Louisa Parrish Jones
Louisa Parrish was born in 1801 in
Virginia. Louisa Parrish is no longer alive.
General Notes
The 1850 Census shows Louisa Murphy 49 living with an M.B. Jordan (31) and his wife Sarah (20), presumably Lousia's daughter from previous marriage, and son Edward (1). In the house is a Mary Jones (16) presumably Louisa's daughter from previous marriage, Harrison Murphy (13), Louisa V. (11), Samual. (10) and Ezekiel (7). There are several Jordan farms nearby the Murphy land in the 1878 maps, but anything we could draw from that would be purely speculation. It is a little clumsey to be comparing an 1878 map to an 1850 census. I guess it is better to wait for a census closer to the time.
In 1878 There is a H Murphy living in Dist 12 near what we believe would be the Ezekiel Murphy Farm.
Page last modified 3/5/2016