General Notes
(Medical):surgery January 4 1963 for broken hip and put i n a dirty pin
Tombstone Inscription give middle initial as "A"
James Bring Me Some Coal
By Judy Allen - Jan 26, 2000
Yep that was the famous words out of Grandma Mary Wagner Br ady's mouth each holiday season.......
She would fix dinner for all of us...... she refused to us e the gas stove and oven that she had...... No, She had t o bake the turkey and all the trimmings in the Coal Cooksto ve..
Grandpa would have to go to the basement and bring some coa l up to fire up the oven..
I do not know what it was but that was the best tasting mea l we ever had.....
I would help her fix the pies from scratch and yes, they wo uld get baked in this Coal Cookstove too.......
Those were the family memories that last a lifetime.....T o be able to sit back the remember those good times is some thing that some children nowadays will never know...
As the saying goes, "THOSE WERE THE GOOD OLE DAYS!"
Page last modified 6/7/2019