Clodion Merovingian King Of Cologne & Hildegonde (Ildegonde) Unknown
They had two sons named
Childebert Meroving
Family Notes
CHAN22 May 2007
Personal Details
Clodion Merovingian King Of Cologne
Clodion Merovingian was born in 0392 in
Cologne, Westphalia, Germany
. He died at the age of 56 in 0448 in
Bourgogne, France
Hildegonde (Ildegonde) Unknown
Hildegonde (Ildegonde) was born in 0399 in
. She died at the age of 51 in 0450.
Clodomir Von Worms
Clodomir was born in 0425.
Childebert Meroving King Of Cologne
Childebert Meroving was born in 0430 in
Cologne, Westphalia, Germany
. He died at the age of 47 in 0477.
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