The last great king of North Wales, who helped advanceWelchindependanceagainst Norman and E nglish dominance. Togetherwith his brotherCadwaladr, Owain led 3 expeditions1136-37agains t the English ofCeredigion to the south . Thebrothersravaged the region and establishedthe mselves thereupon hisfathers death in 1137. Owain took the throne ofNorthWalesHenry II wh o took the English throne in 1154 challengedOwainin1157. Both sides faired badly and an agr eement wasreachedwhereby Owainwithdrew to Rhuddlan and River Clwyd andrenderedhomage. He k ept up hisagreement until 1165, when hecombinedforces with Rhys Ap Gruffydd, hisnephew, th e Prince ofSouthWales, against Henry. Owain once againregained the CastleofBusingwerk an d Rhuddlan and pushed the border ofGwynedd totheestuary of the Dee River, He maintaned Nort hWelchindependencethoughout his lifetime but succeeding generationswereunequalto the task .
Owain Gwynedd fell into a deep melancholy when his mother diedin 1162.