General Notes
Merchant, Collins & Searls General Store
Byron And/Or Oakfield Schools Thru 8Th Grade At Most
Went by Roy or RC Searls. Listed as Roy C. Searls in famil y Bible and Mrriage book, but given name was apparently Cha rles Roy Searls. Business stationery shows "C. Roy Searls. " Did not tell his children and others about real given na me until late in his life. Listed as "Roy C. Searls of Byr on" in "One of the Long Island Families" by Lena M. Searls.
‌Charles Roy ("Rc") and
Lena May were married in a religious ceremony on September 7th, 1904 in
Oakfield, Genesee, New York.
Family Notes
Performed by Pastor M.E. Church. Witnessed by John I. Sear ls, Bessie M. Vail, and George E. Price
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