Joseph Patterson, who afterwards became the Rev. Joseph Patterson of Raccoon Church. Patterson
Joseph Patterson, who afterwards became the Rev. Joseph Patterson of Raccoon Church. is no longer alive.
- General Notes
- Joseph Patterson came from Maryland in the autumn of 1779, and settled in this township. Mr. Patterson was a Seceder from the north of Ireland. In the Cross Creek Church, after coming to this township, he was a ruling elder, and finally studied for and entered the ministry. He eventually removed to Robinson township, where he had pastoral charge of the Raccoon Congregational Church. Before leaving this township Rev. Mr. Patterson sold his property here to James Jackson. Mr. Jackson and his family removed to Ashland, County, Ohio, and the farm is now owned by John F. Sharp.
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...�From the records of the old Presbytery of Redstone....REV. JOSEPH PATTERSON was the first pastor. He received the call on April 21, 1789, and was ordained and installed Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1789. MR. PATTERSON was in many respects a remarkable man. He was born in the north of Ireland in 1752. At the age of twenty-five years he married and emigrated to America. After a short stay in Pennsylvania he settled in Saratoga County, N. Y. In 1774 his parents arrived in Pennsylvania, and he returned to this state. He is spoken of as a weaver, farmer, and school-teacher. In 1776 he was teaching near Philadelphia, and was present at the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence. He left his school and volunteered in the American army. After leaving the army he resided a short time in York County, Pa. In 1779, through the influence of JUDGE EDGAR, he came to Cross Creek, Washington Co. He was then a Seceder, with strong prejudice against the use of hymns in the worship of God. His neighbor, SQUIRE GRAHAM, succeeded in changing his views on that subject, and he became very fond of singing hymns....