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Neuman-Smith-Goodale Family and Ancestors
ID: I007796
Name: Henry Hussey
Sex: M
Birth: 1110 in Sanford Manor, Somersetshire, England
Death: ABT 1191 in Holy Land
Was born about 1110, according to "Complete Perrage." He was married about 1145 to Avice Tisun, daughter of Adam Tisun. Henry Hussey was a witness to a charter of King Henry II restoring Cannings Manor April 13, 1149. He and his brother William Hussey were witnesses to a deed of the Earl of Essex about 1150, according to "Manuscripts of the Bishop of London." Henry Hussey founded the Premonstatesian Abbey of Dureford in Sussex in 1169, and he founded a leper colony at Harting Manor. Henry Hussey gave the chapel of Standen Manor to the Abbey of Dureford about 1171.

About 1173 Henry Hussey made a grant of tithes at "Littetuna" (probably Littleton Paynell Manor in Wiltshire) to the House of St. Martin of Jumielles (or Jumeieges) in the Diocese of Bayeau. The grant, which has now lost it's seal, reads:

"Sciant tam praesentes quam future, quod ego, Henricus Huse, assensu et praecepto domini mei, Henrici Regis, pro salute animae meae, et patris mei, et matris meae, et predecessorum meorum, reddidi et concessi ecclesiaeSanti Matini de Duobus Gennlis, et monachis ibi Deo servientbus, decinam totius dominici mei de Littetuna, quam monachi praedicti habuerant antiquitus ex donatione Adae Senioris de Port. Quare volo, ut ipsi eam habeant plenaire, et pacifice. Quare hanc cartam sigilli mei munimine confirmo. Hiis testibus: Alano de Novavilla, Hugone de Gundevilla, Hugone Huse, Willelmo Huse, Robert Clerico Huse, Alexandro de Poterna, Arone de Poterna, Richardo de Chivetuna, et pluribus allis."

Henry Hussey held Standen Hussey (or South Standen) Manor, receiving the property because of his support of King Henry II, according to "History of Berkshire." He and his son Geoffroy Hussey were involved in the "tenancy of Stapleford Manor and in the breach of Southampton" about 1175, according to "History of Wiltshire."

When Richard I (The Lionhearted) came to power in 1189, he immediately organized the Third Crusade to wrest the Holy Land from the infidels. Henry Hussey, in spite of his advanced age and probably to make a good impression upon the new king, joined the expedition. Before he left he deeded the rent from a mill at Littleton, Wiltshire to Dureford Abbey, according to "History of Wiltshire."

The army sailed by sea in the fall of 1190 with a plan to winter on the island of Sicily in the Mediterranean. henry Hussey died about 1191 in the Holy Land, either in battle or because of the hardships of the crusade, according to "Complete Perrage."

Father: Hugh Hussey b: 1070 in Bath, Somersetshire, England

Marriage 1 Avis Tisun b: ABT 1120
Henry Hussey b: 1147 in Sanford Manor, Berkshire, England
William Hussey b: 1150 in Sanford Manor, Berkshire, England
Geofroy Hussey b: 1155 in Sanford Manor, Berkshire, England
The cited information was sourced from Website / URL published on December 5th, 2007 <> The author/originator was Michael Neuman.
  • Source Notes
      Descendants and ancestors of George Smith and Eva Goodale