Alias:<ALIA> Joseph /Reading/
REFN: 8767AN
ORIGIN: Unknown
REMOVES: Cambridge 1632, Ipswich 1637
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: Admitted to Boston church as member #95, which wou
ld be in the winter of 1630-1 [ BChR 14].
FREEMAN: 14 May 1634 [ MBCR 1:369].
OFFICES: 24 September 1650: "Joseph Reding fined for not appearing to ser
ve on the jury" [ EQC 1:197]. Petit jury, 27 March 1655 [EQC 1:381]. 28 Se
ptember 1658: "Joseph Reding was released from ordinary training, paying s
ix shillings and eight pence per annum for the use of the company" [EQC 2:
117]; 29 March 1664: "Joseph Reding was released from trainings, paying 5
s. instead of 6s. 8d. for the use of the company" [EQC 3:143].
ESTATE: Held one house in town in the Cambridge accounting of 8 February 1
635/6 [ CaTR 19].
In the Cambridge land inventory on 10 October 1635 Joseph Redding he
ld three parcels of land: one house in town with a house and garden, abo
ut half a rood; three acres in Wigwam Neck; and two acres in the Great Mar
sh [ CaBOP 32]. In an inventory of about 1639 Robert Parker held two a
nd a half acres of marsh on the south siDe of Charles River "bought of Goo
dman Redding" [CaBOP 58]. In 1648 Joseph Redding paid 2s. in the rate to s
upport Major Denison, being of average estate among the Ipswich freem
en [ NEHGR 2:51].
In testimony presented at Ipswich court 10 May 1660, "Joseph Reddins" s
poke of a lot which had in the past lain in common with John Lea's [EQC 2:
201]. Annis Readding deposed on 23 September 1678 that "the land in contro
versy [between Thomas Borman and Samuel Hunt] was her husband's and hers f
or thirty years" [EQC 7:86].
In his will, dated 15 December 1673 and proved 30 March 1675, Joseph Re
dding of Ipswich bequeathed to "Agnes my beloved wife" during her life h
is entire estate; after her decease to the "children of my daughter Hunt
," both those living and those that may be born [ EPR 3:426-27].
The inventory of the estate of Joseph Redding was taken 8 March 1674
/5 and totalled £353 4s. of which £201 was real estate: "the house and hou
sing, homelot &c., £90"; "six acres aerable land at Labor in Vain, £45"; "
four acres marsh at Labor in Vain next fits, £30"; "one acre and a half ma
rsh and thatch next the creek, £9"; "six acres and three acres marsh at Pl
um Island, £18"; "one acre and a half pasture at Hart Break Hill, £9" [E
PR 3:427].
As late as 1693 the estate of Joseph Redding was being disputed among h
is grandchildren, the children of Elizabeth (Redding) Hunt [EPR 3:428].
BIRTH: By 1613 based on date of freemanship.
DEATH: Ipswich 19 February 1674/5.
MARRIAGE: By 25 March 1662 Annis/Agnes _____ [EQC 2:372]; she deposed 29 S
eptember 1674 aged about seventy [EQC 5:413]; there is no evidence for a
ny earlier wife, and she was presumably the mother of Elizabeth; she was l
iving as late as 17 November 1679 [EQC 8:311] and was deceased by 28 Mar
ch 1693 when her daughter Elizabeth Hunt of Ipswich, acting as executr
ix of her father's will, made a division of what was left of his estate af
ter her mother's death [EPR 3:428].
i ELIZABETH, b. about 1635 (deposed 24 September 1678 "aged upwa
rd of forty years" [EQC 7:86]; d. Ipswich 16 February 1706/7, aged 72
); m. by 1657 Samuel Hunt (eldest child b. Ipswich 17 November 1657).
TT HADDON implies that he may have been a servant of SIMON BRADSTREET a
nd may have come from the vicinity of Horbling, Lincolnshire (see JOHN BOS
COMMENTS: Ordered to build two rods of fence around the common lands in Ca
mbridge in a list dated 2 January 1632/3 but probably from a year or two l
ater [CaTR 5].
On 27 March 1660 Samuel Hunt and Joseph Reding sued Henry Walker for de
bt [EQC 2:195]. At Ipswich Court 29 March 1664 Joseph Redding stood sure
ty for Samuel Hunt, who had challenged the authority of the officers of t