General Notes
DEATH: George's will was written 19 May 1755 and entered for probate on12 August 1755 in Prince George's County, Maryland. It is recorded in Will Book 61 on page 219. Jacob Macseeney was the administrator. Joseph Willingsford and Ann McCenney were listed as the next of kin. In the Adminstrator's Accounts of the Perogative Courts of Maryland--Liber 40 folio 35; Anne Arundel County, mention was made of two children being bound out to Willam and Isaac Green. Payments were made to various people, including Benjamin Waringsford. It is dated 31 May 1756. The final settlement was made in Liber 42 folio 203 in Anne Arundel County on 15 March 1758. Ann Macseeney received one third of the estate. Joseph Wallingford received another third and Jacob Howard, on account of Thomas Howard received the final third. Why Joseph Wallingford received one third of the estate is confusing. Who was Thomas Howard? It cannot be decisively concluded that Ann was actually a Wallingford but there was obviously some connection between the Wallingfords and the Macceneys.
Page last modified 3/5/2016