1), Fullerton-Lindsey-Carnegie (3), FULNETBY (1), Fulp (9), Fulthorpe (1), Fulton (3), Fulwar (1), Funk (6), Fuqua (2), Furbush (1), Furlong (2), Furman (33), Furnell (1), Furness (3), Furnivale (1), Furr (1), Fychan (1), Fyde (1), Fytting (1)
- G - (325 Families, 2996 Individuals)
Gabbard (1), Gadd (15), Gaffin (4), Gage (2), Gaines (29), Gainey (1), Gainsford (1), Gaither (7), Galbraith (27), Gale (11), Galford (1), Gallaher (1), Galley (1), Gallion (1), Gallop (31), Galloway (5), Galt (1), Gam (1), Gamble (30), Gambrill (1), Gammel (1), Ganaway (4), Gand (1), Gandy (2), Gano (1), Gantt (6), Gard (1), Gardiner (90), Gardner (52), Garges (2), Garland (17), GARLAND (1), Garlock (1), Garlow (3), Garner (4), Garnett (5), Garneys (1), Garra (1), Garrett (42), Garrison (40), Garten (1), Garth (1), Garthwaite (1), Gartman (1), Garton (1), Garver (2), Garvey (1), Garvin (3), Garwood (12), Gasciogne (4), Gaskill (1), Gaskins (4), Gassaway (3), Gaston (1), Gatchell (1), Gates (3), Gatewood (4), Gathings (1), Gathright (1), Gatley (2), Gatliff (2), Gatward (2), Gault (1), Gaver (1), Gawdy (2), Gawthrop (1), Gawton (1), Gay (5), Gayer (1), Gaylord (6), Gebhart (1), Geddes (2), Gee (4), Geer (3), Geiger (26), Gelvin (2), Gentry (135), Genung (2), George (8), German (1), Germano (2), Germany (1), Gernon (1), Gerrard (37), Gerrish (1), Gerritsen (1), Gerry (1), Gertrud (1), Gevdon (1), Gewinner (1), Gheen (1), Gholson (2), Gibbons (3), Gibbs (31), Gibson (75), Giddings (22), Gideon (1), Giffard (41), Giffen (1), Gifford (2), Gijsberts (1), Gilbert (12), Gilbertson (2), Giles (2), Gilespie (4), Gilkeson (3), Gill (8), Gillespie (15), Gillette (1), Gilliam (17), Gillingham (3), Gillman (1), Gilmore (31), Gilpin (5), Ginn (1), Gioviodan (1), Girard (5), Girdler (1), Girlington (2), Gish (3), Givens (6), Gladhill (2), Gladys (1), Glanville (2), Glascock (14), Glass (8), Glassell (1), Glassford (2), Glasshouse (1), Glaze (1), Glazebrook (1), Gleason (2), Gledhill (1), Glendenning (2), Glendower (1), Glenn (8), Gliding Swan (1), Glidwell (1), Gloddryd (1), Gloucester (2), Glover (1), Glover-Nelson (1), Glyn (1), Glyndwr (1), Goad (109), Goble (3), Gode (1), Godfrey (5), Godon (4), Godwin (9), Goff (3), Goggin (35), Goin (78), Gold (3), Golden (28), Goldenfield (1), Goldhatch (2), Golding (2), Goldsborough (2), Goldsby (39), Goldsmith (1), Goldy (1), Golliher (1), Golson (2), Gonzalez (2), Gooch (22), Good (10), Goodbread (2), Goode (1), Goodell (2), Goodhue (1), Goodin (1), Gooding (1), Goodlow (1), Goodman (7), Goodpasture (3), Goodrich (10), Goodridge (1), Goodwin (7), Gookin (3), Goolbrant (1), Goolsby (2), Goose (1), Gordon (238), Gordon-Lennox (3), Gore (27), Goree (2), Goreman (1), Gorham (3), Gorman (2), Gorrell (1), Gorton (1), Gosling (3), Gosmer (1), Goss (4), Gossler (1), Gostwicke (2), Goucher (1), Gough (3), Gould (7), Goulding (2), Goulet dit Jolibois (1), Gourd (14), Gourley (1), Gourney (4), Goushill (1), Gowdy (1), Gower (9), Gradner (1), Grady (3), Graf (1), Grafton (3), Graham (40), Grainger (2), Granade (5), Grandson (3), Granger (1), Grant (24), Granville (2), Graper (1), Grass (10), Gratin (1), Gravely (1), Graves (83), Gray (194), gray (1), Grayson (9), Graystoke (1), Greathouse (29), Greeke (1), Green (126), Greenberry (3), Greenfeather (1), Greenfield (1), Greenhill (2), Greenhow (1), Greenleaf (34), Greenlee (1), Greenville (1), Greenwell (1), Greenwood (17), Greer (29), Gregg (33), Gregory (27), Greneff (2), Grenier (1), Gresham (12), Gresley (1), Greville (9), Grey (1), Greyeyes (6), Greyeyes-Steele (1), Greyndour (1), Grierson (6), Grieve (1), Griffin (24), Griffin Nicholas (1), Griffis (1), Griffith (72), Griffith Ap Llewellyn (1), Griggs (9), Grigsby (5), Grimaldus (1), Grimes (15), Grimm (1), Grimston (1), Grimwell (1), Grinter (11), Grisham (1), Grissett (1), Grisso (2), Grissom (1), Griswold (17), Grizzard (2), Grizzle (3), Gromarin (2), Grooms (24), Grosch (1), Gross (2), Grosseteste (1), Grounds (2), Grove (1), Grover (4), Groves (2), Growles (1), Grubb (12), Grubbs (3), Gruffydd (3), Grumley (1), Grumman (1), Gue (4), Guerrant (1), Guerres (1), Guerry (1), Guess (68), Guetnanville (1), Guffey (1), Guibert (4), Guild (6), Guillot (2), Guines (2), Guion (1), Gulager (1), Gulley (1), Gump (1), Gunby (1), Gunn (12), Gunnels (1), Gunning (1), Gunter (17), Gurdaygle (1), Gurgany (2), Gurney (3), Gustine (2), Guthrie (7), Gutierrez (1), Gutridge (2), Gutterson (7), Guy (5), Guyther (2), Gwathmey (5), Gwatkin (2), Gwilym (3), Gwinn (16), Gywnedd (1)
- H - (474 Families, 4780 Individuals)
H (1), Haas (1), Haburne (1), Hacker (1), Hackney (22), Hackworth (10), Hacon (1), Haddix (2), Hadersete (1), Hadjo (2), Hadley (31), Haegan (2), Haelen (1), Hagan (5), Hagar (1), Hagerty (1), Haggard (39), Haggoman (1), Hahn (18), Haig (1), Haight (3), Haile (2), Hainault (1), Haines (43), Hair (3), Hairston (6), Haischer (1), Haizlip (2), Halbert (12), Haldane (3), Hale (18), Hales (2), Haley (1), Halfbreed (8), half Cherokee and half African American (1), half white (1), Halkerston (1), Halkett (1), Hall (55), Halle (1), Hallenbeck (1), Haller (1), Hallett (2), Halley (1), Hallighwell (1), Halsey (4), Halsted (6), Halswell (1), Halyburton (1), Ham (11), Hamblet (1), Hamerle (1), Hamilton (73), Hamilton-Gordon (2), Hamlin (15), Hammer (4), Hammersley (1), Hammock (2), Hammond (98), Hampdene (1), Hampton (23), Hamrick (1), Hanbury (1), Hance (11), Hancock (11), Hand (7), Handley (1), Handsacre (1), Haney (1), Hanford (3), Hankford (1), Hanks (1), Hannah (11), Hanners (1), Hannum (3), Hanover (1), Hansard (1), Hansford (1), Hanson (59), Haperton (1), Haralson (1), Harbottal (1), Harcourt (25), Hard (1), Hardage (1), Hardaway (1), Hardeman (2), Hardesty (21), Hardgrove (2), Hard Heart (2), Hardin (13), Harding (7), HARDINGTON (1), Hardison (10), Hardisty Rancheria Round Valley (1), Hardridge (2), Hardstone (1), Hardwick (5), Hardwick or Ross (1), Hardy (35), Hardyman (1), Hare (8), Harfield (1), Hargis (2), Harjo (4), Harker (8), Harlan (70), Harley (2), Harmar (1), Harmon (23), Harmonson (2), Harmtje (1), Harnage (2), Harndel (1), Harness (2), Harney (6), Harny (1), Harp (1), Harper (11), Harr (1), Harrell (3), Harrellson (1), Harrington (23), Harriott (1), Harris (118), Harrison (175), Harrod (1), Harry (1), Harshman (1), Hart (231), Hartin (1), Hartley (4), Hartman (3), Hartmann (3), Hartshorn (1), Hartwell (11), Harve (1), Harvey (173), Harwick (1), Harwood (23), Hasbrook (1), Hash (13), Hasilden (8), Haslock (1), Haslonde (1), Hastings (28), Hasty (1), Hatch (4), Hatcher (8), Hatchet (3), Hatfield (1), Hathaway (3), Hatton (11), Havens (4), Haverty (1), Haviland (1), Haw (4), Hawkins (65), Hawks (11), Hawksworth (1), Hawley (2), Haworth (1), Hawthorn (3), Hay (36), Hayden (104), Haydock (1), Hayes (56), Hayne (1), Haynie (2), Haynsworth (1), Hayward (2), Hazeankahha (1), Hazelrigg (27), Hazelton (2), Hazelwood (2), Hazzard (2), Head (23), Headen (1), Headley (2), Heald (14), Heale (1), Heard (47), Hearne (6), Heath (7), Hebden (1), Heck (1), Hedges (10), Heerman (1), Heffington (1), Hefflebower (1), Hegeman (1), Heggedal (1), Hehemann (6), Heilly (1), Heilman (1), Heinrich (1), Heiries (1), Heiskell (1), Helchey (1), Hellingh (2), Helme (1), Helphenstine (3), Hembree (25), Hemertin (1), Heminger (5), Hemingway (1), Hemmeger (8), Hemmings (1), Hemphill (1), Hemry (1), Hen (1), Henart (1), Henderson (16), Hendren (1), Hendricks (63), Hendricksen (3), Hendricksson (34), Hendrix (15), Heninger (1), Henley (3), Henneha (2), Henning (4), Henry (42), Hensfield (2), Hensley (10), Henson (3), Hepburn (3), Herald (1), Herbert (10), Hercules (1), Hereward (1), Heritage (1), Hermanson (1), Herndon (23), Herndon???