Gelderland, Netherlands
References (10)
1140 Individual:
Otto I of Guelders
(b. ~1140 )
1155 Individual:
Agnes of Guelders
(b. ~1155 )
1185 Individual:
Gerald III of Guelders
(b. ~1185 )
1187 Individual:
Aleide of Guelders
(b. ~1187 )
1190 Individual:
Irmingard of Guelders
(b. ~1190 )
1205 Individual:
Mechtild of Guelders
(b. ~1205 )
1215 Individual:
Otto II Van Guelders
(b. ~1215 )
1220 Individual:
Margaretha Van Guelders
(b. 1220 )
1221 Individual:
Richardis Van Guelders
(b. 1221 )
1231 Individual:
Marguerite Brabant
(d. Sep 21st, 1231 )