Occupation: Farmer.
1747 Deed Land patent granted to Richard Willis for 262 acres in Amelia
County on both sides of Buffalo Food Creek in the fork of the
Nottaway River. Patent dated October 1, 1747.
1750 Deed Richard Willis of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County to William Lee of Drisdale Parish, King & Queen County for 260 acres grant
to Willis by Patent dated October 9, 1947, lying on both sides of
Buffalo Bed Creek in fork of Nottaway in Amelia County. Signed by
Richard Willis [with mark]. Ann, wife of Richard Willis releases
right of dower. Dated April 19, 1750, recorded April 20, 1750.
1756 Deed Land Patent granted to Richard and William Willis for 450 acres in Brunswick County on south side of Wagua Creek. Property adjoins Gilliams line, Joseph Daniels and Parrish's corner. Patent dated August 16, 1756.
1757 Brunswick County, Virginia Militia, 24 June 1757.
1764 Census: St. James Parish, Lunenburg County [later Mecklenburg],
Virginia. (List of tithables taken from Edmund Taylor in St. James
Parish: Willis, Richard, 2 tithes, 150 acres).
1767 Deed Waqua Creek, Brunswick County, Virginia; Richard Willis of
Mecklenburg County to William Willis of Brunswick County for
30 pounds for a parcel lying in Brunswick county of the south
side of Waqua Creek containing 450 acres. Land was granted to
Richard and William Willis by land patent dated August 16, 1756.
The land is bounded by Gilliams line, and Joseph Daniels. Ann
Willis relinquishes her right of dower. Recorded February 23,
1769 Deed South Side Allens Creek, St. James Parish, Lunenburg County [later Mecklenburg], Virginia; John Alloway of St. James Parish,
Lunenburg County to Richard Willis of Brunswick County for 30
pounds for 150 acres on South side of Allens Creek in St. James
Parish. Property is bounded by Christopher Hudson, Newbury
Hudson, Haines line and Harris's line. Witnessed by Mark Moon and
John Elliott. Elizabeth Alloway relinquishes are right of dower.
Recorded September 7, 1769.
1775 Will Mecklenburg County, Virginia, Will Book 1, Page 236:
In the name of God, amen. November the 13th day 1775. I Richard
Willis, Senior of Mecklenburg County, being very sick and weak,
but in perfect frame of mind, thanks be to God for his calling
unto mind the mortality of my body and knowling that it is
appointed for all ones to pay for all wants to us to make and
ordain this my last will and testament. That is to say
Principally: First I give and recommend my soul into the hands of
God that it gave and for my body I recomment to the earth to be
buried in a Christian like and...manner at the discretion of my
executors. Nothing doubting at but the general resurrection I
shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God as making
such world estate with it please God so blessed me in this life I
give service and dispose of the same in the following manner and
form. Imprimis. I give and bequeath to Ann Willis my dearly wife
my land where I now live and all my world estates besides after my
death is paid I likewise constitute and make and ordain my only
sole executor this my last will and testament all and singular my
viants encumbrances and tenements by my said wife to do with and
join and I do hereby destain revoke and disavow all and every
other form or testament wills and legacies and bequests and
executors by me in any way before this time named willed and
bequeathed gratifying and confirming and in no other to my last
will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal the date and year above mentioned.
Signed and sealed in presence of James Brown John Crowder Sherod
X Willis ss/Richard X Willis
Signed, sealed and delivered by the said Richard Willis a