/ or Boswell (1), Herndon or Rush (1), Herr (2), Herrick (1), Herries (3), Herring (26), Herrion (1), Herriot (1), Herron (21), Hersey (1), Hertel (2), Hervey (3), Hesdin (1), HESILRIGE (5), Heslerton (2), Heslin (2), Hesson (1), Hester (2), Heter (1), Heth (1), Hethersete (1), Hetley (1), Heton (3), Hewett (12), Hewlett (1), Hey (1), Heytesbury (1), Heywood (1), Hiatt (9), Hibbard (2), Hibbetts (1), Hickerson (1), Hickman (37), Hicks (45), Higdon (6), Higgenbotham (1), Higgins (6), Higginson (1), Higgs (3), High (3), Higham (3), Highland (2), Hightower (9), Higlar (1), Hildebrand (53), Hildreth (1), Hildyard (2), Hill (214), Hillard (1), Hilleary (7), Hillen (2), HILLHOUSE (10), Hilliard (2), Hillis (4), Hillman (3), Hilton (15), Hinchman (2), Hindman (1), Hines (16), Hingham (1), Hinkle (2), Hinshaw (19), Hinson (4), Hinton (21), Hinyosa (2), Hitchcock (2), Hite (24), Hiteshew (1), Hix (46), Hixon (2), Hoagland (4), Hoard (5), Hobart (1), Hobbs (9), Hobby (3), Hobson (12), Hockaday (1), Hockenberry (2), Hockersmith (1), Hockman (3), Hodgdon (1), Hodge (12), Hodgkins (1), Hodsell (1), Hodson (2), Hoeck (1), Hoff (1), Hoffman (1), Hofmann (1), Hogan (2), Hoge (38), Hogg (6), Hoggart (1), Hogshead (1), Hohl (1), Hohthawakawe (1), Holbert (1), Holbrook (6), Holcomb (7), Holcroft (1), Holden (5), Holder (5), Holderbee (1), Holeman (1), Holladay (33), Holland (55), Hollen (1), Hollinger (6), Hollingshead (1), Hollingsworth (20), Hollins (1), Holloway (45), Holly (1), Holman (1), Holmes (75), Holstein (9), Holt (16), Holtermann (1), Holton (1), Holtzclaw (9), Homa (2), Homastubee (1), Home (15), Homma (2), Honaker (1), Honeycutt (1), Honor (1), Hoo (1), Hood (3), Hooe (20), Hoofnagle (4), Hooftman (1), Hooker (15), Hoolihan (1), Hoomes (1), Hoopa (2), Hooper (7), Hoopes (41), Hooppell (1), Hooten (2), Hoover (2), Hop (1), Hopcott (1), Hope (1), Hopewell (1), Hopkins (74), Hopperton (1), Hopson (5), Hopton (4), Horde (1), Horleston (1), Horn (10), Hornback (1), Horne (2), Horner (2), Horseman (3), Horsfall (1), Horsley (3), Hortense (1), Hortman (2), Horton (16), Hosch (2), Hoskins (47), Hoss (1), Hotchkin (1), Hotz (1), Hough (10), Houghton (4), Houk (4), House (6), Householder (3), Houseman (1), Houser (1), Houston (47), Hovenkotter (1), Hovey (14), Howard (82), Howard-Arundel (1), Howbert (5), Howdeshell (1), Howe (16), Howell (48), Howey (2), Howland (3), Howlett (3), Howson (5), Hoyl (1), Hoyt (4), Hubbard (14), Hubbell (1), Huckins (2), Huddersfield (1), Huddleston (4), Hudgins (11), Hudson (71), Hudson or Huston (2), Huey (2), Hufaker (1), Huff (5), Huffman (5), Huffstutter (1), Huggins (1), Hugh (7), Hughes (52), Hughson (1), Hull (7), Hulse (1), Humberstone (1), Hume (14), Humiston (1), Hummingbird (1), Humphress (1), Humphrey (8), Hundley (1), Hune (1), Hungerford (45), Hunt (72), Hunter (107), Huntingfields (2), Huntington (3), Hunton (1), Hupp (6), Hurd (1), Hurdle (1), Huron (1), Hurst (6), Hurt (1), Hurt or Hart (1), Huskey (2), Hussey (20), Husted (1), Huston (2), Hutcheson (9), Hutchins (9), Huttof (1), Hutton (2), Huybert (1), Hyde (33), Hyder (1), Hyndman (1)
- I - (37 Families, 228 Individuals)
Iasigi (1), Iddings (2), Idol (1), Ifferley (2), Ikerd (1), Ince (1), Inchmartin (1), Indian (2), Inge (1), Ingersol (1), Ingham (4), Ingleby (1), Inglis (7), Ingosal (1), Ingram (15), Inman (1), Innes (12), Inscore (1), Inskeep (23), Irby (2), Irish (5), Ironmonger (4), Irvine (39), Irving (1), Irwin (40), Isaac (6), Isbell (5), Isham (18), isham (1), Israel (1), Issacson (1), Ithel (2), Iverson (5), Ivey (4), Ivri (3), Iwardby (1), Izard (12)
- J - (84 Families, 1048 Individuals)
Jack (33), Jackmann (1), Jackson (122), Jacob (7), Jacobdottir (3), Jacobs (6), Jacobson (1), Jacobus (2), James (42), Jameson (4), Jamison (1), JamisonJemison (1), Jannack (5), Janney (1), Jansen (3), Janss (5), Janss de Jonge (1), January (2), Jarboe (3), Jardine (1), Jarman (2), Jarratt (4), Jarre (1), Jarrell (18), Jarvis (2), Jasper (1), Jawaandasse (1), Jay (6), Jaycox (1), Jeans (1), Jeeter (1), Jeffers (1), Jefferson (27), Jeffery (8), Jefts (1), Jenifer (8), Jenkins (52), Jenkinson (1), Jenks (5), Jenney (1), Jennings (24), Jenour (1), Jermyn (4), Jernigan (11), Jerningham (3), Jessee (15), Jessup (4), Jeter (2), Jett (6), JEURIAENS (1), Jewell (10), Jewett (11), Jewett Jouett (4), Jim (1), Job (15), Jobson (1), Johansson (3), John (4), Johns (47), Johnson (167), Johnston (46), Joiner (2), Jolibois (2), Jolliffe (1), Jolly (7), Jones (171), Joosten (1), Jopling (2), Jordan (61), Joslin (2), Journey (2), Journeycake (3), Joyce (2), Joyner (1), Jubrill (1), Judde (4), Judson (1), Judy (1), July (1), Jurcksen (1), Jureddusen (1), Jury (2), Justice (6), Juzan (7)
- K - (166 Families, 970 Individuals)
Kagy (1), Kanaghowende (1), Karaghiagdatle (1), Karagkwine (1), Kates (1), Kay (1), Keachine (1), Kearfoot (1), Kearney (1), Kearsey (1), Kease (1), Keating (1), Keaton (1), Keck (2), Kede (1), Keeble (2), Keeling (4), Keen (28), Keenan (1), Keener (2), Kehm (1), Kehrt (1), Keister (1), Keith (161), Keith of Lothian (1), Kelke (3), Kelker (1), Kell (3), Keller (2), Kellet (3), Kelly (12), Kelsey (1), Kelso (1), Kelty (2), Kelway (1), Kemis (1), Kempe (31), Kempton (2), Kendall (21), Kenderdine (1), Kendig (1), Kendrick (10), Kenjockety (1), Kennedy (77), Kennedy-Erskine (1), Kenner (1), Kennerly (2), Kennet (1), Kennison (1), Kennon (18), Kenrick (2), Kent (5), Kenton (1), Keogh (1), Kercheval (3), Kern (1), Kerney (1), Kerouaille (1), Kerr (36), KERR (7), Kerrick (1), Kersey (1), Kershaw (1), Kesterson (1), Ketchum (14), Keurten (1), Key (92), Keys (44), Keyser (1), Kibbe (1), Kidd (5), Kidder (3), Kidwell (1), Kiehl (2), Kierstede (1), Kilbuck (8), Kilby (1), Kilgore (5), Killachulla (1), Killen (1), Killian (4), Killingholm (1), Kilpatrick (1), Kilpont (1), Kilton (1), Kimble (5), Kimbrough (5), Kimsey (2), Kincaid (3), Kinchen (3), Kinchloe (4), Kindred (1), King (66), Kingcart (1), Kingfisher (2), Kingsbury (1), Kingsley (3), Kinloch (1), Kinnear (9), Kinney (3), Kinninmont (1), Kinsell (1), Kinsella (1), Kinsey (2), Kinyon (1), Kipp (4), Kirby (10), Kirchner (1), Kirk (8), KIRKCALDY (2), Kirkham (2), Kirkhouse (1), Kirkland (6), Kirkley (2), Kirkman (1), Kirkpatrick (8), Kirksey (4), Kirkwood (2), Kiser (5), kishpoko shawnee (1), Kissner (1), Kitson (2), Kittle (2), Klauw (2), Kline (4), Klingborn (1), Klinge (2), Klopfenstein (1), Klore (1), Knibb (2), Knight (27), Knightly (1), Knighton (1), Knipe (1), Knode (5), Knouts (1), Knowles (8), Knowlton (1), Knox (3), Knyvet (10), Koch (3), Koeck (1), Kolb (2), Konan (2), Koon (2), Kornberger (2), Kowtayolduse (1), Kraft (1), Kraus (2), Kray (2), Krebs (6), Kreeger (1), Kring (1), Krom (1), Krusen (1), Kuester (1), Kulp (2), Kunst (1), Kuntz (1), Kurtz (1), Kuykendall (1), Kviethentha (1), Kyerton (3), Kyle (11), Kyme (3), Kyrle (2)
