REFN: 4720AN
REFN: P4721
De Umfreville, the name of an English baronial family, derived from Amfrev
ille in Normandy. Members of this family obtained lands in Northumberlan
d, including Redesdale and Prudhoe, from the Norman kings, and a later mem
ber, Gilbert De Umfreville (d. 1245), married Matilda, daughter of Malcol
m, earl of Angus, and obtained this Scottish earldom. Gilbert's son, Gilbe
rt, earl of Angus (c. 1244-1307), took part in the fighting between Hen
ry III of England and his barons, and in the Scottish expeditions of Edwa
rd I of England. His son, Robert, earl of Angus (1277-1325), was taken pri
soner by the Scots at Bannockburn, but was soon released, though he was de
prived of the earldom of Angus and of his Scottish estates. His son and he
ir, Gilbert De Umfreville (1310-1381), claimed the earldom, which he hop
ed to gain by helping Edward Baliol to win the Scottish crown, but he fail
ed, and on his death without issue the greater part of his English estat
es passed to his niece, Eleanor, the wife of Sir Henry Talboys (d. 1370
), while others, including Redesdale, Harbottle, and Otterbourne, ca
me to his half-brother, Sir Thomas De Umfreville (d. 1386). Sir Thomas's s
on, another Sir Thomas De Umfreville (1362-1391), left a son, Gilbert De U
mfreville (1390-1421), who fought on the Scottish border and in France und
er his warlike uncle, Sir Robert De Umfreville (d. 1436). Although not rel
ated in blood he appears to have inherited the estates in Lincolnshi
re of the Kyme family, and he was generally known as the earl of Kyme, tho
ugh the title was never properly conferred upon him. In 1415 he foug
ht at the Battle of Agincourt; he was afterwards sent as an ambassad
or to Charles VI of France, and arranged an alliance between the English a
nd the Burgundians. He was killed at the Battle of Bauge on 22 March 142
1. His heir was his uncle Sir Robert, who died on 29 January 1436, when t
he male line of the De Umfreville family became extinct. The chronicler Jo
hn Hardyng was for many years in the service of Sir Robert, and in his Chr
onicle he eulogizes various members of the family.