Baron Neville of Raby
Burke's Dormant and Extinct Peerage, p. 393.
Sir John de Neville, 3rd baron, summoned to parliament asLordNevilleofRaby, from Febru a r y 24, 1868, to July 28, 1388.Thisnoblemanwascarried by his father to witness the batt l e o fDurham,beingthenscarcely five years old; and received the honour ofknighthoodandsom e ye ars afterwards when in arms before the barriers ofParis. Inthe44thof the same reig n h e wa s again in the wars withFrance,andthenconstituted admiral of the king's fleet fro m th e mou thoftheThamesnorthwards. During the remainder of King Edward'sreignhewasconstan tl y i n active service either in Frnce or Scotland.Inthe2ndRichard II, he was constitute d li eut enant of Aquitaine,andhewaslikewise seneschal of Bordeaux. It is reported of thi s noblemantthat hewas some time employed against the Turks; andthatbeinglieutenant ofAquita ine , h e reduced that province totranquility,andthat is in hisservice in those parts, he wo n , an d hadrendered tohim,83 walled towns,castles and forts. His lordship was aknight o f t heGarter.