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Male Winson Schaber Thiltgen Click to view Winson Schaber Thiltgen in the family tree

Winson Schaber was born on September 20th, 1904 in Sommers,Calhoun Co.,Iowa.  He died at the age of 63 on September 12th, 1968 in Petoskey,Emmet Co.,Michigan.

Winson Schaber's family with Helen Lucille Louwien

‌Winson Schaber and Helen Lucille were married in a religious ceremony on June 16th, 1934 in Bellville,Austin Co.,Texas.  They had three sons named Living, Living and Living.

Sources/Citations, My Genealogy, George,, World Family Tree Print Out of a Descendant of Benjamin Allen Tree, Tubbs, Johnston, Allen Etc. Betty Jo Vaughn,, Listed Source:, Family Tree, Tubbs, Johnston, Allen, etc. Families of Texas, Genealogy Report: Descendants of Benjamin Allen, Betty Vaughn,

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