REFN: 12670AN
Chief Justice
Serjeant-at-law; Justice of the Common Pleas; Chief Justice of the King
's Bench on 21 March 1324 until the end of Edward II's reign; reinstat
ed 28 Feb 1328 in Edward III's reign
2nd son
Founded the family of Scrope at Masham
1st wife Ivetta De Ros
2nd wife Lora Furnival
Knighted K.B. at Northampton
Foster writes: "He was frequently employed in diplomatic engagement, whi
ch obliged him for a time to resign his place in the court; served in t
he wars of France and Scotland; died 14 Edward III 1340"
Cokayne's Complete Peerage in Dave's Database.
Dave's Database. Utzinger, Dave, Rootsweb's WorldConnect, World Wide We
b: Available: [Online]: (
db=utzing) [30 August 2002].
GEOFFREY LE SCROPE, 2nd son, of Sir William LE SCROPE of Bolton, was bo
rn probably ante 1285; for in 1306, with Ralph de Bellerby, he was attorn
ey for Thomas de Meynill; 1310, granted by William de Brakenbury a rent o
ut of a mill in Thirsk; 1311, obtained a grant from John de Clavering in f
ee of the manor of Whatton, Northumberland and a grant of free warren to h
imself and his heirs in Coverham, Caldebergh and Agglethorp, co. Yor
k. In 1315, when he was already a King's serjeant, he was granted protecti
on for one year on 4 July, and on 1 September he was in a commission to su
rvey the waste of the castle of Knaresborough; 1316, certified as one of t
he lords of the townships of Warlaby, Carleton in Coverdale, Caldebergh, C
overharn and Scrafton, Kirklington and Marrick, co. York; July 1316, appoi
nted to take seisin of castles towns and manors of Conisborough and elsewh
ere in cos. York and Lincoln which John (de Warenne), Earl of Surrey, h
ad surrendered for himself and his heirs to the King, and afterwards to re
turn them to the Earl to hold for life; 22 August 1316, granted protecti
on for one year; on 1 July 1317, summoned among the Justices and othe
rs to attend Council at Nottingham, and so thenceforward. In 1317 he obtai
ned various grants of free warren. On 25 September 1317 he obtained licen
ce to crenellate his dwelling place of Clifton-upon-Ure; 1317/8, he was pa
rdoned for acquiring in fee without licence lands in Dalton; on 11 April 1
318 and thereafter, on commissions in Chester, Flint, Yorks; on 12 June ob
tained confirmation of grant to him and his heirs by Sir Gilbert de At
on of the manor of Eltham Mandeville; 1 December, appointed during pleasur
e, as King's yeoman and serjeant, to have the custody of all lands &c. he
ld of him in the North; January 1, 1319/20, licence for Joan, daught
er of John de Wauton, to grant to Geoffrey and his heirs 20 livres re
nt in Waltham, Barnoldby and Wathe, co. Lincoln, to hold in chief; 15 Sept
ember, joint commissioner to repair to Carlisle to treat for peace with Ro
bert de Brus; 6 October, appointed a trier of petitions of England and Wal
es; appointed as one of the "oratores domini Regis" in the Eyre of Lond
on in 1321; on 26 February 1320/1, granted the marriage of Eustache, daugh
ter and heir of Henry de Percy, tenant-in-chief; 16 April 1321, prese
nt at Gloucester at the delivery of the Great Seal; 15 June, obtained rele
ase from Sir Roald de Richmond of the latter's right in the manor of Const
able Burton; 13 March 1321/2, appointed to sentence Roger Amory for treaso
n. On 1 May 1322, granted protection for himself and his tenants of Bracke
n, co. York; 8 July, empowered with the Chancellor and others to enlarge p
ersons imprisoned for adherence to the Earl of Lancaster; in 1322/3, Willi
am de Ros of Ingmanthorp, knight, granted to Geoffrey le Scrope and Ivet
te (or Juette) his wife during their lives the manors of South Muskham a
nd Carleton, and later released them, as did his wife Isabel; 27 Februa
ry 1322/3, joint commissioner to degrade Andrew de Harcla, Earl of Carlisl
e, and pass judgment upon him; 1 April 1323, with William de Herle to tre