Jorg Des Gerichts Heilgenpfleger Wacker & Anna Knosp
Jorg Des Gerichts Heilgenpfleger
were married in a religious ceremony on April 14th, 1644 in
Weil Schonbuch, Wurttenberg, Germany
. They had a son named
Johann Jorg
Family Notes
Personal Details
Jorg Des Gerichts Heilgenpfleger Wacker
Jorg Des Gerichts Heilgenpfleger was born on April 30th, 1621 in
Weil Schonbuch, Wurttemberg, Germany
. He died at the age of 71 on April 1st, 1693 in
Weil Schonbuch, Wurttemberg, Germany
Anna Knosp
Anna was born on April 17th, 1622 in
Weil Schonbuch, Wurttemberg, Germany
. She died at the age of 69 on January 2nd, 1692 in
Weil Schonbuch, Wurttemberg, Germany
Johann Jorg Wacker
Johann Jorg was born on August 26th, 1646 in
Weil Schonbuch, Wurttemberg, Germany
. He died at the age of 65 on October 16th, 1711 in
Weil Schonbuch, Wurttemberg, Germany
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