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ID: I56084
Name: Michael BELET Lord of Wrokefton,Sir
Surname: Belet
Given Name: Michael
Suffix: Lord of Wrokefton,Sir
Sex: M
Birth: EST 1125 in Wrokefton,Geyton,Norfolk,England
Death: Aft 1202 3 K John Bef 1206 in Wrokefton,Geyton,Norfolk,England
_UID: F2DD7F87890EF64BB2685FF93357BDE44AD3
Foss E.A. Biographical Dictionary of the judges of England,1870:
Michael Belet,was the second son of Hervey Belet, and eventually succeded to the Lordship o f Wrokeston,Oxfordshire. and to the Manor of Shene or Richmond,which King Henry 1 had grante d to the family by the serjcanty of chief Butler or cupbearer to the King.

The sheriffalty of various counties was entrusted to him-of Wiltshire,Gloucestershire,Warwic kshire
Worcestershire, Leicestershire-at varoius dates from 22 Henry 11 to the end of the reign (Fu ller's Worthies)

23 Henry 11 (1177) and the two following years, he acted as a justice itinerant in various pa rts of England; and when the great council of Windsor,in the last of those years,divided th e kingdom into four parts, and sent judges into each to adminster justice,he was one of the f ive selected for the circuit comprehending ten counties of the home district. He is found ac ting in this character,not only in these but other counties,thru succeeding years,as late a s 3 john (1201-1202)

Many instances occur,of his partaking in the judicial duties of the Curia Regis at Westminste r, fines being levied before him from 28 henry 11 (1182) through the reign of Richard, till t he third of John

History of Geyton page 453
1206 King John's patent to Michael Belet clears up the pedigree of this family,wherein he giv es to Master Michael Beleth,son of Michael Beleth and his heirs, the office of being his butl er or cupbearer
(officium de prnt noru n ra)with all the rights belonging to it,to be held of the King and hi s heirs freely,quietly,wholly and honourably,asMichael,father of the aforesaid Master Michael ,& c. held it;and thatKing further grants and confirms to the said Master Michael and his hei rs,all the lands which his grandfather,Hervey Belet,held to whatsover fee belonging. dated a t Merleburg,28 dec in the 7th reign (1206)under hand Hugh WellsArchdeacon of Wells.

1228 12 Hen 111 King Henry the Seconds patent to Michael Beleth,the father, for a fair a t Rodham,was dated at this town of Geyton,to which Robert de Lucy,the chief justice of Englan d was witness,
Hervey was also son of this Michael, and brother to Master Michael Belet,as appears from hi s grant and deed of the manor of Rudham,to the prio of Cokesford,for the health of his soul a nd that of the Lady Emma De Kaynete, his mother,(Cheykey),and with the liberties& etc which M ichael Beleth,his brother obtained from the illustrious King John list witnesses held Geyto n 12th Henry 111,the 4th part of a feeof the king ,of the honor of Dover,and paid releif 25s

Banks Extinct and Dormant Baronacys page 32 it states Michael Lord of Wrokeston in com. Oxon, married Emme, dau of John de Keynes.

Banks Extinct and Dormany Baronacys: Belet page 32-Michael founded a priory at Wrokefton,fo r canons regular of St Auguftine; and to pray for the souls of king Richard 1 and King John ; also for the health of his own soul and those of Michael his father,and Emme his mother; Jo hn,William,Bogo,Robert,Adam,Hervey,and Eustace, his brothers; and emme,Annora, and Rose his s isters.

He was holding the Oxfordshire fee in 1199 (Red Bk. Exch.[RollsSer.]124) was probably dead b y 1201 (in this year his son bought a marriage for his sister Rot de Ob et Fin [Rec.Com] 180 , in the office of royal butler and in his Oxfordshire lands at least he was succeeded by hi s son Master
(Magistrate)Michael Belet
Change Date: 12 Mar 2005 at 00:00:00

Father: Hervey BELET b: EST 1100 in Geyton,Norfolk,England

Marriage 1 Emma De CHESNEY Kayneteof Coxford b: ABT 1144 in Newtimber,Essex
Married: ABT 1150
Has No Children Hervey Master BELET of Rudham Chief Baron b: ABT 1150 in Geyton,Norfolk,England
Has Children Michael BELET Magister b: EST 1150 in Wrokefton,Geyton,Norfolk,England
Has Children John BELET of Shene b: EST 1152 in Geyton,Norfolk,England
Has No Children William BELET
Has No Children Rogo BELET
Has Children Robert BELET of Cumbe&Frome-Belet b: EST 1149 in Geyton,Norfolk,England
Has No Children Adam BELET
Has No Children Eustace BELET
Has No Children Emme BELET
Has No Children Annora BELET b: alive 1258
Has No Children Rose BELET
The cited information was sourced from Website / URL published on April 3rd, 2011 <> The author/originator was Robert Lord.
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