- L - (307 Families, 2837 Individuals)
Labau (4), Labon (2), Lacey (16), Lackey (2), Lacroix (2), Ladd (7), Lafere (1), Lafferty (2), La Flesche (3), LAFLEUR (2), Laflin (1), LaForce (1), Laidler (1), Lake (14), Laker (1), Lakin (1), Lamar (1), Lamb (6), Lambert (9), Lamborn (10), Lamkin (2), Lamme (3), Lamont (1), Lampley (1), Lamplugh (1), Lampson (1), Lampton (3), Lamson (1), Lancaster (4), Lancelot (2), Land (9), Lander (4), Landon (4), Landrum (5), Landvatter (1), Lane (62), Lanford (18), Lang (3), Langdon (1), Lange (1), Langendyke (1), Langfitt (18), Langford (15), Langham (1), Langhorn (3), Langlois (2), Langly (15), Langston (5), Languetot (1), Langworth (1), Lanier (10), Lannay (1), Lanning (3), Lansden (4), La Porte (1), Laramee (1), L'Arckendeke (1), Larcome (2), Large (7), Largen (11), Larimer (34), Larison (6), Larkin (14), (Larkin) Lankey (1), Laroque (1), Larue (12), Lasceles (5), Lashbrooks (1), Lasley (4), Lassiter (1), Latendresse (1), Latham (2), Lathrop (6), Latimer (6), LaTraille (2), Lauderdale (1), Laughlin (8), Laurens (2), Lavender (1), Laverick (1), Law (3), Lawless (2), Lawrence (25), Lawson (24), Lay (2), Laycock (3), Layman (23), La Zouche (30), Lea (2), Leach (3), Leachman (1), Leaf (1), Leake (16), Lear (3), Leas (1), Leaster (1), Leath (2), Leatherman (1), Leathers (6), Leatherwood (5), Leavell (1), Leaver (1), Leavitt (1), LeBon (2), LeDane (1), Ledbetter (5), Ledford (1), Ledgeard (1), le Dinant (1), Lee (132), Leech (7), Leeds (1), Leeper (3), Leeson (5), Leet (51), Le Faye (1), Lefebvre (2), LeFlore (13), Leftwich (6), Le Gentyl (1), Leggett (2), LeGrand (25), Le Gros (2), Leicester (1), Leighton (2), Leighty (1), Leitch (1), Leitner (1), Leland (1), Lemasters (10), LeMay (7), Lemhi Fort Hall Indian (1), Lemons (2), Lenhard (2), Leni Lenape (1), Lenman (2), Lennox (11), LeNormand (9), Leonard (14), Lepingwell (1), Lerningman (1), Le Rus (1), Leslie (11), Lessie (1), Lester (1), Letcher (6), Lettico (1), Leventhorpe (3), Leveson (1), Leveson-Gower (2), Levi (11), Levington (1), Levis (5), Lewis (594), Lewknor (1), Lexington (2), L'Hommedieu (2), Licklider (3), Liddle (7), Light (1), Lightfoot (34), Ligon (23), Lilburn (5), Lillard (7), Lillington (2), Lilly (3), Lincicome (15), Lincoln (8), Linderman (2), Lindley (9), Lindsey (102), Lindsey-Crawford (1), Lingan (9), Linger (4), Linnington (1), Linton (5), Linville (4), Lippincott (1), Lippy (5), Lipscomb (2), Lisenby (1), Lish (2), L'Isle (1), Lissen (1), Lister (1), Litchfield (1), Littleberry (3), Littlefair (1), Littlepage (2), Littler (1), Littleton (24), Livers (1), Livesay (4), Livingston (5), Lizours (1), Llewellyn (30), Lloyd (36), Llwyd (1), LNU (2), Lobdell (1), Lock (13), Lockett (1), Lockhart (6), Locklear (2), Lockridge (1), Locksmith (1), Lockwood (3), Loddington (2), Lodge (1), Loebs (3), Logan (30), Logie (3), Loker (2), Lomax (1), Lombard (3), Lombe (1), London (4), Long (22), Longboard (1), Longchamp (2), Longdon (1), Longford (1), Longknife (1), Longley (1), Longspee (1), Longstaff (1), Longston (1), Longstreet (3), Longsword (1), Longton (1), Longueville (1), Longvillers (17), Longwell (1), Loocock (1), Loomis (6), Looney (16), Loots (1), Lopert (1), Loraine (1), Lord (4), Lorens (1), Loring (9), Lorraine (1), Lort? (1), Lorton (1), Lott (3), Lottridge (2), Loudoun (3), Loughan (1), Louise (1), Lound (1), Louthe (1), Louvain (1), Lovaine (3), Love (150), Lovejoy (2), Lovelace (6), Lovelady (20), Lovell (9), Loveraz (2), Lovett (3), Low (13), Lowber (1), Lowe (13), Lowell (1), Lowrey (227), Lowther (4), Loyall (2), Lucas (25), Luckett (1), Luckey (2), Luckin (2), Lucy (3), Ludham (1), Ludlam (3), Ludlow (5), Ludwell (1), Lueddag (1), Lufkin (2), Luke (1), Luken (1), Lulach (1), Lumpkin (3), Lundell (1), Lunsford (3), Lupton (1), Lusignan (2), Lusk (1), Luson (1), Lussi (1), Lute (1), Luten (1), Luttrell (7), Luuesz (1), Luxembourg (2), Luyster (1), Lydanwyn (1), Lye (1), Lyles (21), Lyman (2), Lymbry (1), Lynch (64), Lynn (14), Lyon (50), Lyster (1), Lyte (1), Lytle (34)
- M - (582 Families, 11360 Individuals)
M (1), Mabry (23), MacCrinan (1), MacDunghal (1), Mace (1), MacGylocher (1), Machado (2), MacIsaac (2), Mack (1), Mackall (1), Mackey (6), Macklefresh (1), Maclin (3), MacMurrough (2), Macon (2), Macrory (2), Macy (22), Madadsson (1), Madden (1), Maddux (17), Madeira (1), Madeley (1), Madison (30), Madog (1), Magert (2), Maggart (3), Magruder (18), Mahanes (2), Maiden (2), Maier (1), Maine (1), Maire (1), Maitland (20), Maixner (1), Major (12), Makemie (3), Malbie (2), Malbie-Beckwith (1), Malcolm (5), Malcolmson (1), Malemeines (1), Malhart (1), Malin (4), Mallinson (3), Mallor (1), Mallory (3), Malmains (2), Malone (84), Maltby (2), Maltravers (1), Manary (1), Mancil (1), Manderville (5), Manfull (2), Manlove (1), Manlovel (1), Mann (12), Manners (3), Manning (2), Mannion (1), Mansfield (1), Manson (2), Mantell (2), Manter (1), Manus (3), Manwaring (10), Manypenny (4), Mapes (4), Maple (17), Mar (2), Marbhachair (1), Marbury (1), March (3), Marchall (1), Marchand (2), Marcial (15), Marcil (1), Marcum (3), Mardis (1), Maredudd Ap Tudor (1), Marfield (1), Mariarte (1), Marin (1), Mariner (1), Maris (11), Marisco (2), Markee (1), Markel (1), Markham (35), Marks (1), Markwell (1), Marlboro (1), Marler (1), Marlin (1), Marlow (3), Marmaduke (1), Marney (1), Marot (2), Marques (5), Marquet (1), Marquett (4), Marquette (2), Marr (17), Marrington (1), Marriott (3), Marrow (1), Marrs (3), Marsh (7), Marshal (7), Marshall (7052), marshall (3), MARSHALL (19), Marshall\ (1), Marshall' (1), Marshall-Boswell (1), Marshalll (1), Marshall (now other name) (1), Marshall-Richardson (1), Marshall-Wright (1), Marsham (6), Marshe (2), Marshel (19), Marshell (1), Marshfield (1), Marsil (4), Marss (1), Marstellar (1), Marston (2), Martell (4), Marteney (1), Martense (2), Mårtensson (1), Martin (327), Martindill (1), Marvel (1), Marvin (5), Marwood (1), Mary (1), Mascal (2), Maske (7), Mason (47), Masoner (1), Mason or Barnett (1), Masquat (1), Massey (19), Masten (1), Masters (4), Mastin (1), Matenlee (2), Matheny (1), Mathers (14), Mathias (2), Mathis (2), Matienzo (1), Matinier (1), Matlack (3), Matthews (33), Mattison (2), Mattysen (1), Mauduit (4), Maugridge (7), Maulden (2), Maule (1), Mauleverer (7), Mauley (2), Maulovel (3), Maupin (2), Maury (10), Mautby (6), Mauvoison (1), Mauzy (2), Maxey (46), Maxwell (59), May (18), Mayfield (2), Mayhew (11), Mayle (10), Maynard (2), Mayo (21), Mayre (3), Mays (4), Maytubbee (2), McAdoo (1), McAffee (1), McAlexander (3), McAlister (2), McAllen (1), McAllister (13), Mcallister (4), McAnany (1), McArkil (2), McBrayer (1), McBride (5), McCabe (1), McCain (5), McCaleb (5), McCall (4), McCallister (67), McCamey (12), McCamish (1), McCann (1), McCarroll (1), McCarter (1), McCarthy-Mor (2), McCarthy-Reagh (1), McCarty (18), McCausland (6), McClain (10), McClay (1), McClelland (22), McClendon (1), McClenny (3), McClintock (2), McCloud (2), McCluney (4), McClung (2), McClure (28), McClurg (2), McCollam (1), McCollister (7), Mccollister (2), McCollonge (1), McCollum (1), McComas (2), McComb (5), McConahey (1), McConnel (24), McCoonse (4), McCord (4), McCorkel (3), McCormick (14), McCourtney (1), McCoy (22), McCracken (28), McCready (1), McCreary (8), McCue (1), McCullough (26), McCune (2), McCurdy (1), McCutcheon (1), McDade (12), McDale (1), McDaniel (24), McDonald (22), McDougal (2), MCDOWELL (71), McDowell (3), McDuff (1), McDuffee (3), McElrath (1), McElroy (2), MCELYEA (3), McEwen (3), McFaden (3), McFarlin (7), McFarline (1), McFarren (1), McFatridge (1), McGaha (1), McGee (22), McGehee (1), McGellebride (1), McGillivray (13), McGinley (1), McGinnis (4), McGirt (1), McGough (3), McGown (2), McGrady (5), McGrath (1), McGraw (7), McGregor (7), McGrew (1), McGriff (1), McGuffey (1), McGuiness (1), McGuire (2), McGurdin (1), McHeath (1), McHen (1), McHenry (1), McIlhaney (2), McInroy (1), McIntosh (30), McInturff (8), McIver (8), McJerrin (1), McKean (4), McKee (2), McKelips (1), McKelvey (3), McKenna (1), McKenneth (3), McKenzie (1), McKie (1), McKim (1), McKinley (2), McKinney (14), McKinzie (1), Mckittrick (1), McKnight (5), McKowan (1), McKrimmon (1), McLaren (2), McLaughlin (13), McLemore (5), McLeod (15), Mcleod (1), McMahon (16), McMeeken (4), McMillian (6), McMullen (3), McMurdo (2), McMurty (2), McNabb (1), McNair (2), McNary (16), McNeal (5), McNear (1), McNees (3), McNelly (1), McNott (1), McNown (1), McNulty (2), McPhail (2), McPherson (11), McQueen (30), McQuilkin (1), McQuillen (4), McQuiston (6), McRae (2), McSweeney (1), McTavish (3), McWhorter (3), McWilliams (3), Meacham (1), Mead (42), Meador (62), Means (3), Meares (1), Mearns (1), Meaux (1), Meazel (3), Mechmeher (2), Medearis (5), Medley (2), Medlock (1), Medough (1), Meek (1), Meese (3), Meigs (4), Meinill (2), Melder (1), Mellor (2), Mellows (3), Melson (1), Melton (1), Melville (1), Melvin (3), Menard (14), Menaugh (1), Mendenhall (35), Mendle (1), Menefee (3), Menzies (1), Mercer (26), Merchion Gull (1), Mercy (1), Mere (1), Meredith (10), Mering (1), Meriwether (75), Merkle (2), Merley (1), Meroney (1), Merrick (2), Merrill (11), Merriman (6), Merritt (12), Merry (2), Mervyn (24), Meschines (6), Messenger (7), Messure (1), Metcalf (23), Metham (1), metis (1), Metselaer (1), Metten (1), Meuillon (2), Meulent (5), Mevrouw (1), Meyer (3), Meyer Zu Natrup (1), Miami (1), Michael (8), Michaux (6), Michie (1), Michon (1), Mick (1), Mickell (1), Micou (2), Middleton (66), Midget (1), Midland (1), Mifflin (1), Milbank (3), Milbury (1), Miles (37), Milford (1), Millard (2), Millburn (2), Millen (1), Miller (128), Millett (1), Millikin (2), Mills (21), Millwee (4), Milner (6), Milsap (1), Milstead (1), Milton (3), Mims (22), Mingo (6), Mingo Seneca (1), Minister (1), Mink (18), Minnis (3), Minor (36), Minshall (4), Minter (20), Minton (1), Miracle (3), Mitchell (33), Mitchum (1), Miteouamigoukoue (1), Mitton (1), Mize (3), Mizen (1), Mobley (4), Mock (10), Moderby (1), Modisette (1), Moeles (1), Moffett (9), Mofield (1), Mohawk (2), Mohawk Bear Clan (1), Mohawk Seneca Turtle Clan??? (1), Mohawk Seneca Turtle Clan (1), Mohawk Turtle Clan (3), Mohun (3), Molenaar (1), Moler (5), Molineaux (4), Molines (6), Molle (1), Mollohan (7), M'Olvorie (1), Molyneaux (12), Mompesson (1), Moncrief (7), Moneypenny (1), Monfort (24), Moniac (23), Moniac-Hollinger (1), Monk (7), Mononcue (1), Monroe (17), Monson (2), Montague (39), Montbegon (1), Monteith (14), Montgomery (35), Monthermer (2), Monthibault (1), Montibus (1), MONTIO/ONONTIO (1), Montlhery (1), Montmorency (1), Montour (48), Montour (1), Montoya (1), Montpesson (1), Monuers (1), Moody (22), Moon (33), Mooney (1), Moore (113), Moorman (19), Moosman (1), Moran (1), Morant (1), Moravia (1), Moray (2), Mordaunt (5), More (2), Moreau (1), Morehead (12), Morehouse (2), Moresby (1), Morey (1), Morgan (109), Morgandollar (3), Morganwdd (1), Morgret (1), Morley (3), Morrell (4), Morris (40), Morriset (1), Morrison (14), Morrow (4), Morse (11), Morson (1), Mortaigne (1), Mortimer (31), Morton (66), Morville (1), Morwick (2), Mosby (3), Mosely (7), Moses (1), Moshulitubbee (2), Moss (9), Mostyn (2), Mothershead (6), Mott (18), Mould (1), Moulton (3), Mounser (1), Mountjoy (4), Mounts (12), Mowbray (6), Mowen (1), Moxley (1), Moyer (5), Moytoy (9), Mt Pleasant (5), Muchner (2), Mudd (11), Mudge (2), Mueller (1), mulatto (2), mulatto slave (1), Mulbrook (1), Mulford (5), Mulholland (1), Mulkey (2), Mullins (92), Multon (3), Mumma (1), Muncas (1), Muncaster (2), Munchesny (2), Muncy (33), Mundane (1), Mundell (2), Mundy (1), Munn (1), Munsee Muncy (1), Munsee Muncy Turtle poss (1), Munsill (5), Murchison (1), Murdock (4), Mure (18), Murer (1), Murphey (1), Murphy (22), Murray (39), Muschamps (1), Muse (12), Musgrove (9), Mushey (1), Musick (1), Muskrat (8), Mussett (1), Musson (3), Myers (4), Myhill (1), Mynderts (2), Mynne (2)
- N - (110 Families, 913 Individuals)
Nabors (2), Nadell (1), Nadem (1), Naf (2), Nagle (1), Nail (5), Nairne (2), Nalley (1), Nance (74), Napier (12), Nappa (1), Napton (2), Narsin (1), Nash (13), Nason (1), Natchez (1), Native American (3), Native American??? (1), Nattres (1), Nave (6), Nawe (1), Naylor (5), Neale (59), Neate (1), nee Cutler (1), Needham (2), Neff (16), Neggis (1), Neidhardt (2), Neikirk (5), Nelles (2), Nelms (9), Nelson (18), Nesbitt (6), Nesfield (1), Nester (20), Netherland (1), Netherton (1), Nettles (1), Neufmarche (1), Nevers (1), Nevett (1), NEVILLE (130), Nevins (1), Nevius (7), New (1), Newall (7), Newberry (6), Newbold (1), Newburgh (9), Newby (2), Newcomb (2), Newcomer (2), Newhall (1), Newkirk (7), Newlin (13), Newlove (1), Newman (22), Newmarch (2), Newsom (10), Newton (107), Nicaise (1), Niceley (14), Nicemonger (1), Nicholas (9), Nichols (31), Nicholson (13), Nichs (2), Niel (13), Niesham (1), Nightingale (4), Nikitie (1), Niles (2), Nimham (2), Nisewonger (3), Nitakechi (3), Nix (2), Noah (1), Noble (9), Noblett (14), Nocar (1), Noe (4), Noel (8), Nolan (3), Nolleboy (1), Norfleet (8), Norman (16), Normandy (20), Norreys (3), Norris (21), North (7), Northrup (3), Northumberland (1), Norton (8), Norwich (5), Norwood (1), Norworthy (12), Notely (1), Nottingham (5), Nourse (2), Nowell (3), Nuckles (9), Nugea (1), Null (1), Nunn (5), Nunnelee (3), Nurse (3), Nuthall (2), Nutter (1), Nye (12)
- O - (95 Families, 497 Individuals)
