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Ancestries of Errol S. BEVAN and Hollie C. ATKINSON BEVAN to ADAM and EVE including many Cousin lines
# ID: I13644
# Name: Richard COMYN
# Given Name: Richard
# Surname: COMYN
# Sex: M
# Change Date: 13 MAY 2009
# Note:

Ancestral File Number: B3C8-5M
!History of Scotland by Charles Terry, 1920 , charts 2 and 16.

Notes from

Sir James Balfour Paul, _The Scots Peerage_ (Edinburgh, 1904), vol. 1,p. 504:
"Richard had a grant of the castle of Northallerton in 1144, and another from King David and Earl Henry his son to himself and his wife Hextilda or Histilla, and their heirs, of certain lands in Tynedale, the heritage of Hextilda's father.

Between the years 1152 and 1159 he gave to the monks of St. Mary of Kelso the church of Lyntunrudderic (now West Lynton) for the souls of his lord the Earl Henry and his own son John whose bodies were buried at Kelso, on condition that he himself, his wife and children, should be received
into the brotherhood of the convent, and be made partakers of its spiritual benefits. [_Liber de Calchou_, 226]

About the same time, or before 1162, he and his wife granted the lands of Carraw to the monks of Hexham, with similar conditions of confraternity to himself, his wife, and his brother Walter. [_Priory of Hexham_, Surtees Society, ii.85] He also, about 1166, granted, with consent of his wife, the lands of Slipperfield in the county of Peebles to the Augustine [canons] of Holyrood. [_Reg. Sanctae Crucis_, 210-211] He was probably the Richard Comyn mentioned as one of the hostages in the treaty of Falaise 8 December 1174, [_Cal. of Docs._, i. 139]

He died between 1176 and 1182, when his widow married Malcolm, Earl of Atholl. [_Liber Vitae_, 100; Dugdale, v. 289] "He married, about 1145, Hextilda

He had by her five sons:
1. John, buried at Kelso before 1159.
2. William.
3. Odo, or Odinell, who is a witness to the grant by his father to the abbey of Kelso of the church of Lyntunrudderic, and also to the grant of Slipperfield to Holyrood.
4. Simon, named in the charter to Holyrood as the granter's son.
5. David Of him descended the Comyns of Kilbride."

J. Horace Round, "The Origin of the Comyns", _Ancestor_, vol. x (1904): 104-119:
"A confirmation by Henry III, in 1262, to John Comyn of Badenoch of certain lands in Tynedale recites that they had been
granted to his great-grandfather, Richard Comyn, and Hextilda his wife, daughter of Huctred son of Waldeve, by King David and Henry his son

It is in harmony with the descent put forward by John Comyn, when he was a competitor for the crown; and the existence of Huctred, son of Waldeve, is duly proved by the Pipe Roll of 1130, which shows that he was at that time a man of position in Northumberland [The lands near Hexham] are styled only the 'maritagium' of [Huctred's] daughter who married Richard Cumin, and I strongly suspect that he left a son

From their Tynedale lands Richard Cumin and Hextilda gave Carrow to the neighbouring prior of Hexham. The charter mentions his brother Walter 'et haeredes meos,' and is witnessed by a Morville, two Umfravills, a Sumerville, William de 'Lindeseia,' Walter Cumin, and others.

Richard grants to Rievaux Abbey twelve bovates in Stonecroft and Thornton 'concessa et bona voluntate Hextildis uxoris meae et haeredum meorum Willelmi, Odinelle, et Symonis.'

Richard's charter to Holyrood is similarly granted (in King William's time), 'assensu et consilio Hestildae uxoris meae,' and has 'Odinello et Simone filiis meis' among its witnesses.

The same three sons [occur] in the Rievaux and the Holyrood evidence, but not the alleged youngest son David [in _Scots Peerage_]."
The cited information was sourced from Website / URL published on November 27th, 2009 <> The author/originator was Errol Bevan.
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