Oakes (10), Oates (1), O' Bail (1), Obermeyer (1), Obernostheide (1), O Brien (2), Occum (1), O Dear (1), O'Dell (6), Odingsells (1), Odiorne (1), ODOARD (1), O' Donald (1), Odum (2), Offley (3), Offutt (22), Ogborne (1), Ogden (3), Ogg (1), Ogilvie (17), Ogle (32), Oglesby (9), Oglethorpe (1), Ogletree (5), Ohio Indians (1), Olafsdottir (2), Olafsson (1), Old (1), Oldage (2), Oldfield (2), Oldham (7), Old King (1), Oler (1), Olinger (1), Oliphant (5), Olive (1), Oliver (45), OLIVER (3), Ollar (1), Olmstead (1), Olney (8), Omohundro (2), Onagsakearet (1), Oneida (1), Onondaga (1), Oolootas Octlootsa Holly Clan (3), Opdengraeff (1), Opessa (2), O Quinn (1), Orange (1), Orbin (1), Orde (4), Ordway (1), O Rear (4), Orender (1), Organ (7), Orme (1), Ormsby (3), Orr (8), Orreby (1), Orrel (4), Orton (2), Orvis (1), Osborn (51), Osbourn (3), Osbourne (7), Oshasqua (1), Ostrander (1), Oswald (1), Otey (4), O Toole (1), Ott (1), Ottawa (1), Otter (1), Otterbach (2), Otterlifter (9), OUIGATIGOCON (1), Ouke (3), Outland (1), Outman (1), Outten (1), Overby (1), Overend (2), Overfield (21), Overman (3), Overton (66), Owen (19), Owens (20), Ownby (2), Owseley (3), Oxberry (3), Oxendine (6), Oxford (1), Oxier (1), Ozment (1)
- P - (324 Families, 2963 Individuals)
Pabenham (1), Paca (1), Pace (12), Packenham (1), Paddock (20), Paden (3), Padget (17), Paelon (3), Page (14), Paget (1), Pagnel (1), Pagrella (2), Painter (9), Pakenham (2), Pakington (1), Palenque (1), Palmer (28), Pamunky (1), Pancake (4), Pancoast (1), Pankey (1), Pannil (3), Pantulf (1), Papsmore (1), Paradise (1), Paramore (2), Parbakes (1), Parent (4), Pargiter (1), Parham (9), Paris (1), Parish (1), Park (52), Parker (92), Parkhill (3), Parkhurst (1), Parkinson (2), Parks (20), Parlette (1), Parmalee (3), Parmer (1), Parr (7), Parrell (2), Parris (49), Parrish (17), Parrott (18), Parry (16), Parshalll (3), Parsley (1), Parsons (23), Partiger (1), Partington (1), Partridge (35), Pashcall (23), Paske (1), Pasmere (1), Passmore (9), Paston (1), Patch (2), Patchell (1), Pate (1), Pateson (1), Pathkiller (3), Patram (1), Patrick (10), Patterson (78), Pattillo (1), Pattison (1), Patton (30), Patty (2), Paul (7), Paulett (9), Pauley (5), Paulhamus (3), Pauli (3), Paulson (2), Paulus (5), Pavely (4), Pawlett (2), Pawling (3), Paxton (8), Payne (37), Paynell (6), Peabody (2), Peace (8), Peach (1), Peacheater (2), Peachy (4), Peacock (1), Peake (6), Peaks (2), Peale (3), Pearl (15), Pearl (2), Pearsay (1), Pearsol (2), Pearson (19), Pease (37), Peatross (3), Pebley (2), Peche (1), Peck (3), Pectol (1), Pede (3), Peden (2), Peebles (16), Peet (1), Pegram (5), Pelam (1), Pemberton (8), Pence (2), Pendleton (14), Penix (1), Penley (3), Penn (13), Pennell (6), Pennick (1), Penniger (1), Pennington (11), Pennock (7), Penny (14), Penrod (5), Penuel (1), Pepper (1), Perch (2), Perciful (6), Percy (37), Perkes (1), Perkins (17), Perley (1), Permenter (1), Perrin (25), Perry (31), Perryman (2), Persinger (1), Petchie (1), Peterman (1), Peters (18), Peterson (8), Petow (2), Petrie (14), Petro (1), Pett (1), Pettigrew (1), Pettis (7), Pettit (73), Petty (13), Pettycoat (1), Pevere (1), Peverell (5), Pey (1), Peyster (1), Peyton (45), Phares (15), Phelon (1), Phelps (24), Phifer (2), Philbrick (1), Philip (1), Philipson (1), Phillips (47), Phillis (2), Philpin (1), Philpot (3), Phipps (2), Piatt (2), Pickens (1), Pickering (8), Pickett (9), Picotte (1), Picquigny (1), Piddocke (1), Pierce (33), Pierpoint (28), Pierson (2), Pigg (24), Piggot (4), Pike (10), Pines (1), Ping (1), Pinkham (2), Pinkney (12), Pinkstaff (8), Pinn (6), PInner (1), Pipe (2), Piper (4), Pippen (2), Pippig (1), Pitchlynn (2), Pitman (16), Pitres (1), Pitsligo (1), PItt (1), Pitt (21), Pittenger (28), Piua (2), Pix (1), Pixton (1), Place (3), Plantagenet (48), Plantamura (1), Plate (1), Pleasants (25), Plessington (1), Plintzing (2), Plogmann (4), Plum (5), Plumley (1), Plummer (4), Plumpton (1), Plunkett (7), Poague (2), Podmore (1), Poe (1), Poindexter (2), Pole (6), Polhemus (9), Polk (3), Pollard (42), Pollock (1), Polly (2), Pomfret (1), Ponteaudemer (2), Pontifex (4), Poole (3), Poore (2), Poorman (1), Pope (119), Popejoy (1), Popely (1), Popham (3), Porch (1), Pore (1), Pork (1), Port (10), Porter (71), Posey (2), POSS (14), poss (5), poss native (1), Post (14), Postan (1), Poteet (2), Potowmeck Patawomeck Potomac (2), Pottenger (6), Potter (30), Potticary (1), Potts (9), Poullain (1), Poultney (2), Poulton (1), Pounder (1), Pounds (2), Povall (1), Powell (117), Power (8), Powers (6), POWHATAN (21), Pownall (1), Poynings (6), Poynton (2), Poyntz (5), Poythress (41), Praa (1), Prall (1), Prather (28), Pratt (16), Pray (3), Prendergast (1), Presley (13), Preston (99), Prestridge (2), Prevatt (1), Prevost (1), Prewitt (2), Priber (5), Price (55), Prichard (2), Priest (3), Priestly (1), Prigg Pigg (1), Prime (1), Prince (11), Prindle (2), Pringle (2), Printup (4), Pritchard (6), Pritchett (9), Pritt (1), Proctor (25), PROFFITT (29), Propst (5), Propts (2), Prosser (2), Provence (1), Prowse (1), Prudden (1), Prugh (1), Pruitt (3), Prunty (3), Pryor (6), Puckett (16), Puddington (1), Pugh (132), Pugh-Salisbury (2), Puleston (1), Pulleine (2), Pulliam (49), Pumeo (1), Purcell (12), Purdy (1), Purefoy (15), Purnell (6), Purrier (1), Pursley (2), Puryear (1), Pusey (6), Pushkush (1), Pushmataha (2), Putnam (3), Pycraft (2), Pye (1), Pyle (17)
- Q - (14 Families, 169 Individuals)
Quarles (3), Quebec (6), Queen (14), Quenzel (1), Quesinberry (105), Quick (3), Quigg (1), Quillen (1), Quimby (12), Quincy (6), Quinn (7), Quinnons (1), Quinny (2), Quinton (7)
- R - (251 Families, 2713 Individuals)
Rabbitt (12), Racker (1), Radcliffe (94), Radford (10), Ragan (29), Ragel (1), Ragland (11), Ragsdale (13), Raiford (2), Railsback (1), Raincrow (4), Rainey (2), Rainmaker (3), Rains (5), Rairigh (3), Raisback (1), Rakestraw (37), Raleigh (6), Raley (1), Ralston (88), Ramage (10), Rambo (1), Ramey (1), Ramsbottom (1), Ramsey (15), Rand (2), Randall (15), Randes (1), Randol (2), Randolph (83), Range (1), Ranger (1), Rankin (124), Rannels (2), Ransdell (1), Ransom (1), Rant (2), Rapalje (3), Raper (3), Rasor (3), Raspberry (1), Rastrick (8), Rauch (1), Raunchehous (1), Raven (6), Ravencroft (4), Ravenshaw (2), Rawkesbye (1), Rawlins (10), Rawls (1), Rawson (4), Ray (28), Raymond (11), Raynor (1), Raynsford (2), Razor (1), Reading (3), Reamer (1), Reason (5), Reasoner (3), Rector (62), Redcross (2), Redd (4), Redden (3), Reddick (1), Reddish (1), Redhatch (1), Reding (3), Redman (9), Redpath (1), Redvers (2), Redwallon (2), Ree (1), Reece (47), Reed (59), Reeder (12), Reeves (14), Reged (1), Regenwaldsdatter (1), Reger (1), Register (12), Reidheuch (1), Remay (1), Rembert (1), Remick (1), Remington (1), Rempe (1), Rempston (1), Remsen (1), Reneer (2), Reneham (1), Renfrow (4), Reniff (1), Rennick (1), Renshaw (2), Rentzel (1), Revels (1), Revere (1), Rexroth (2), Reymer (1), Reynolds (49), Reyreye (1), Rheged (2), Rhodes (60), Ribemont (1), Rice (93), RIce (1), Rich (11), Richards (20), Richardson (48), Richbourg (3), Richeson (4), Richmond (8), Rickford (1), Rickman (1), Ricks (7), Rickstacker (1), Ridder (1), Riddle (24), RIddle (1), Riddlesdale (1), Ridel (2), Rider (7), Ridge (17), Ridgely (12), RIDGEWAY (5), Ridley (5), Riffle (2), Riggall (2), Riggins (3), Riggleman (3), Riggs (26), Riley (50), Ring (3), Ringer (1), Risch (1), Rishton (1), Rising (7), RisingSun (1), Risley (1), Ritchie (35), Ritter (11), Rivers (3), Rivett (1), Rixtone (2), Roach (92), Robards (10), Robb (2), Robbards (1), Robbins (46), Roberson (4), Robert (1), Robertin (1), Roberts (58), Robertson (24), Robeson (3), Robinette (1), Robins (2), Robinson (40), Robson (3), Roby (1), Rochet (2), Rochford (1), Rockhold (1), Rockley (1), Rockwell (8), Rodham (3), Rodman (1), Rodney (1), Rodwell (1), Roe (16), Roebuck (3), Rogers (204), Rogers Fish (3), Rohrer (4), Rokesly (1), Rokewood (1), Rolfe (29), Rolston (2), Roman (4), Romig (1), Ronningrin (1), Rookes (1), Roos (1), Roosa (1), Rope (1), Roper (9), Rorison (1), Ros (17), Rose (52), Ross (76), Rosser (2), Roswell (3), Rotenheryng (1), Roth (8), ROTHCHILD (1), Rotherham (3), Rothpert (1), Rothrock (1), Roucy (1), Roudebush (32), Rouen (4), Roughton (2), Roundtree (10), Rounsaval (1), Rouvray (1), Rowan (3), Rowden (2), Rowland (12), Rowlett (3), Rowley (2), Rowzie (17), Roy (16), Royall (17), Royce (8), Royer (4), Royster (1), Ruark (1), Rucker (7), Ruckman (1), Rudd (2), Ruddell (5), Ruddick (2), Rudding (1), Rudisill (1), Rue (3), Ruff (1), Ruffin (2), Rugge (1), Rummel (1), Runser (1), Runyon (20), Ruppel (2), Rush (92), Rushall (1), Rusher (3), Russell (48), Rust (80), Rutherford (19), Ruthven (1), Rutland (2), Rutledge (2), Rutten (1), Rutter (2), Ryan (4), Ryckman (4), Rye (11), Ryerson (1), Ryland (1), Ryman (1), Ryther (4)
- S - (588 Families, 4995 Individuals)
Sabins (1), Sackett (3), Sackville (4), Sadler (2), Saenger (1), Safford (1), "Sa Ga Yeath Qua Pieth Tow" (1), Sailor (1), Salisbury (4), Sallings (1), Sallis (1), Salmesbury (2), Salmon (3), Salter (1), Saltoun (1), Saluzzo (1), Salvester (1), Salyers (2), Salzman (2), Samlesbury (1), Sampford (3), Sampson (13), Samuel (34), Sanburn (2), Sance (1), Sancroft (1), Sandbach (1), Sandefur (1), Sandelands (1), Sanders (36), Sanderson (4), Sandidge (1), Sandridge (1), Sandwith (1), Sandys (2), Sanford (12), Sanlis (1), Sansbury (1), Saquainquartagon (1), Sargent (15), Sarpy (1), Sarratte (1), Sarsfield (1), Satterfield (1), Satterwaite (6), Saucier (2), Sauer (1), Saulsbery (1), Saur (2), SAUVAGESSE (2), Savage (68), Savignac (1), Savinelle (1), Sawley (2), Sawyer (5), Saxon (3), Say (4), Scales (5), Scarborough (24), Scarce (1), Scargill (1), Scarlett (2), Scarsbrook (2), Schellinger (4), Schenck (48), Schermerhorn (2), Schick (1), Schindeldecker (1), Schindler (1), Schlez (1), Schlotterbeck (1), Scholl (6), Schoolfield (2), Schoonover (1), Schott (1), Schouten (1), Schremling (3), Schroder (5), Schulf (1), Schull (1), Schultz (8), Schumacher (1), Schumate (26), Schumway (3), Schupe (1), Schutz (2), Schuyler (4), Schwarberg (1), Schweinitz (2), Schwenke (1), Sclater (3), Scotland (8), Scot-Mulatto (1), Scott (100), SCOTT (2), Scotten (1), scottish (1), Scoville (2), Scraper (1), ScreechOwl (1), Scrimgeour (35), Scriven (1), Scroggins (1), Scroggs (3), Scrope (4), Scudamore (4), Scudder (40), Scullion (1), Scutchins (3), Seabolt (9), Seabreeze (1), Seabrook (1), Seake (2), Seale (3), Seamonds (7), Searcy (2), Searl (2), Sears (2), Seasfield (1), Seaton (31), Seawell (4), Seaworth (1), Seawright (2), Sebastian (2), Sebring (6), Seddon (2), See (12), Seeds (3), Seein (1), Seguin (1), Seidler (1), Selby (1), Seldon (3), Self (1), Selkirk (1), Sellers (11), Selman (1), Selsor (1), Selvidge (1), Semoice (2), Semones (1), Semphill (10), Seneca (11), Seneca Turtle Clan (1), Seneca Wolf Clan (5), Senehanawith (1), Senseney (1), Sergeant (8), Serven (1), Servis (1), Sessions (2), Sesson (1), Sessums (1), Seth (1), Settle (2), Severance (3), Severns (2), Severson (1), Sevier (33), Seville (5), Seward (3), Sexton (5), Seyboot (1), Seymour (5), Shackleford (9), Shacklett (13), Shaffer (1), Shafner (1), Shaftesbury (1), Shakerley (1), Shanahan (1), Shane (3), Shanholtz (1), Shannon (6), Shardelowe (1), Sharparowe (1), Sharpe (26), Sharpless (13), Shattuck (4), Shaum (1), Shaver (1), Shaw (21), Shawano (8), Shawnee (7), Shawnee Leni Lenape Wabanaki?/ (1), Shawnee Metis (1), Shawock (1), Shay (1), Sheaffe (1), Shearer (7), Shears (2), Shearwood (1), Shed (3), Sheddon (1), Sheetz (1), Sheffield (1), Shelby (7), Shell (3), Shelly (3), Shelton (34), Shenton (2), Shepherd (12), Sheppard (1), Shepperd (1), Sherburne (1), Shercliffe (1), Sheredine (1), Sherley (1), Sherman (2), Sherrill (7), Sherritt (1), Sherwin (3), Sherwood (17), SHEVENELL (1), Shickellamy (1), Shickellamy-Logan (1), Shields (5), Shiflett (81), Shigley (1), Shimmin (1), Shinks (1), Shinn (1), Shipingfeld (1), Shipley (2), Shipman (1), Shipp (5), Shippy (1), Shirey (6), Shirk (2), Shirley (3), Shively (11), Shivery (1), Shockelach (1), Shockley (4), Shoemaker (2), Shoentakouani (1), Shook (1), Shores (2), Shorey (3), Short (21), Shoshone (1), Shotswell (3), Showalter (1), Shrewsbury (1), Shropshire (1), Shupe (1), Shurtleff (1), Shute (7), Sias (1), Sibbald (1), Sibley (1), Sibthorpe (1), Sicafoose (1), Sicard (1), Sickedr (1), Siders (1), SIdney (9), Sidwell (15), Sietz (1), Sigurdsson (1), Sikes (2), Silas (1), Silsby (1), Silva (1), Silverheels (5), Silvers (1), Simcoe (1), Simerman (2), Simmons (13), Simms (40), Simpson (78), Sinard (1), Sinclair (53), Singleton (1), Sink (1), Sinnett (1), Sisco (1), Sisson (37), Sixkiller (1), Sizemore (38), Skaggs (1), Skeen (1), Skeffington (2), Skelton (6), Skidmore (28), Skiffe (4), Skillman (2), Skinker (2), Skinner (8), Skipper (1), Skipwith (31), Slack (1), Slade (2), Slagle (1), Slason (1), Slater (3), Slaton (1), Slaughter (12), SleepingRabbit (1), Slinker (1), Sloan (8), Slocum (14), Sloper (1), Slusher (1), Sly (5), Small (5), Smallwood (13), Smart (1), Smedley (9), Smelcer (3), Smiley (3), Smith (280), smith (1), Smither (2), Smithwick (3), Smock (2), Smoot (49), Smothers (1), Snawsell (1), Snead (3), Snelgrove (1), Snell (1), Snidow (2), Snith (1), Snitterton (2), Snively (4), Snodgrass (7), Snook (1), Snow (9), Snowdall (1), Snowden (265), Snyder (26), Soames (1), Soaper (1), Soblet (1), Sode (1), Sodington (1), Soelter (1), Sojourner (2), Soloman (2), Somerset (2), Somerville (1), Somery (6), Sondes (2), Soothill (1), Soper (1), Sopford (1), Sorency (1), Sorrells (4), Sortor (1), Sortore (1), Sothoron (6), Soule (6), South (4), Southall (1), Southard (1), Southerland (31), Southern (3), Southey (8), Southmayd (1), Southworth (1), Souvre (1), Sowell (1), Sowell Sewell (2), Sowers (1), Spalding (3), Sparrow (10), Spearman (1), Speed (4), Speer (25), Speight (1), Speke (1), Spelman (2), Spence (8), Spencer (26), Spencer-Stanhope (1), Spicer (15), Spight (1), Spiller (1), Spilsbe (2), Spivey (17), Spooner (1), Spoor (1), Spotswood (15), Sprague (26), Sprigg (21), Spring (2), Springer (13), Springston (2), Sprinkle (1), Sprung (1), Spurlock (7), Spurrier (3), Squeries (1), Squires (8), Ssietstarare (1), Staats (1), Stacy (6), Staffles (1), Stafford (39), Stahring (2), Stainhouse (1), Stallard (3), Stallings (2), Stallions (1), Stallman (1), Stalnaker (14), Staly (3), St Amand (1), Stamper (29), Stanard (1), Standifer (2), StandingDeer (1), Standish (5), Stanford (7), Stanhope (85), Staniforth (1), Stanley (40), Stansbury (2), Stansfield (11), Stansted (2), Stanton (16), Stapelton (15), Stapler (1), Staples (7), Starbuck (18), Stare (1), Stark (7), Starkey (1), Starkweather (1), Starling (2), Starr (28), Starr` (1), Starratt (2), Start (1), St Claire (8), St Claire-Erskine (2), Steadman (1), Stearns (6), Stebbins (1), Stebleton (1), Stedham (2), Stedwell (1), Steede (1), Steele (165), Steelman (1), Steely (1), Steen (17), Stegal (1), Stein (1), Stell (4), Stentz (1), Steptoe (4), Sterling (16), Stevens (18), Stevenson (39), Stewart (239), STEWART (1), St Hilaire (2), Stice (1), Stifler (2), Stigall (2), Stiggins (4), Still (17), Stillwell (10), Stimpson (1), Stinnett (27), Stinson (1), Stipp (4), Stites (1), Stith (40), Stiver (1), Stizletts (1), St John (43), St Lawrence (2), St Leger (1), St. Liz (6), St Marie (3), St Martin (1), Stober (1), Stockbridge (1), Stockely (3), Stocker (1), Stockett (2), Stockley (8), Stockman (7), Stockton (13), Stockwell (1), Stoddard (5), Stokes (44), Stoles (1), St Omer (1), Stone (251), Stoner (1), Stonor (2), Stoothoff (2), Storer (1), Storke (1), Storm (1), Story (7), Stoughton (4), Stourton (4), Stout (183), Stoutenburgh (1), Stovall (3), Stover (6), Stow (2), Stowers (2), St Paul (1), St Philibert (1), St Quentin (1), Strachan (3), Strader (2), Stradling (2), Strain (3), Strange (45), Strangeways (11), Strathbogie (1), Stratton (4), Strayer (2), Stream (7), Streeting (1), Strelley (4), Stretton (1), Stribling (1), Stricker (2), Strickland (10), Stringer (6), Stringfellow (1), Stripling (1), Strode (10), Strong (17), Strother (27), Stroud (33), Strubel (1), Strug (1), Stuart (1), Stubblefield (3), Stubbs (3), Stull (5), Stump (7), Sturgeon (2), Sturgill (5), Sturm (1), Sturman (2), Sturtevant (3), Stuteville (2), St Valery (1), Sublett (2), Sudberry (1), Suffolk (1), Sugg (5), Suiter (1), Suitgert (1), Sullenger (2), Sullivan (58), Sullivan Beare (2), Sullivan Mor (1), Sumac (1), Summers (7), Sunderland (2), Supernon (2), Sutphin (55), Sutter (1), Sutton (30), Sutton-Dudley (3), Swadley (1), Swain (29), Swales (1), Swan (13), Swart (1), Swearingen (136), Sweeney (1), Sweet (1), Sweeting (1), Swett (1), Sweynsdottir (1), Swift (12), Swilley (1), Swinney (1), Switzer (1), Swope (6), Swynford (1), Swynnerton (1), Sybrantse (1), Sydenham (3), Symons (2), Synton (1)
- T - (282 Families, 2401 Individuals)
Tabb (47), tabb (1), Tabdy (1), Taberman (1), Tabor (10), Tackett (2), Tade (1), Tadpole (4), Taft (1), Tagganakwari (1), Taggart (3), Tagno (1), Tagwanagon (1), Taillebois (8), Talbot (60), Talcott (1), Taliaferro (149), Tallant (1), Talley (14), Talmage (2), Tamby (1), Tampair (1), Tamworth (2), Tancarville (1), Tandy (12), Tankersley (112), Tanner (4), Tanquary (4), Tapeensetanya (1), Tapp (1), Tapscott (1), Tarbell (9), Tarbox (1), Tarhee (2), Tarleton (7), Tarpley (5), Tarr (17), Tarrant (3), Tarrant\ (1), Tarver (1), Tarvin (8), Tasker (8), Tassel (4), Tassie (1), Tate (19), Tatlow (1), Tattershall (4), Tatum (3), Taverner (1), Tawsee (1), Tayloe (4), Taylor (159), Tays (1), Teare (1), Tecumseh (5), Teeter (1), Tefft (1), Tekarihoga (1), Tempest (15), Temple (2), Templeton (3), Tenbrooke (1), Tenclay (1), Ten Eyck (19), Tenn (1), Tennant (3), Tequania (1), Terhune (5), Terrapin (1), Terrell (242), Terry (24), Testament (1), Teutonicus (1), Tevis (1), Thacker (3), Thames (1), Thatcher (5), Thayer (1), Thelwal (1), Thember (1), Theobald (1), Theunis (1), Thieler (1), Thierry (2), Thimbleby (1), Thimblethorpe (2), Thirkill (1), Thirlestane (2), Thomas (95), Thompson (132), Thompson-Sutphin (1), Thorell (1), Thorley (1), Thornbrough (1), Thornburg (3), Thorne (2), Thornes (1), Thornhill (1), Thornley (1), Thornoe (1), Thornton (89), Thorogood (7), Thorold (3), Thoroughman (1), Thorpe (21), Thorsley (1), Thorson (1), Thrandsdottir (1), Threadgill (1), Thredder (1), Threlkeld (4), Thrift (1), Throckmorton (121), Thurbarne (2), Thurland (1), Thurmond (1), Thurston (2), Tibbetts (3), Tibbles (1), Tibetot (8), Tiblow (2), Tice (1), Tichborne (4), Tidersley (2), Tidmarsh (1), Tiemann (9), Tiger (1), Tilford (1), Tiller (9), Tilley (1), Tillotson (3), Tillson (1), Tilman (10), Tilney (9), Tilotson (1), Tilton (15), Timberlake (33), Tindell (1), Tinker (17), Tinney (2), Tinsley (5), Tipton (1), Tisdale (8), Titus (6), Toban (1), Tobey (18), Tobler (1), Todd (20), Toft (3), Tolbert (3), Toler (2), Tombler (1), Tomlin (3), Tomlinson (33), Tompkins (14), Tompkins maybe (1), Toms (1), Tonbridge (1), Toney (10), Tong (1), Toohey (1), Tooke (1), Tookerman (1), Tool (1), Toothill (1), Topham (2), Torbert (1), Torbock (1), Torrens (1), Torrey (1), Tothby (1), Totnais (2), Totten (2), Touchet (8), Toulmin (1), Toward (3), Towers (3), Towler (4), Towles (13), Towlson (1), Town (2), Townley (6), Townsend (17), Trabue (3), Tracy (3), Trafford (11), Trahern (2), Trammell (2), Trask (3), Traux (1), Travers (1), Travilla (1), Travis (3), Treadway (13), Treadwell (3), Tregoz (1), Tremain (3), Trent (6), Tresham (1), Treves (1), Tribble (1), Trice (2), Trimmer (3), Tringhall (1), Triplett (26), Tripp (3), Trippard (1), Tritton (1), Trollope (1), Trotman (1), Trott (1), Trotter (14), Troup (3), Trousdale (10), Troutbeck (1), Troutman (1), Trowbridge (11), Troxell (28), Troy (1), Truax (5), Truby (19), Trudeau (6), Truelock (1), Trumbull (11), Trump (7), Trusbut (1), Trywhitt (1), Tscharner (1), Tubman (2), Tuck (1), Tucker (19), Tudor (20), Tuggle (1), Tull (2), Tuller (1), Tulmarsey (1), Tunstall (1), Tupper (1), Turberville (3), Turk (2), Turkey (10), Turkey Clan Deleware (1), Turley (4), Turman (7), Turnbull (20), Turner (53), Turney (1), Turnipseed (2), Turnover (1), Turnstall (1), Turpin (2), Turrentine (1), Turten (2), Turtle (5), Turtle Clan Unami of the Delaware Indians in the Ohio (1), Turtley (1), Turvell (1), Tutt (4), Tuttle (11), Tutwiler (2), Twaddell (1), Tweedie (1), Twenge (16), Twigden (1), Two Guns (5), Twynhoe (1), Twynne (1), Tyas (1), Tydings (4), Tye (1), Tygner (1), Tyldesley (1), TYLER (2), Tyler (34), Tyner (14), Tyner-Harris (1), Tynes (1), Tynley (2), Tyr (1), Tyree (1), Tyrwhitt (2), Tyson (3)
- U - (28 Families, 209 Individuals)
Udall (1), Uebele (1), Uffner (1), Ufford (29), Ulegate (1), Ulman (2), Ulrich (1), Umfreville (8), Underwood (19), unk (77), Unk (3), Unknown (15), UNKNOWN (6), unknown (2), Unton (2), Updyke (2), Upham (1), Uppey (1), Upshaw (2), Upton (24), Urfleet (2), Urie (2), Ursewick (1), Ussery (1), Ussher (1), Utley (1), Utsman (1), Uvedale (2)
- V - (132 Families, 808 Individuals)
V (1), Vache (1), Vail (5), Valence (2), Valentine (18), Valle (1), Valliant (1), Valoines (8), Valois (2), Van Apperloo (1), VanArsdalen (1), Van Beeber (4), Van Benthysen (1), Van Bergen (2), Van Brunt (3), Van Buren (8), Van Camp (3), Vance (102), Van Cleef (2), Van Court (2), Van Der Beeck (4), VanDerBeek (1), Vanderbilt (1), Van Der Burchgraeff (1), Van Der Goes (1), VanDerHoof (1), Vanderlick (1), Van Der Poole (1), Van Der Vliet (2), Vandeventer (1), Vandewater (1), Vandiver (43), Van Doren (4), Van Dyke (9), Vane (2), Van Echelen (1), Van Fleet (1), Van Hook (2), Van Horn (1), VanHorn (2), Van Houten (1), Vanhoy (2), Van Kirk (1), Van Kleeck (1), Van Lieuw (3), Van Meter (112), Vanmeter-Williams (1), Vann (95), Van Ness (3), Van Nest (2), Van Noordwyck (1), Van Nuys (4), Vanover (16), Van Pelt (12), Van Pool (2), Vanquellin (2), Van Rheenen (1), Van Schaick (2), Van Slyke (12), VanTassel (1), VanTol (4), Van Valkenburg (10), Van Werven (1), Van Westen (1), Van Zant (14), Vanzant (1), Varble (4), Vardiman (4), Vardy (1), Varman (1), Varner (6), Varney (2), Vasa (1), Vauderuil (1), Vaughn (32), Vaughn-Salisbury (1), Vaughter (1), Vaugn (1), Vause (1), Vaux (5), Vavasour (1), Veale (2), Veech (1), Veeder (1), Velasco (5), Venable (32), Venable-Vernon (1), Venable-Vernon-Harcourt (1), Venuz (5), Verdon (4), Vermandois (3), Vermillion (1), Vermule (1), Verney (1), Vernon (22), Vernon-Harcourt (1), Ver Planken (1), Versailles (1), Vesey (5), Vest (7), Vestal (7), Via (6), VIa (1), Vicaris (1), Vickers (1), Vickroy (5), Videto (1), Viehet (1), Viers (1), Villey (1), Villiers (9), Vincent (1), VInckler (1), Vines (6), Vineyard (1), Violet (1), Vipont (3), Virgin (1), Vitre (3), Vivian (4), Voden (1), Vogeline (1), Von Erden (1), Von Geldern (1), Vonk (3), VonWeiler (1), Vorhees (29), Voshay (1), Voss (2), Vrooman (1), Vucenich (1), Vuchinick (1)
- W - (367 Families, 4030 Individuals)
W. (1), W (1), Waddi (7), Waddill (11), Waddilow (1), Wadding (1), Waddington (1), Waddly (4), Wade (19), Wadsworth (6), Wageley (1), Waggoner (10), Wagner (1), Wagnild (4), Wagstaff (1), Wagster (1), Wainhouse (7), Waite (6), Wake (1), Walburton (2), Walcutt (1), Waldegrave (1), Walden (1), Waldo (1), Wales (4), Walfson (1), WalkAHorse (2), Walkefore (1), Walker (154), Walkup (1), Wall (43), Wallace (23), Wallen (20), Waller (39), Walleries (1), Walling (2), Wallingford (1), Wallop (10), Walls (1), Walmsley (1), Walner (3), Walper (1), Walpole (2), Walraven (1), Walrond (2), Walsingham (1), Walters (12), Walthall (28), Waltham (1), Walton (33), Walwyn (1), Wanklett (2), Wanless (3), Warburton (2), Ward (169), Wardell (1), Warden (1), Wardlaw (4), Wardner (1), Ward-Roberts (1), Ware (57), Warfield (31), Warford (2), Warham (1), Warick (1), Warlick (7), Warmingham (1), Warnecombe (1), Warner (15), Warnsted (1), Warren (50), Warriner (1), Warrior (3), Warson (1), Wash (1), Washburne (2), Washington (65), Washington or Taliaferro??? (1), Waterman (7), Waters (21), Waterton (1), Watie (3), Watkins (21), Watson (30), Watterson (4), Wattmer (3), Watts (74), Waughop (1), Waure (1), Wa-Wli (2), Way (12), Wayland (1), Wayles (2), Wea (1), Weamer (4), Weatherby (1), Weatherford (11), Weatherly (1), Weathers (1), Weaver (6), Webb (126), Webber (5), Weber (1), Webster (27), Wedderburne (1), Weddle (2), Weed (2), Weed?? (1), Weeks (4), Weems (34), Weir (10), Weisenberg (1), Weiser (11), Weisinger (1), Weiszlweiss (1), Welburne (10), Welch (54), Weldon (1), Weldy (2), Weller (1), Welling (3), Wellington (2), Welliver (1), Wellman (2), Wells (106), Wellstedd (1), Welsh (6), Wendall (2), Wenee (1), Wenger (1), Wentworth (5), Weppner (1), Wermecke (3), Wernecke (1), Wescott (3), Wessels (4), West (161), Westbrook (5), Westby (1), Westcott (1), Wester (6), Westerman (1), Westervelt (5), Westfall (4), Westfield (1), Westingcroft (1), Westmoreland (2), Weston (3), Westowe (1), Westray (19), Westwood (1), Wetherill (1), Weyden (1), Whalen (1), Whaley (1), Wharton (1), Whatlow (1), Wheatly (8), Wheeler (74), Wheeless (9), Wheelock (2), Whepley (2), Whetehill (2), Whetzel (1), Whicker (27), Whickham (5), Whinton (2), Whipple (1), Whitaker (6), Whitall (1), Whitchurch (1), Whitcombe (1), White (95), Whitebread (1), Whitecotton (5), Whitehair (6), Whitehead (8), Whitelaw (4), Whiteman (1), Whiteside (4), Whitfield (5), Whitford (1), Whiting (3), Whitlatch (1), Whitley (1), Whitlock (3), Whitlow (1), Whitman (5), Whitmell (1), Whitmore (5), Whitney (9), Whitpain (1), Whitsell (1), Whitsitt (1), Whitten (3), Whittingham (2), Whittington (5), Whittmore (2), Whitworth (5), Whorwood (3), Wickett (11), Wicks (1), Widdrington (3), Widmyer (1), Widville (1), Widwell (1), Wierwinner (1), Wife (1), Wiggin (3), Wigginton (1), Wiggs (1), Wight (1), Wilaquenaho Ketchum (1), Wilbore (2), Wilbraham (1), Wilbur (2), Wilcox (6), Wilcoxen (5), Wilde (6), Wilder (12), Wildey (1), Wildman (2), Wiley (35), Wilford (1), Wilhoit (2), Wiliams (1), Wiliamson (1), Wilk (2), Wilkerson (8), Wilkes (3), Wilkins (5), Wilkinson (10), Will (1), Willem (2), Willemse (1), Willemsen (5), Willerton (1), Willett (6), William (1), Williams (275), WIlliams (4), WILLIAMS (1), WIlliamson (6), Williamson (151), Williamson-Williams (2), Williard (1), Willing (2), Willington (1), Willis (41), Williston (1), Willoughby (16), Wills (10), Willson (2), Wilmer (2), Wilshire (1), Wilson (383), WIlson (9), Wilton (2), Wiltshire (2), WInch (1), Winch (1), Winchester (1), Windbanke (1), Wind Clan of the Creek Nation (3), Windebank (1), Winders (2), Windle (1), Windsor (4), Wine (1), Winetraub (1), Winfrey (3), Wing (20), WIng (1), Wingate (10), Winget (1), Wingfield (31), Wingler (1), Wingrove (1), Winnie (2), Winslow (5), Winstead (1), Winston (25), WINSTON (1), Winter (3), Winterslick (1), Winthrop (11), Wisdom (2), Wise (11), Wiseman (4), Wisheart (5), Witcher (2), Withers (4), Witherspoon (4), Withrow (1), Witt (7), Witte (2), Witter (1), Wizzlepenning (1), Woertman (17), Wofford (2), Wolcott (2), Wolderane (2), Wolf (12), Wolf Clan (4), Wolfe (5), Wollaston (1), Womancatcher (1), Wood (81), WOOD (1), Woodall (11), Woodard (3), Woodbridge (5), Woodburn (1), Woodbury (1), Woodcock (1), Woodford (6), Woodham (3), Woodhouse (12), Woodliffe (4), Woodman (2), Woodrow (2), Woodruf (6), Woodson (53), Woodstock (1), Woodum (1), Woodville (3), Woodward (29), Woody (5), Woolard (2), Woolbright (1), Woolen (1), Woollery (1), Woolly (9), Woolston (3), Wooten (3), Worke (1), Workman (67), Worley (3), Wormeley (12), Worrell (9), Worrilaw (6), Worsham (24), Worstell (2), Worster (7), Worth (3), Wortham (7), Worthington (5), Wotton (1), Wray (1), Wrey (3), Wright (77), Wryon (2), Wrytt (1), Wuchter (1), Wuichner (1), Wyandot (3), Wyandot 1/4 (1), Wyatt (11), Wybrantz (1), Wyckoff (43), Wycliffe (2), Wyman (15), Wynkoop (1), Wynn (86), Wynninge (2), Wyss (2), Wythe (3)
- Y - (23 Families, 263 Individuals)
Yancey (7), Yard (2), Yargee (2), Yarnell (21), Yates (90), Yeadon (1), Yeager (1), Yeardley (2), Yeargain (3), Yeatman (1), Yeck (23), Yelverton (9), Yenawine (1), Yeo (1), Yoakley (1), Yocum (16), York (1), Yorke (7), Yost (2), Young (55), Youngblood (2), Youngman (1), Yount (14)
- Z - (9 Families, 83 Individuals)
Zaler (1), Zane (57), Zelda (1), Zerkle (1), Ziegler (1), Zimmerman (11), Zimmet (1), Zink (1), Zollars (9)
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